Is sheik a boy?

Is sheik a boy?

Is Zelda for fucks sake u gay

Nope but she indeed use a bit of magic to look more like a boy than what she could naturally.

>that angle
why do artists do that?

now i can't see sheiks tits


But how do you know if she has them or he has them? For all we know link could be looking a male flat chested body with some visible abbs.

Sheik is a boy (female).

zelda uses magic to transform, she modifies her body and look. she doesn't need to grow a penis, but I think she would reduce her breast and change her feminine waist line. to me sheik would look like some sort of cuntboy.

sheik is male, it's just a fake character that zelda made up and disguise into. and that made up character is clearly male.

NO she's just a musclegirl under the dress from 7 years of impa teaching her how to be a ninja.

Zelda as a woman (boy).

Has link ever had sheiks boi pussi?

Shut up and suck my magic futa cock.

No but I've had Link's boi pussi

Only makes it better

This. Zelda dresses up like Sheik and Zelda is clearly female, but she allows people to believe that the warrior known as "Sheik" is male to help the disguise. We saw this years ago with Fire Emblem Awakening: Lucina disguises herself as the legend Marth, but that suddenly doesn't make Marth a girl just because the person under the mask is.

Places like Sup Forums are so hung up over gender they can't understand what a persona is.

Sheik is a boy (female)


we've gone too far

Someone with common sense. We know it's Zelda. It's just the persona/alias that's male. This was important in keeping her under wraps so Ganondorf didn't find out immediately.

A woman's well toned, bare back is very sexual

And that means she can't be a boy why exactly? Stop oppressing her.


for what purpose

so you can tell Sheiks emotion without seeing her face?

Post more lewd sheik




> :U

But not this

Link X Sheik
They fight and go through Dungeons together finding treasure and rare weapons, sheik has a boi possi (female) and link loves sheik very much and sheik loves link very much. OTP FOREVER FIGHT MEEEEE!

Sheik is CUTE

>is zelda for fucks sake?

Not bad

Oh, my dick.

>boi pucci (female)
aight now how does this work

Post more cute link x shiek you giga fag

>Sheik will never tenderly peg you while massaging your cock

Boi pucci (female) is weird. Whereas boi pucci is normally in the butt, the female version is in between a girls' legs where the feminine cock usually is

I don't think i like the removal of the feminine penis, just doesnt do it anymore for me


Shut up, no one cares about your freak made up words, loser.

This is the only one I can find that isn't DeviantART

It's ok I saved it anyway. I never knew I wanted this


>no sheik giving young link a reacharound
oh well, guess i'll just draw it myself.


Sorry for what? our gannon told us not to be ashamed of our tits_

>you will never take a wiff of Sheiks feminine protein farts

Shiek gave lots of young men a dick girl fetish so the autists can't come to terms with her being physically female. That being said, Ruto's dialogue tells us that Shiek is intended to be a man, just that Zelda does not magically materialize a penis.

Auto correct?

masculine vagina

I read that as muscular vagina and now I'm wondering if that's a thing
>a woman with a vagina so muscular she can squeeze the cum out

I love this board

Look up vagina excercises
Yes sex is better with women who do them

Everyone knows Marth is a girl. Have you ever seen him? It's why the very feminine Lucina could easily disguise herself as Marth.

Sheik has a really sexy walking in the 3DS version.

Also did Link ever fuck Ruto?

Considering his descendant isn't a mutant fish hybrid, probably not.

My thing was never "does Shiek have a dick?" so much as it was "is Zelda pretending to be an effeminate dude?" in the way that Mulan pretended to be a dude named Ping.

>So much as it was

Isn't that literally the point of Sheik? She pretends to be a dude to go out and fight.

she just holds her shoulders out to her sides, try it now, try standing like she does as sheik, its easy

Sheik accomplished exactly nothing and was a useless dingus.

Yeah but what if zelda was a girl? Do you think the games would be as popular if they starred a girl as the main character?

>/biz/ phoneshitposting on Sup Forums

>That one doujin where Link fucks Zelda where the Shiek illusion is still active, and it ends with Link getting that ass torn by a random carpenter

Except she never fought. Ever. She pretended to be a dude in order to hide herself from Ganondorf. The one who did 100% of the fighting was Link.

In the seven years during Link's sleep, Zelda did precisely fuck-all.

Sheik was pretty flat which makes this overly weeb drawing inaccurate.

chest bindings

Remember that Zelda sent Link back with the ocarina of time and fucked up the timelines.

And didn't even put out, worst Zelda.

Here you go.

Has anybody ITT ever had a nosebleed from being aroused?

Am I really a boy?

>crossdressing boy (female)
a reverse trap pretending to be a trap?
my dick doesn't know whether or not to stand


>finding out competitive smash players only sit 100% of the time in either sheik or zelda
>and its never zelda

that day i knew i hated smash.


Shiek fits that embarrassed strong woman fetish so well.


how come when animes see boobs they always snort raspberry lemonade out their nose?

Shutup Chris chan

Sheik has a nice chest.

Because slants have a genetic disorder that caused them to bleed when flustered.
