Knack Sold more Copies than Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0 on PSN in January

>ARK Survival Evolved is number 1

What the fuck? I thought everyone was buying GR2 and Y0? I thought it was a new age for PS4 exclusives?


Other urls found in this thread:!/en-us/games/addons/pso2-collaboration-pack-(gravity-rush-2-items)/cid=UP9000-CUSA03694_00-ACUSPSO2XXXXXXXX

People bought PS4s for games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, not these.

Niche titles normalfags don't even know exist, or dismiss it as weebshit. Still based of Sony to keep pumping out games like them even knowing they are going to sell much.

>why arent people buying japanese games on the dudebro machine?

Knack was on sale for five bucks less than a month after a sequel was announced and GR2/Y0 are both fully priced niche titles with fanbases that value physical copies.

Maybe because Knack was fucking $5 on a sale?

Since when are normies supposed to have good tastes?

Because I ain't buying digital and this game is 60€

>games that aren't fifa or CoD
>selling on PS4


It's fucking Knack. Everyone knows its shit while GR2 was not shit.

Why the fuck did no one buy GR2?

Sony's started to close down studios when titles don't sell. What happens when they start cutting Studio Japan because they have had two AAA flops in a row now with TLG and GR2?

>"But Bloodborne!"

FROM can make Bloodborne 2 without them. It won't be the same but it will happen.

>while GR2 was not shit.

knack was a blind buy that people bought because they were hoping for something like another crash/spyro/ratchet&clank/jak&dexter/yaddayadda
instead knack poisoned the well a bit since it got an advertising budget (I think, I don't remember commercials but I also don't watch things that have commercials in them) and it turned out to be mundane. Bad games will always make people more skeptical as time goes on. Not saying that knack is responsible for a lull in sales, but more like it didn't have a knack before it to make people think twice before buying knack.

You obviously never played Knack, for $5 it was a decent platformer.

Do these PS3 games listed have better performance or what? Is GTAV and TLoU the same as the retail PS4 versions?

Y0 came out on the last week of January. Doesn't really matter though, PS4 is a dudebro box first and foremost

Knack is probably the best game on PS4 right now.

Why didn't you buy Kat's game Sup Forums?

Meme spammers like you got Knack 2 made instead of something good.

Ps4? That's the weeb machine. Xbone is way dudebro.

More importantly, who the fuck is buying Street Fighter x Tekken in this year?

Because I still have too many things to finish right now, but it's a definite buy in 1 / 2 months

You're deluded if you think that more than 10% of PS4 are like us, user.

>Meme spammers
how about you look at the post you're replying to before replying, dumb dumb.

PS4 is the dudebro machine by default by virtue of practically the entire 360 userbase switching after that disastrous E3 conference, and Nintendo never gets COD or GTA

That was last gen, now PS4 is both weeb and dudebro (mostly dudebro because they're more abundant) and Xbone is dead.

Let me guess, a 17 year old kid with either a physical or mental disability who got bullied in school wrote this.

Leave the kid alone, mang

literally who?

Wasn't Knack cheaper than a Skullgirls Steam sale?

But I did

Hahahahah, he thought the ps4 was the weeb machine and not the dudebro one! hahahahahahahah

Knack was $5 ya goof

Should've brought them to PC instead.

So that they can be outdone by League of Legends and CS Go instead?

>tfw bought Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0 and Nioh

PS4 is dudebro and Xbone's don't even exist.

No, pretty sure all the dudebros switched because the CoDs have time-exclusives DLCs on PS4 iirc.

>buying games
Sup Forums is 100% pirate scum

I don't even know why we care about sales numbers.

>using dudebro unironically

Sorry, still waiting %70 discount

Man, this post said it perfectly.

>tfw you've convinced 10 of your friends to buy Yakuza 0 and they all love it.
I've done my part, why haven't you?

SBFP and Giant Bomb will start and are LPing the game right now. This will drive sales up.

>GR2 wasn't shit meme
Compared to the first it's terrible. It's still essentially gravity kicks to win but now with forced stealth sections and tedious, endless amounts of side quests. Oh! And we force you to use this stupid fucking camera for everything and every other mission is "ask around town for _______"
Whoever is the stupid shithead who thought it'd be good to make missions in a game about a girl who flies around and kicks the shit out of stuff without flying around and kicking shit should be publicly hanged

Just bought GR remastered. I've yet to decide if Im going to get GR2.
The only thing I know about Gravity Rush besides "falling upwards". And the reason im trying out GR.
Kat is cute

numbers mean I can say that I'm better than you and here's proof because you also think big numbers means someone's better than someone.

That's what it pretty much boils down to around here.

Playstation have some great exclusive games, but almost all Playstation fans are shitters and buy and play only ND movigames or openworld/shooter memes.


I bought GR2 physical. That said, sales in general haven't looked so hot for it. Damn shame, game's pretty fun.

Reminder that Sonyponies doesn't actually buy games

go back to reddìt, moralfag

This is just sad.

And yet Sega still refuses to bring Yakuza to PC.

its sonygger, not sonypony, nintendobabby


I think you're confused user.
Filthy mustard thread is that way ->

Knack also had a better implementation of PS4 Pro support than Gravity Rush 2, and it was a fucking PS4 launch title.

I enjoyed the gravity rush, but didn't find it interesting enough to buy a full price sequel.

Never played yakuza but I want to play to older ones first when I start going through my backlog

>digital sales


It will sell 10 copies like usual and with stolen keys and 80%discounts

> sony closes down studios that don't make money
> what is sony electronics
> what is playstation now
> what is playstation network

If sony shut-down divisions that don't make money (or are pure cancer), they'd be much more successful than they currently are.

that's your average sony fan on Sup Forums

Sounds like Gravity Rush and Yakuza got KNACKED the fuck out.

>no one buys weab garbage except pathetic Sup Forumsirgins


enjoy never laying your head to sleep with your arms wrapped around your loving girlfriend

It's less of memes and more of Mark Cenry who won't let it the fuck go.

It's still assblasted over how people hated Knack and the sequel exist to show "THIS WILL BE GOOD I SWEAR"

probably because most people bought them physical, especially Yakuza 0 for the business edition.

But I did buy this game. I played the first chapter and got into a rigged contest with some fag and stole his bells after kicking the shit out of him.

So get fucked OP.

You're as big a favor as that faggot who's bells I kicked.

>Digital sales
You also have to remember the fact that many games were released pretty close to each other.

I did though

Why the fuck do you keep asking this?

>PS3 Games
>#1. Devil May Cry HD Collection
I know it was because of the PSN sale where it was 3 bucks, BUT GODDAMN GIVES US DMC5 CAPCOM! PEOPLE WANT IT!


I bought Kat's game. Not digital though.

Jap games are largely shit, only autists give a fuck about these turds.

>Digital releases of brand new games don't sell very well

oh fuck my mind is fucking blown

Nothing excuses purchasing garbage like Ark or The Order 1880shit though. Lot of PS4 owners need to kill themselves.

well, Knack 2 does have coop
dunno why they made knack 1 without it

>Assuming Sup Forums is nothing more than a very small percentage of gamers

There's a huge world out there.

>Watch Dogs 2

Well when you put it that way, I guess you are right. I was having fun with GR2...

Most PS4 owners are dudebros

Also if you buy games digital you can get physical unless they're on extreme sale you're so dumb yo

>implying I didnt buy it

Nice b8 thread OP

SEGA are the only ones to blame.
Those retarded slit eyed jews neglected the Yakuza franchise in the west for almost 10 years and when they did release those games, the butched them beyond recognition and spit in the fans' faces.
Fuck Sega, zero sympathy. They can fuck off and suck Nintendo's dick - which is bittersweet irony.

Jesuis christ I knew they were going to sell like shit but that's just ridiculous.

I'm almost certain these games would sell more on PC

>Nothing excuses purchasing garbage like Ark or The Order 1880shit though
This is like saying nothing excuses buying a copy of Troll 2, Birdemic, The Room, or anything by Niel Breen.

Hey faggot I bought it. Fuck off pcfags

>pc can't even outsell the Vita when they get ports

lol no

> buying singleplayer games at full retail price
> buying a year old game at full retail game just because it was ported to the west

Yeah nah

But single player games are the ones I like and generally want to support. Besides

>playing multiplayer games on a platform with paid online

But I did buy it. So get fucked.!/en-us/games/addons/pso2-collaboration-pack-(gravity-rush-2-items)/cid=UP9000-CUSA03694_00-ACUSPSO2XXXXXXXX


Gravity rush 2 should hae been released as a AA budget game like the first one, 40 dollars or so. I platted gr1 remastered but I wasn't going to pay full price for 2.

Yakuza 0 has no appeal to anyone not on this board, and even on this board I feel like it's just a small circlejerk of people.

I'll get those but not for full price. GR1 was fun but it was also free on plus so I didn't mind its flaws so much.


Here's the thing with 1 - on PS4 it was a remastered Vita game. 2 is WAY the fuck bigger than 1 is, it's actually got a ton of content. They definitely tried to make a $60 game with it.

I bought Yakuza 0 on a whim went I went to pick up a copy of RE7 on release.

RE7 was okay, but I'm still playing 0 even after 100% that shit.

Alright I'll admit I bought the order when it was on sale, but only for the trophies.

nobody wants shitty waifubait games

PS4, like every PS, is the everyone-machine. And among that "everyone" dudebros greatly outnumbers weebs/core gamers.

>Top Downloads

The people who play GR2 and Yakuza are the type to buy physical.

>Who come a 4 year old product sold more then a newly released one.


The Gravity Rush demo did nothing for me.

Is the hype on here just waifufags?

Nah, the appeal is admittedly hit or miss. I really like GR but I'll admit it won't be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine.

But I did buy it.

>buying digital copies of the games

Who would do that?
Console games you buy physical copies so you can keep a collection and borrow games to friends.

>8 The Order: 1886
