How can anyone prefer consoles over PC?

How can anyone prefer consoles over PC?

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exclusives and ease of use (even at the detriment of lack of options)

Hackers on PC ruin multiplayer for souls games

There are hackers on the consoles as well.

>muh couch gaming meme

actually a valid point, hackers exist on consoles too but not nearly to the same extent

not this generation

>needing exclusives just to sell

OP asked "how can anyone prefer" not "why don't I personally prefer"

What are you, 10? exclusives have existed since the first console. Fucking hell these 12 year olds.

Did you graduate middle school?

DaS WITH dsfix texture filtering is probably the best looking Souls game out of all 5.

Isn't there a mod for that?

PC looks too clean. Not proper artstyle.

This is the only reason home consoles are sold since the 7th generation

I can't really afford a good pc, or to keep one up. wish I could

i like that jagged look, reminds me of the first time i played metal gear solid

Nah, it's mostly the ease of use. Plenty of normies buiyng a console just for FIFA and Madden.

Exclusives were a consequence of platforms being vastly different from another though and porting was a major effort. Nowadays, the platforms are quite similar and most of the popular engines come with out-of-the-box porting. That is why we're seeing fewer exclusives than ever before. The manufacturers need to pay developers to not port a game to different platforms in order to justify the easy money they're missing out on.

Right is to clear, it looses a lot of detail.
Read up on scanlines the same rules apply here.

Yeah I wanted to add "that and the people who don't want to bother" but I posted too early

absolutely broken without dsfix.
so many bad ports and dead online communities.
i have no idea why i spent over £1000 for my pc when i only play dota and emulators, and occasionally boot up star citizen


The vast majority of the console audience aren't weeaboos who care about obscure exclusive titles. The vast majority of the console audience are lower class people who want to play sports/fps/racing games.

I don't have thousands of dollars.and ocd. So consoles are my pick.

Here's the thing, I have an room for my PC, like muh gamur room, but sometimes I just wanna be in my bed playing videogames, so here's the thing or I move my Pc everytime I want to do that, buy another PC or get a cheap console with somes games.

Right is obviously a videogame, left is more cinematic.

This and also the playerbase is usually lower on PC

but is also true user, just deal with it
i have only pc and don't complain

>xx420yoloswagblazeitxx has invaded
>infinite health
>infinite stamina
>no hitboxes
>corrupts your save file

Gee can't imagine why OP

Why is it a meme? I play videogames for fun. I'm not dropping $1500 on a machine that will require constant tinkering to keep working lest a driver fall out of date and screw everything. My laptop can won all the games I want to run on PC, and my consoles are what I do the bulk of my playing on. On the couch.

>what is PVP Watchdog

>~200 hours on each of the souls games on pc
>saw a hacker twice on all souls games
I don't play a lot online, but I almost never play offline. This seems like a non-issue to me

I understand all the complaints against being a fag and cheating but why care at the end of the day?

You lose nothing that can be regained so get creative and win somehow. After 20 years of pc gaming beating a cheater is still the most satisfying thing to do. Their goal is to ruin your fun so your goal should be to ruin their fun.

>i spent over £1000 for my pc when i only play dota and emulators
welcome to the club famalam

>but sometimes I just wanna be in my bed playing videogames
Here's your solution

Hey how about this.

How about this one.

Who fucking cares?

Ya nerd.

>be PC gamer entire life
>have never used a mod because it's just some retarded 14 year olds idea of game balance

I just don't get the point of modding games.

pic related is why some people prefer consoles. it took them a year to release on pc with 720p resolution, 30fps and only 16:9 support.

How can someone do everything THIS wrong?

Have you never played fucking DOOM WADs?

They're also very rare and ruins you from 1 to 3 minutes of your time because you just disconnect and move on.

You're not a true Bethesda fan if you never modded Skyrim

Because people believe the lies of anus

Sounds like you're just lazy. I literally have my computer and my consoles in the same room, and can comfy it out in bed with consoles and then change to PC if I want to.

>be PC gamer entire life
Are you 10 years old?

This is a 20 years old game with mods.

its almost like not everyone has the exact same room setup in the world

>Compairing pc to last gen game

Now compare das2 sotfs ps4/bone to pc.

>$1500 on a machine that will require constant tinkering to keep working lest a driver fall out of date and screw everything

Computers aren't as scary or expensive as you think.

What the fuck is das2 sotfs

A shit port is always better than playing on consoles.

>he thinks playing on pc makes him upper class

We really need a pc containment board.

Nah, he's been a PC gamer for his entire life of 16 years

>absolutely broken without dsfix
So the console versions are absolutely broken?

I think we are in bigger need for a Sonygger containment board.

Anyone else hate the sound of walking through grass in DaS1? Headphones on, that shit really irritates the hell out of me

Some games handle way better on gamepad than keyboard/mouse, though they are rare. Console can do couch co-op REALLY well. Fighting games don't really fit with the pc, along with a few other genres. Loyalty to a console and its community/games goes a long way if people started young. Exclusives are nice, but I don't think people honestly switch platforms for them and just brag about them online instead. I could be wrong though.

It just doesn't feel right on PC...

your laptop is a pc.

>machine that will require constant tinkering to keep working lest a driver fall out of date and screw everything

i have consoles and a pc. i have never had to constantly tinker with my pc and worry about drivers. most shit just updates by itself if needed. you make it sound like some chore to even own a pc.

so this is the power of PC... whoa

>Fighting games don't really fit with the pc
How so?

>Console can do couch co-op REALLY well
Consider the following

>there goal is to have fun at your expense
>your goal should always be to have fun

just have fun together.


For most people it's because they're retarded or don't understand how computers work.

You can clearly see the audience they're aiming at e.g.

>marketing the ps4 pro as 4k
>making the ps4 appear cheap at $250, then charging $60 a year to use the internet properly

Some people buy them because of exclusives, but barely anyone uses the ps4/xbone to play exclusives instead of the latest multiplats.

so this is the power of PS4... whoa

>plug PC into TV
>boot into some console interface

>What is a steam link
>What is the nvidia shield

Woah indeed

Some people are poor, dumb, and/or lazy.


>this is Freespace 2

lol wat?

no elder scrolls mods? no mount and blade mods?

you're missing out

Early on in a Souls game's life, there are always those cancer fags, console and PC alike who fuck everything up and DS3 had the most prime example yet.
>A Broken Straight Sword that gives the player 10K Souls, turns them into a Dragon and Hollows them on hit
>After 3 swings, most people get a Soft Ban that permalocks them into the Cheater Servers
>Was just invading for like 3 days straight in Farron Keep Swamp
At the same time though, PC has a form of Cheater than Console doesn't, those who do things for fun instead of just "toggle god mode and invade."
>Big head mode
>Teleport bosses out of their arena for unique combat experiences
>That one guy who wielded every weapon simultaneously

pretty sure he means darksouls2 scholar of the first sin

Actually Freespace 1 campaign ported to the improved engine thanks to source code being provided.

not him but i never saw the point of elder scroll mods. every thread is about porn mods or chracters that dont fit the art direction of the game and seem out of place. im not saying there arent really good mods but your average modder dont have much sense for aesthetics

do people not use their PC from the couch?

woah... i spent $1200 for this?

a good pc is cheaper than the console it outclasses.

Consoles are better for eastern games
PC is better for western games

if a game needs to me modded to be enjoyable, it's a shit game

prove me wrong.

But it's not like gamepads and gamepad support exists on consoles only...
Why do you people always use the gamepad as some sort of justification as to why one system is better than the other? Sounds pretty ignorant t b h.

The way you type you probably wouldn't even be able to finish the tutorial.

I don't know what games are like this, but a good example would be something like a 30fps lock which needs to be removed.


left looks better imo. better visual style. but i know from memory that it runs like shit in comparison

Doesn't that say a lot about console ports?
Even so, you're wrong because modding is rarely ever "needed", it's merely an option.
A chance for the player to add his own vision to the game, for better or for worse.

Modding a shit game into a fun one gives you more fun games to play.

Prove me wrong.

I'll be honest, the only games I have for my PS4 are Bloodborne and FFXV. But yeah the vast majority of console users absolutely play everything on them, otherwise the systems wouldn't be profitable at all.

There were fucking tons of hackers in all three souls games on PC. Even now there are hackers. It doesn't help that it's so fucking unbelievably easy to do either.
I loved doing it in 1. I'd raise my stats so I could use weapons I shouldn't at at soul level 1 and I'd invade the undead burg and smash little faggot babies faces in with overpowered weapons

I prefer consoles>pc because
>better exclusive games
>ealier access to multiplats
>better playerbase(no russians, huemonkeys, cheaters, griefers etc)
>no private servers with autistic cancerous admins
>easy to use
>no crashes
>I've been mostly playing on nintendo and sony consoles for like 20 years or so now and I'm just used to it
>no need to upgrade every 6-12 months
>no piracy(supports the gaming industry)
>consoles are good for the competition in terms of prices and variety of games
>I rather play emulators on my handhelds(psp and nds)
>I rather support the japs than some american jews with my money
>I think gameplay>>>>>fps>graphics
etc etc

This has got to be the most ridiculous bogeyman, over hundreds upon hundreds of hours of play I have never encountered a hacker.
It's honestly the same sort of shit like generalising the whole pc userbase as pirates.

Stop this meme.

It's really just exclusives at this point and Sony knows it. That's why they are focusing so much on them. With the constant required updates and frequent technical issues in modern console games, they've lost the appeal of simplicity. Console gaming is worse in every way this generation but you're forced to play some of the best games coming out on a shitty underpowered console.

>buy multiple shit

>Hello, I am an idiot

>all that visual fidelity in Dark Souls we would have never seen if it weren't for durante
some of those textures were really fucking good

That's true, but even if you filter out anything that you don't find to be lore-friendly enough (which I do as well, I don't like anything that feels out of place like skimpy armour or stuff from other games) but there's so many immersion and quality-of-life mods that add a huge amount. Just simple things like adding ambient sounds and improving lighting and adding more grass and foliage make it a much more pleasant game to play.

>I don't play a lot online, but I almost never play offline
that doesn't even make sense

>what is console online subscription
>what are extra controllers ($60+)
>what is a television

Why yes, console has a lot of additional costs, you're right