ITT: Games you just can't abandon/not defend against the evil Taiwanese yo-yoing board users.
ITT: Games you just can't abandon/not defend against the evil Taiwanese yo-yoing board users
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i don't care how impenetrable the learning curve is, this is the greatest shmup ever made. dudebro cavecucks' neolithic brains literally can't grasp this.
>bash other games like baby's first fps and walking simulators
>make a thread about my favorite game
>only positivity
Star Wars: the Old Republic.
Yes it was buggy as shit at launch.
Yes, its got its fair share of problems.
Yes, I've seen the webm.
But the fact of the matter is that it is the best MMO out as of right now.
Same, senpai. Shit is just too fun
>it is the best MMO out as of right now.
DMC4 is objectively superior in terms of being an actual game with advanced gameplay than DMC3 and that is ALL THAT MATTERS.
Its like if a new monhun game came out with a total monster count of 12 and everyone declared it the best to date because it finally got a competent story.
TOR is an alright MMORPG if you actually don't want to play MMORPGs and are just in it for the story and Star Wars license.
Ultra Street Fighter 4 is the pinnacle of fighting games
It's not ALL that matters. The level design was pretty fucking awful.
That said, I still love DMC4 and agree that it has killer gameplay mechanics.
>DMC4 is objectively superior in terms of being an actual game with advanced gameplay than DMC3 and that is ALL THAT MATTERS.
I don't think anyone actually argues that. DMC4's problem was not gameplay, though.
>TOR is an alright MMORPG if you actually don't want to play MMORPGs and are just in it for the story and Star Wars license.
Yeah that seems about right. I do like the social aspect of it, though.
I had the third most kills in the world on the Xbox 360 release of Blacklight: Tango Down at one point, with a respectable KDR of 2.4
I know all about playing mediocre games to death.
runescape is the best game ever made
Most people will argue DMC3 is an overall superior game. Even if 3 did more things right 4 got the most important part nailed down.
>regarded as shit
by literally whom? (civ shills excluded)
>1400 damage pursuer + soul spear combo
>+9 stuff by the time you reach mcduff because of bellbros
Drakengard 3 has some of the most horrible and repetitive gameplay in vidya history, yet its still my favorite game of all time.
Demon's Souls is the best game I've ever played.
A lot of it *is* shit I don't like it's gloomy atmosphere and fighting in the dark zones makes some really intense game play when you are not dealing with hackers.
source pls
"the webm"?
what webm?
I never realized how much of a Tom Clancy fanboy I was until this game came out. Sure, I clocked 300+ hours in Splinter Cell Blacklist but this, this is something else completely. Fuck you, I like it.
I got so many to pick but this is probably the most universally disliked game i can think of.
Just you wait for Ghost Recon Wildlands
Spoilers if you didn't play the beta: It's an abomination
You can like it but it is a boring piece of shit
I did play the beta and honestly i found it fun as fuck, not even pretending.
I preordered the game with season pass for $99.99
Sonic adventure 1 and 2
player since launch, this is correct. Especially recently the group content has been pretty shit but the story is divine for an MMO and it's still really fun
Jesus christ, it's the most half-assed game I've ever seen
>optimised like shit
>plays like shit
>animations are shit
>AI are braindead
>not enough enemies at the bases and they drop like flies
>farcry format for the 50th time
It used to be SMNC, I stayed with that game until it just died from no users. Why does Uber Entertainment have to be so shit
My fucking man
So sad that game died, I loved MNC and loved SMNC even more
Tank for life
Good game; ruined by no support though fuck what they reworked endorsements into.
Also Megabeth.
Just search "Jaesa Willsaam" on R34Paheal.
Yes I realize it's a meme. Yes I am aware that it's different from the original game. Yes I understand that the plot is stupid and Wesker and the evil clone Ada act like anime villains.
I still loved 5 & 6.
RE6, and still I think it's superior to 7
Perfect Dark Zero did a lot of great things that even good modern FPSs can learn
Harmony of Dissonance is fucking great, prople just shit on it for the presentation
Fallout 3
I have the best memories of playing 5 co-op drunk, 5 is fun.
Once I realized the game was more fun just using auto resolve i sank way more hours into it. Its a competent battle system away from being GOAT.
It's the only ASSFAGGOTS that I've ever liked but everyone hates it. That one faggot spamming threads about it made it even worse. RIP
I like it user.
Gunplay and fun wise? Yes RE6 shits all over RE7. Story, exploration, and tension all goes to RE7 though.
Metal Gear Solid V is the best in the series because it had the best gameplay and that's all that matters.
With or without mods I still find it mindless and enjoyable to play
Kero Blaster.
The Kingdom Hearts series in general.
Shovel Knight.
Crash Bandicoot 1-3 and Twinsanity
Spyro 1-3 Fuck EtD
Lovely Planet
Sonic CD
Intrusion 2
Walking simulators
Cook, Serve, Delicious
Undertale, but I've given up on trying to talk about it since it just completely derails every thread ever.
I like a lot of games.
Tales of legendia
Fucking love the game and its simplistic combat, I can completely understand the hate for it but I really think the story and characters are actually really good
>See thread about a game I like
>Post in the thread calling the game garbage and saying its fans have shit taste
>tfw no Kingdom of the Flies
>tfw no co-op missions
It still hurts
FF13, it has the best story of all FFs and there's no way you can convince me otherwise
People didn't like Kero Blaster?
I've seen people who either dislike it or think it's worse than Cave Story.
Both are fucking wrong.
Boycott konami, never buying something from them again
those people are heretics
blam them
Go to bed Jim.
How come?
Never giving up
I don't need to convince you otherwise, the only thing you've established is you have shit taste.
FF13-2 had better gameplay than 13 but somehow i still think 13 was better overall.
I guess 13 had a better story and characters while 13-2 was just retarded
It's better if you treat it like an intentionally hammy shooting spree like the later Saints Row games than a super serious story driven game like Sega originally wanted it to be
Elaborate on PD0
The character redesigns are some of the most asinine things I have ever seen, but it is a pretty damn fun fighter
Deus Ex Invisible War. It's good. The level design is good (although disjointed), the mission design is good, the variety to gameplay is phenomenal and has the best augs and customisation options ever seen in any DE game. It's also thematically excellent, really keeps that original Deus Ex soul.
I can not comprehend how anyone can dislike invisible war, calling it a shitty sequel not fit for the Deus Ex name, yet eat up Eidos' fan fiction, which deviates even further from everything Deus Ex stood for.
There's also absolutely nothing wrong with universal ammo. Fuck you. Your shitty hivemind opinion is wrong.
>Plan to boycott Konami
>Know i would abandon it for MGS3 remake with V gameplay
I'm nothing but a weak willed man
Though it's funny that Sup Forums is just about the only community that doesn't like this game, apart from so stray RPGCodex neckbeards.
wait you mean it was supposed to be serious?
It's good but it should've been so much more
It's hard to argue that the music in this is bad, so you know, having one irrefutable good quality in your game is probably more than most people can say.
Your boycott will probably be unbroken, sadly.
The Uncharted series. Nu-Sup Forums hates because it's popular and a Sony exclusive.
I see that the steam gift has a decent price on kinguin, do you think that it is worth getting it for that price?
Sup Forums hates it because it's the posterchild of "cinematic" modern gaming.
At one point. But then Sega decided that it was getting too harsh and would alienate younger fans, so they backpeddled. Then they decided it wasn't edgy enough to be taken seriously.
By the time they were done flip-flopping with the writing and tone, the framework around it was already done, and they ended upp with the pieces of a serious, if generic story in an game that's still mechanically and visually Sonic, save for a few levels, and with dialog that can't deiced if it wants to appeal to young kids or sound like something from a bad shonen series
I doubt that will happen in the near future.
How did general autism survive? How did he find the vault? Why did the Enclave have to finish purity themselves? Why not take it after it's finished? Why did Fawkes die from radiation poisoning?
I fucking hate this game so much but deep down i keep hoping that next patch is gonna fix everything, when in reality even deeper down i know capcom is just gonna sit with their thumb up thier ass and make people shill out for more DLC
>typical Sup Forums rebuttal
give me another final fantasy with a story as great as FFXIII, exactly
The branching paths were genius, shame it plays like shit.
>hijacking thread
Final Fantasy XIII
It's unfair to call it irredeemably shit when it has arguably the best gameplay in the series. Yes, the corridors suck. Yes, the story is confusing as fuck. Yes, it is a massive waste of potential. No, you don't also have to appreciate it. But I don't care, I fucking love FFXIII.
>havent played tera
loyalty to your morals user, or loyalty to the boss?
Most of those are universally liked and even praised on Sup Forums.
If you defend anything about KH aside from music or gameplay (which shouldn't be getting much flak anyway) you're human garbage.
I know it becomes a pain in the ass when the Trigen are introduced but it will always be one of my favorites.
Also I don't want shitty open world games, I just want wide open levels. Why does it always have to be either linear levels or repetitive sandboxes. Ubisoft sandbox games are the worst.
There is literally nothing wrong with Kingdom Hearts's story if you aren't a soulless faggot.
It's literally just a Disney movie blended with your average shounen. Shit's great.
Originally the hate wasn't really for the games, it was a reaction to the ridiculous praise they kept getting. They're decent games for what they are, they simply never deserved the praise or most of the abuse they got.
Not him but Tera is hot garbage. It was shit on launch, it got worse when it went F2P and its even worse now.
>tfw me and friend were stuck on the 1-3 it think. its that part after you jump down there is a home and executions are taking place and big enemy smashes the gate for 10 fucking hours was fun as fuck all the time
as cliche as it is, I love it
Altough DDD HD is getting on my nerves, due to the cutscenes dragging like a mother fucker
that and the digimon ripoffs
Speed Power Gunbike.
One of these days, I will convince somebody else to play past the first level of this masterpiece.
I'd argue a certain kind of exploration is an important part of a JRPG's gameplay and XIII dropped the ball on that so hard. The combat may be some of the best the series has seen but that's not saying much when it's been either fairly simplistic turn based or shitty ass ATB for the most part.