Bikini armor is objectively less fashionable and appealing than real armor, and only perverted 12 year olds who masturbate to anime will argue otherwise.
Bikini armor is objectively less fashionable and appealing than real armor...
>I'm gay
What a surprise; OP is a faggot once again.
a tried and true gem
He's right.
>12 year olds who masturbate to anime will argue otherwise.
I only had the german equivalent to the Sears catalog, fuck you.
>I'm attracted to men
Homosexuals detected
>Bikini armor
>men getting triggered by boobs
something went seriously wrong somewhere along the line
Most games that use bikini armor never attempt to be anything other than blatant pandering so who cares. You don't buy those games unless it's what you want.
When it turns up in a game that otherwise pretends to be serious then I don't think there's a valid argument in its favor.
Ultimately who gives a fuck, I don't buy fanservice shit because I don't like it. I'm not suddenly suddenly going to enjoy this trash just because the chest was covered up.
but what about armor burka?
Speaking as a perverted 28 year old who masturbates to anime, I'd say both have their merits.
Real men know that the sexiest outfits know what to leave to the imagination.
Bikini Armor shows too much, it's boring.
Jokes on you, I have a full armour undressing fetish.
>i have autism the post
You might be too young to remember, but there was actually a long period of time where practically all fantasy games had bikini armor, whether or not it was appropriate or fitting for the setting.
>A giant paper bag is the most attractive because it lets me use my imagination the most
You know what, I would expect nothing less from a retard that doesn't understand this concept.
oh honey...
It's true. That's why the best sex/porn includes foreplay. If you rush right in, it's boring. Like a good story, you need build up, you can't just rush to the top.
You know the whole thing started with Conan , right?
Is that how you fuck your boyfriend? Just 'imagine' he's a beautiful woman? ;)
>bikini armor has the best stats in the game
I agree completely, female armor in Monster Hunter bugs the fuck out of me. It's nowhere near as cool as male armor.
I think it's sexier too. A badass, awesome warrior knight type fully clad in armor actually being a soft, cute girl makes me rock hard.
so true , why would anyone watch gonzo porn? Doomed to fail I say.
Name them. I can't think of any fantasy games that had bikini armor.
Not that guy, but I do get rock hard from girls with full helmets on. The faceless thing is oddly arousing.
Depends on the context.
Bikini armour can be awesome and fun in a silly setting. Girls in full armour can be awesome and cool in a serious setting. And it can work anywhere inbetween too.
>Getting this mad over bikini armor being a pleb taste.
I bet you have a shit tier fetish like "thicc" girls too.
>Real men know that the sexiest outfits know what to leave to the imagination.
dem rape vibes.
Bikini armor and highheels.
>needing armour when you can go fast instead
Neverwinter Nights, if I'm not mistaken.
World of Warcraft had some too.
'Real men' used to make their woman dress up to hide their bodies so other men wouldn't lust after them as a form of control.
A form of waifu-ism, to be honest. It allows the user to feel they have more control over the object of their desire.
Golden Axe
>low level stuff
>looks like generic armor
>high level epic enchanted endgame gear
>looks slutty
If this was an mmo the bubble wouldn't be saying def down? It'd be saying wtf fucking whales ruining game pay2win shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
To be honest, I enjoy both.
>Japanese games don't have enough full body armor
>Western games don't have enough lewd armor
>playing a game in a biki is some how te same as sex
mate wtf is your autistic brain thinking?
Neverwinter Nights only had an NPC that wore boob armor, and it was unique to her. The armor the women characters wore were normal enough.
And MMOs are true enough. Every one of them has some set of boob-plate.
Character designers ought to choose between armor and skin. I like scantily clad women and I also like cool armor. Bikini plate is never cool, and is always less sexy than leather or textile -- you know, flexible stuff that hugs the body, like you'd actually want to see on an actual woman.
If you're into tits, you shouldn't support the practice of putting tits into salad bowls. That's just an excuse to half-ass them, and they do.
I remember Plate Armor becoming boob armor when worn by female characters, but it's been so long that I might be wrong on that one.
>I don't understand comparisons.
As expected of Sup Forums
>be western dev
>make armor for women
>it's copypasted mens armor
no thanks
depends on magic enchant stats
I disagree
>Implying reverse traps aren't god tier.
But that's not metal. Skimpy leather armor is just fine, even if it's still sillier than practical armor. In any case, I can't think of any DQ heroes who even wear plate armor.
That's because they're full of valor!
>fancy dresses with metal leggings and long gloves
Why isn't there more of
>top is tight or revealing, could be bikini or straight naked
>bottom is heavy or baggy and covering, possibly armored but isn't about revealing
Seriously, it's the best.
>gym skin for Rein never ever
>his weapon would be a giant barbell
Why did it have to be Zarya
The blue hair girl with the cutouts for her hip joints is much sexier than the bikini slut.
Does that even count as bikini armor? That's just a fucking school girl outfit with pauldrons, gauntlets and greaves slapped on for no reason.
>i compare apples to lug nuts when talking about food
you what? i guess i cant argue with autism, people like you never can get rational thinking
Back to Isreal Ahmed
Mai is special and best girl
Cool female battle armor > bikini armor
Bonus points if the armor is badass but the helmet is cute
>"real men"
My sides.
No one said anything about metal and I doubt it'd make much difference either way.
Regardless, bikini or otherwise, fantasy girls showing a bit of skin isn't anything to get upset about.
Youre a faggot if you care about this at all.
Well, I mean if you're comparing something they have in common sure. Ironic, that you're talking about autism, yet you have such a hard time grasping how things could be similar in a way that you don't understand. That lack of empathetic reasoning is an actual sign of autism, all memes aside.
Kill yourself kid.
Why call 12 year olds' interest in sex perverted?
>comparing the act of sex where mental stimuli is as important as phisical
>to looking at a charicter in a game with no sexual interaction at all
how are they the same? you are a fuckign retard mate
>not bikini nor armour
nigga what you on about?
>These motherfuckers don't appreciate women in full combat regalia.
Bunch of heretics, all of you.
ITT: STR fags bitching about DEX fags
How did FE's designs go so downhill?
How about full body armor that emphasizes the gurl's currrrves
>Ara ara
>i need to be constantly aroused or the inner uncertainty about my sexuality will cause me to implode
The purpose of Bikini Armor is to show off how competent you are in your abilities. That's why the strongest people in any given universe barely wear clothes.
Titania was perfect
>i need to be constantly aroused , the end
>implying DEX fags aren't min-maxing number asswipes who might as well be accountants or jews with the way they love their numbers
Seriously, fuck you DEX fags and Ranger fags
Male armor is the best in Monster Hunter
That's actually an even worse idea, cause the curves end with smaller points that would cause more damage not less.
I can't get into Mai. She used to be a guy.
Women warriors are retarded and unrealistic perse
The series has really gone down the shitter I tell you what. Fucking otaku pandering, hentai designs are killing Fire Emblem.
Scantly clad women are disgusting
Anime women in plate mail is the sexiest thing on this earth
Guys have holes too. If you can't get into one you're not trying hard enough.
I'm perverted and masturbate to anime but agree. Bikini armor is only acceptable in h-games.
FF14 has the option to open/close the visor on some helmets.
How about a slut/unslut option?
Get the fuck out of here Takeuchi and actually make Nasu do some work.
And is now a full girl with rockin hips, tits and midriff.
>characters outright state that "less closing = more armor" is the way their world works
in a good way
I wish MonHun had more female armor that covered the face, as well as bulkier female armor in general.
Guys. Guys. Hold on a minute. It's almost as if... everyone has different tastes. Woah...
It's fine. Women in combat is already unrealistic enough so bikini armor isn't much of a stretch.
>having different tastes
Get out of here you faggot
nah , they are fine
user I said face-LESS. There are clearly 2 eyes, a mouth and part of a nose.
>Bikini armor is less appealing than real armor
>Only perverted 12 year olds who masturbate to anime will argue otherwise
It's usually a bad design choice, but you should never demonize or shame anyone for designing it or liking it. It exists just fine in a fantasy setting. If someone likes it, then fine. You seriously need to grow up, dude.
can't even transmog her into something slutty , fuck that bitch.