Entire planet is under attack

>entire planet is under attack
>earth defense force assembled
>they're on a budget
Jesus Christ, what the fuck were they thinking? You can't have a functioning economy going during this type of war. The alternative to not handing over their goods is to be completely annihilated by the alien forces. Money is completely out of the equation in this situation

Many nations want to buckle and give in to their demands, or use the funding they'd give XCOM to increase their own homeland security.

It's a videogame....

There has to be a resource limitation.....for videogame reasons....

They're not going to completely stop the world economy, especially given that there are all of one or two attacks every month, and occasionally a terror attack or UFO.

Given that each "credit" you get is probably akin to ten million dollars, if not more, it makes sense that they're giving all that they can.

understand that money is synonymous with resources.

>rookies cost 100 million dollars

Yeah man, also why don't I just get best of the best troops right at the start instead of these who can't even land pointblank shots?

>Black Ops group that acts without the jurisdiction of any country apart from a secret council
>No guarantee that they'll be able to win
>You still need to use your resources for your own military and defenses
>Chance that cooperating will make your country to be targeted

>xcom eu
>manage your base and fight ayys

>xcom 2
>manage your base and fight ayys
>also fly around the world map
>fly to a thing and scan it for a couple of days
>except every time you start to scan a new and more important thing will pop up
>also good luck gathering enough intel to contact other regions

They're throwing money into an inscrutable counter-conspiracy that can't leave a paper trail.

Flashbangs sure are fucking expensive then

>complaining about how XCOM 2 is too hard when it's three times easier than Enemy Unknown

Then give us those pro tips and tricks, user.

You alone seem to struggle with XCOM 2. Everyone and their mum felt it was an easier game.

git gud fgt

EU was very simple mate
XCOM2 was made trivial mostly by the OP decoys

Stop lying unlike i finished xcom and not xcom 2 on the same difficulty

The ayys are feeding them promises of peace and advance tech so long as they deny xcom support


Not him but I'm not sure how to categorize it. I mean, the amount of complete dick enemies in xcom 2 is way more than there ever was in xcom.

Dealing with XCOM enemies was fucking cake compared to all the special assholes in 2.

>One of the very first enemies you meet can mind control 1 of your 4 man squad to rape you.

Mind control was considered a top tier threat in XCOM man.

>money is completely out of the equation
Not only is it included that certain nations feel they have to keep the resources to focus on keeping their countries together instead of contributing to a global effort that might leave them on the wayside, several governments are compromised by infiltrators which try to either stoke those fears or redirect resources elsewhere.

The fact that enemies don't shoot at you enough is WHY 2 is easier.
Just flashbang the sectoid, or kill it.

If a "terror attack" ever happened you can bet your butt that all of the world's superpowers would get their shit together and point all their guns towards every xeno they find

Then you learn to play around it since pectoids really dislike using their gun if they have mindspin/raise zombie available.

>soldier gone on the field 18 times in a row
>is fine

>soldier got hurt by a manlet (lost 1HP)
>resting for 1/2 of the war

>people somehow have faith that an event could get _every nation_ on Earth to suddenly and seamlessly cooperate for the same goal at the same time
You are living in a fantasy.

Not only are there no events to substantiate these feelings from our past, but how peoples and nations _have_ responded to dire circumstances should show you precisely how likely it is that they'd instead feud and squabble to do what they think is right and in (chiefly) their best interests.

>general de Gaulle had to organize the resistance with only 100 000 francs
>"hurr durr how could clandestine military operations ever have limited funds"

Would someone do this
Just go on Sup Forums and talk nonsense about games that they haven't even played?

That's what I asked myself when he posted that XCOM 2 is harder than EU.

>has technology and manpower
>can't extract diamond and gold to get infinite money
Really makes you think.

Are you complaining about one of the few things Xcom 2 did better than Xcom 1?

Things are still run by capitalism and rule of law. If the government is allowed to nationalize private property then fine so long as the law allows it, but they're going to see investors flee overseas and end up losing more money than they acquired. The King of Spain spent all of his new world gold on wars and tried to shake down investors who eventually fled to Netherlands, turning it into an economic powerhouse instead. A person will still look after his own; he won't just hand over all of his life's work willingly to the state.

What's more, Xcom wasn't seen as the "last chance of mankind". There was lots of politics at play. Nations were arguing if to engage in diplomacy with the aliens, submit to their demands, find alternative military solutions. Xcom was competing in a sea of other possibilities over limited resources. To get the spotlight it needed to be successful, it needed clients to rely on it and favor it more than other solutions. You also had mind controlled VIPs in the background subverting logical reasoning.

I also thought this when I began the game, but then you realize Xcom is kinda like the ONU.

It doesn't really answer to any one country (inb4 >implying), and they really don't have much of a base. All the countries that are in the program pay them some monthly money for protection, but they're still fighting their own wars everyday. Xcom can only answer so many alien threats at once, and even then, it's just the ones that are too much for for everyone else to handle. Makes sense nobody would spend their whole budget on a group that has very loose connections with you and is completely out of your control.

If they just give up their economy, the chance of ending up rulers of the world goes down. It's the only reason America, Japan and the jews became the biggest winners after WW2.

It makes more sense than in UFO Defense where you're probably funding terrorist organizations by selling them laser cannons and plasma weaponry

You try and make a flash bang which works on aliens

The best part of the original lore is how most countries issued a formal "Aliens are real guys" notice AFTER the war was done.

I really wish the very, very early game had lasted a few more missions. On new-xcom the very first mission is Central coming to terms that "well, shit. Aliens, how 'bout that", then the second one is full blown "Aliens have invaded the whole world people are dying help". This isn't a story driven game, I get it, just think would have been nice to pace it slower.

They have eyes and based on their LOS in-game they work by light capture, just like ours. A bright light and maybe loud sound should be enough to stun them for a little bit. they didn't needed to research special weapons to hit them either. Aliens aren't that much different then us, aside from the mind controlling thing.

you know, the bolsheviks tried your approach during the russian civil war, and were forced to reintroduce currency and private property because their economy crashed so hard they were nearly unable to continue fighting

I loved doing that in the original. Really disappointed the reboot cut out a lot of options.

>they're on a budget
If you follow the lore it was tried a few times, standard military tech was just never up to snuff and Japan had a go at the task force thing with assembling the Kiryu-Kai... but they couldn't intercept even one UFO.

Money still makes the world go round, countries still need a function army for some semblance of defence, police to contain the population, people still need to go to work to keep the money flowing.

Xcom was basically the world united as a force, with an entity they could not directly share nor control its operations, but at the very least control its existence through funding.

Also its a fucking video game

Look up "War Communism"

Spoilers: it doesnt work

I had to stop playing XCOM 2
The retaliation strikes just kept throwing me off
The game already throws a bunch of shit at you but I couldn't do the important missions while troops were healing from another important mission
Did this on hard difficulty
Still a great game

>Aliens can be killed by conventional firearms and explosives
>You can't just bombard them with artillery and overwhelm them with hundreds of local soldiers

I don't understand

the aliens are essentially real world terrorists
they attack civilian centers to get earth to stand down as well as legitimize x-com as an effective counter-terrorist force
you cant just bomb civilians
also x-com needs their tech to reverse engineer it in order to truly beat them

Their spaceships have shields and laser defense systems that stop the missiles silly


>Tfw never really moved beyond conventional firearms in EU
>Only plasma guns on base were the ones guys beat the shit out of aliens for
>2 tells me we lost because I didn't build lasers

Nah fuck you game

>2 tells me we lost because I didn't build lasers
You actually lost because the aliens weren't fucking around and gave you an XCOM base defense mission in the first month before you could even research lasers.

jets shoot them down all the time tho, you could start by sending more jets for example, i mean they gave you a whooping two planes to stop a fucking alien invasion

Shit-tier Sectoids and Thin-mints can be killed by bullets, everything else laughs at your puny lead pea-shooters.

Would you seriously want 100 soldiers in the midst of a Chryssalid infestation?

Because they were the pinnacle of Earth's air capabilities.

Funnily enough the only reason I lost that was because I sent my best guys under for augments an hour before ayys kicked the doors in.

Still need to get around to fixing that.

Sure, why not.
Just have them hang from a crane or something.

enemy Within was better than xcom 2

They do pretty well when it comes to space you double nigger.

If you honestly believe that in this day and age, the world wouldn't come together to defend itself from an alien threat, you've become too jaded to see anything clearly.

I personally would not include reinforcements on timed missions if I was the developer of XCOM 2. They should only be there so you don't take your sweet ass time turtling around, but timers already prevent that. I'm one of those fags that doesn't mind the timers, but I would personally remove the reinforcements on them.

It seems even worse in Long War 2, like they know exactly when you're fucked and there are no longer flares saying where they're gonna land.

I don't bitch about RNG, part of XCOM is making sure you can overcome bad luck, even if that means having backup units when they get rekt. But reinforcements seem like an unnecessary level of unpredictability.

>new XCOM

Shit, should I buy Xcom 2 for a bit more than ten dollars? Give me a reason why this game is good

>missed the monthly

Chryssalid have exactly 0 air defense capabilities. You could easily bomb them out of existence.

Jews gonna jew OP even in the face of extinction

It's fun.

But is it more fun than enemy within?

Just gotta rush rush rush.
In LW2 there's also that officer skill at like, 3rd or 4th rank which delays the reinforcements for a turn.

Well it was made by Americans and they have no concept of what it's actually like to have your country invaded. Also It's a fucking limiting game mechanic to create a challenge and therefore entertainment of beating the challenge.

It's far more involved than EW, so yes, I'd say so.

That's good to know. My main squad it pretty much wiped out, but I'll use my other one and work toward that skill.

But it does feel like more of a blow in LW2 because a squad wipe doesn't just mean using your backups, now you can't infiltrate as many missions at a time.

>hit a brick wall trying to beat an avatar
>brother gets interested, starts to play
>says he modded in some weapons that are "kinda strong" to make it easier
>watch him play
>fucking super weapons with 100% accuracy and permanent overwatch
>"kinda strong"

>tfw downloaded the Samurai class mod for giggles
>skills up to colonel useful but not game-breaking
>colonel level skill called Shinigami
>gives bonus crit chance and damage for X amount of total alien melee kills the solider has
>over the course of my IM run this motherfucker has reached a 245+ critical hit chance on his melee attacks, with each hit around 75 damage
>He got Reaper from the AWC so he can solo an entire map if he aggros the pods
>kills so far 300+

At this point the game just plays itself.

One more question, will I be able to augment or genetically engineer my troops like in enemy within?

No augs or MECs (well, the Shens Gift dlc gives you like MEC/Shank hybrids), just PsiOps.

USA and Russia are in nearly cold war state right now and they still cooperate perfectly fine on the ISS maintenance: both of their crews are there, they fly by Russian spaceships with American equipment, both languages are mandatory for crew members there, and astronauts are all friends. And you think it would be hard to cooperate in a state of attack from external and much superior force?

>gene mods
Best you can do is slap some PCS implant on them, in vanilla they're just +stat.

Nah, it's a significant step down from EW and makes things far more arcady. Also they apparently brought up retards that made long war mod, so everything has fuckload of HP, takes billion hits to kill and 90% of missions are on a timer.

Long War 2 = Long War > EU = XCOM 2

The only good tier list

The chryssalids in xcom 2 could borrow underground though

That's a bummer, still might give it a try when I have the time.

i agree

Xenonauts is better

>If you follow the lore it was tried a few times, standard military tech was just never up to snuff and Japan had a go at the task force thing with assembling the Kiryu-Kai... but they couldn't intercept even one UFO.

Was that in the tie in book?

PsiOps are also way more powerful than they were in EU so there's that.

>entire planet is under attack
>some fags in a bunker declare themselves the earth defense force
>they're on a budget
Other countries won't give you shit until you prove yourself. By the end of the game they're sending you their best soldiers and whatever supplies they had left. Do you really think it'd be more realistic if every country didn't prioritize themselves in the case of a global crisis?

Countries probably didn't want to waste their best soldiers on some bullshit like aliens or XCOM

>Played on easy
>Canon difficulty is impossible
>b-but I wouldn't have lost!
Shut up cunt.

fucking rekt

That's why I used cheats to get infinite money.

>Nah, it's a significant step down from EW and makes things far more arcady.
>everything has fuckload of HP, takes billion hits to kill and 90% of missions are on a timer.

There's a contradiction here, fuccboi. Also XCOM 2 is way better than its boring prequel.

No contradiction. Numbers in HP and damage don't make up a quality. 2 has far less mechanics than EW, far less things to keep in mind for both management and combat, it just has larger numbers on its basic parameters.

wait what