Tales of Berseria

Why haven't you bought Velvet's game yet, Sup Forums?

She is number one after all!

Make a general.

>She is number one after all!
Hah, you wish!

Already did

I bought Rokurou's game instead.

besides fucking over the dragon dire fuck in the first area any other way to grind grade?
just need 4k more







Magilou is cute! CUUUUUUTE

winners don't abuse kids.


Played the demo and didn't like it.

They'll die in a week or two. Bersy is just FOTM right now.

Reminder that Velvet will save the Tales series when she becomes the new MC for the third Zesteria game. She will go around and beat the shit out of everyone and destroy Heaven because she's the motherfucking Lord of Calamity

She'll do it while Eizen and Edna help her out. Phi will fall in love with Edna and the two will get along like peas and carrots. Rokurbro will return with two of the blades and tear things to pieces.

Tales of Berseria 2 will be the game which will save the franchise and be forever remembered as the game which was the JRPG everyone wanted

the demo is ASS

Not worth full price for a game that's no different from the rest in the series. You're an idiot if you payed full price for this.

How did they do it?
How did they make one of the best tales games after one of the worst?
This game is just good in almost all aspects
My only real complaint is that they still use the xillia engine but everything else is great

why do chickens cross the road velvet

I bought Eleanor's game you edge loving faggot.

Velvet is number one!


Game is leagues better than the demon

You're not /ss/

She doesn't love you

too bad for them
the demo is the only way to try it


i wonder how many people were actually here when /vg/ became a thing?

sc2 general, tali feet general, etc. were so populated (and so fast-moving) that you literally couldn't have a non-general thread on the front page. /vg/ is not a "good" idea, especially if you value the short-life, rapidly-iterating, user-oriented style that seperates Sup Forums from other video game communities, but it was either ban threads with games so popular they ran generals years after their release, or put them in their own board

a game that just had its eng release - especially a 40+ hour rpg, that some people are only just now finishing - and that only gets one or two slow-ish threads throughout the day doesn't quite pose the same kind of problem

Uh oh! You asked to sniff Eleanor's butt and now she is mad at you!

How will you apologize?

tell me Sup Forums, why are snake wiafus the best?

If anyone bought the Idol M@aster of school uniform DLC it would be nice if you could upload the folder, so we can add it to the creamAPI, so all of the DLC would be on it.

She only did that to keep him pure! So he won't fall prey to the lustful advances of Magilou, Eleanor, Medissa or Moana.

Dragon Dive spam is the best spam

Also there used to be a general thread for JRPGs which talked a bit about Tales but between releases it just turned into complete shitposting/tripfaggotry and the generals died.

tales has never had a repeat mc

if there is a third game in this universe, it'll be with some new doe-eyed shitter who brings the disparate zest and berseria parties together through power of friendship horseshit

Switch bodies with her at the hot spring and do stuff to her butt before switching back of course.

Don't apologize. Claim you're a demon and push her more.

>How will you apologize?
There is nothing to apologize for.

Friendly reminder that Magilou is a little boy and only faggots like him!

This game made me sad at the end.

I want to play a JRPG that will make me feel happy. I'm getting a little tired of bittersweet endings.

chickens want to cross

it is a chicken's purpose to cross road

I'm telling you, you're playing with fire. Apologize and shut up while you still can

>Switch bodies with her at the hot spring
Wait can I do this?

why is artorious a big gay homo faggot

Tales General was just constant Vesperia vs Legendia vs Abyss fanwar shit

I really fucking hate that shit.

But if I were playing with fire, I would be insulting Seres. Since she's a real woman, I'm not.




Here are all the Idolm@ster BGM themes now that I've heard the Berseria tracks.

Milla - My Best Friend
Leia - Shiny Smile
Elize - Go My Way

Alisha - Me ga Au Toki
Lailah - Relations
Edna - Kiramekirari
Rose - Go My Way

Velvet - Onegai Cinderella
Magilou - Onegai Cinderella
Elenoar - Onegai Cinderella

I'm still upset that Muzet got skipped.

>releasing the Pirate and Cameo comstumes left

What the fuck is wrong with Bamco I'm grinding like a god dam autist but even I will be done by next week. Who the fuck planed this.


gladly user!

>No panty shots

What costume is that?

>friendship with velvet had ended
>artorious is my new best friend

Idolmaster DLC

It's not as if being on the front page mattered with the catalog. /vg/ was an overreaction, but not a bad idea in retrospect.

Shibuya Rin.

There is a flame in my heart that can't be extinguished.

>wasnt he somewhat fired because of the Black Rose Valkyrie scandle

Someone please clarify

What happened with this?

I bought the fuck out of Velvet's game, I am even buying the damn dlc. I love Velvet enough for that.

I'm going to cum all over this bitch's tits



>first 5 minutes in dungeon takes 20 minutes because you rub one out to ceres

Thanks for your purchase ;)

Actually I think this is one of the few costumes where she is in fact wearing something beneath her skirt.

I love Velvet!

Please respond

What is she wearing boxers?

ALTER Eizen when? It only makes sense, what with Edna and all.

are you a shota?

I love Magilou more than you love Velvet.


crack when
i want to fug this semen demen and maybe hold her hand

I'm done playing the Hero.

You are smalltime.

pretty much any dire foe is how to get big grade

once you get the geoboard, you should always have a 2x grade combo in dungeons and be trying to make 2 monster encounters. if you do this consistently throughout the game, you will have more than enough grade

>tfw i finally got 100 equipment skill for mistress of arms

I love you, you glorious woman. You are saving Tales, my dick, and destroying reason and my wallet!

Open your shirt a little bit more and I'll provide you with a sure way to extinguish it

Can't find anything on the new, something about Fuji's wife?

Phi almost got to bathe with this, so not fair.

TFW you put salt on a slug but feel bad about it so you put sugar on it instead

Barren snake tits with no flame in her heart. You forgive your shitty daughter for killing your man, do you even revenge?

Shit i didnt even know they already released new costumes so fast

Anyone got a undated crack for the new DLC yet?

tales studio isn't seperated into two teams anymore, but you can tell there's still competition between big headliners (xillia, zestiria) and whoever handles cash-in followups (xillia 2, berseria) in the interim

the plan was undoubtedly to have zest be a huge massive popular success, and then shit out berseria to capitalize. then zest shits the bed, and berseria gets the advantage of being able to go "lol i know, fuck that game, right?" the attitude (and story quality) feels similar to xillia 2, except without being meaningfully tied down by the original cast or by recycling 80% of the environments

now that management's been shuffled, though, who knows what'll happen next

>I love you, you glorious woman. You are saving Tales, my dick, and destroying reason and my wallet!
They really need to separate charact design again, Inomata characters are twice as bad when put together with okumura and Fujishima.

I love my wife Magilou!

>not discord
>not using that huge aoe that hitstuns everyone for 2 seconds so everyone else can do a charge attack

anytime i faced a human enemy group, it was over before it started

How does anyone like velvet? The loss of her brother is her sole character trait and it makes her insufferable. Please tell me someone tells her the fuck off later in the game, because she really needs it.

I don't know... Looks like Seres has the better pair.

She also has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to get into a 1v1v1 with Eizen and Zaveid. There's a lot to like.


that move is great but that yell she does at the end makes me cringe everytime. its just so overly dramatic

Ahem, Magilou is MY wife. Back the fuck off.

>that move is great but that yell she does at the end makes me cringe everytime.
it erects my penis

He enjoyed it.
I know I enjoyed being cruel to bugs as a kid.

>jam a blunt twig into a slug
>pull it out
>guts are hooked onto twig and the slug deflates
>try to replicate on other slugs

i like the yell because discord only happens when you face humans, which means its almost only in boss fights

it goes with the story when shes facing artorius or legions of exorcists, shes in full desperation and ragemode

Velvet is cool, COOL!

Our marriage certificate says otherwise you fag.

Why does every Tales of game look like late ps2 era?

Discord is fucking great. Velvet's screams of madness is GOAT

I gave no fucks! Velvet is love and life!

The whole party tells each other to fuck off at multiple points in the game.

Besides when she isn't being a bitch or whining, she has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to get shit done whatever the means. Also as the game states loudly many times, Velvet is good wife material.