Best game of the month thread.
FIre Emblem Heroes
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is there a tier list, or is it just "use your waifus"
use your waifus unless it's camilla
because she's trash
xth for Nino is cute! CUTE!!
There are tier but you should use your waifu anyway, because love overcomes everything.
>gacha shit
>best anything
GotM is Nioh
When will this meme end
Cheeky Tiki!
>speed boost
>AoE damage on enemies
Uhh, no?
is it worth my time and feathers to level my 3* robin to 5*?
Never because Camilla is B tier.
What should I do with my team, a lance general fucks me up so bad its not even funny.
>she's no longer top tier, this means she's trash
>Using a tier list when Donnel is in game
>It's a "have to sacrifice two units to kill Hector/Takumi" episode
t. your ass
I hope they keep battle damage for future FE games.
Yes he is the Takumeme counter.
Pst, you want those battle damage lewds?
there's no fucking way that's real
get an axe user
Uh, why is this allowed?
It's not.
Are there any more of these edits?
Of course not you dingus
Pls Nintendo. Gib her soon.
Of course not! It's clearly an edit, she doesn't wear underwear.
Not a meme. Camilla is shit and strictly inferior to nearly every other 5 star in the game. None of my other characters have managed to hit for zero damage except Camilla.
Of course it isnĀ“t. She does not wear panties normally.
catria or sully?
have you ever tried not being retarded?
Holy fuck, why did nobody tell my Gwendolyn is a rape machine?
Psychic says "Restores 8 HP to target and all allies within 2 spaces of target" but it only heals the target and doesn't do anything to other allies. Is it just mistranslated or something?
>it's a Robin and Tiki say fuck you to s-tier episode
Do she suck dick tho?
Dude I just got a 5 star Camilla. You jelly?
Here is what I have managed to find.
Where is Wrath+Vantage Nephenee?
Damn right. She did her best so hard that she won the game for me.
It's Physic you retard
Either you got shafted with her growths or you're bad at video games. She's still a solid S tier and one of the best axe users in the game.
Tier lists don't matter that much honestly. Effie and Azama, for example, are extremely powerful and underrated units that people don't talk about much.
>What a man who didn't get 5* Camilla would say
Hinokaniggers are still butthurt two years later. It'd almost be funny if it wasn't so sad.
>that tier list
>even remotely correct
Adult tiki and Camilla are dumpster tier. Linde is at least 2 tiers above Robin. Ryoma is a tier above the rest of the fags in s-tier swords. Abel is god.
>not RD
Or here it is
I wouldn't say she's trash but she is definitely not S-tier. More like A-tier. Brave Weapons suck in this game honestly.
Should I bother saving up for Galeforce on Lyn?
5 CD seems rather high
are healers of any use?
>Tier lists don't matter
You'll change your tune when you're playing Duel battles and fighting a team with Five Star Hector, Takumi, Robin, and a healer
god i want vernoica so badly.
>Hate Robin since forever because I always feel him as a Poochie, even more since Smash
>This Game
>Now I love Robin because can kill takumeme and all red swords with 1 spell
I started today and this is my squad after 2 summoning sesh's. Is it good?
Its an edit
>pointier armour
Is that green semen? Who did it?
>wifi on my laptop can get spotty
>Download speeds can vary on the two downloads
>sometimes slightly lags when transitioning into or out of battle
This shit is really fucking up my macro, I just want hector lads
Could have been worse
My dick thanks you user
>Abel is god
>no good skills
You good, maybe train up Florina or Lilina too.
Unless your idea of good is getting doubled and instakilled by literally everyone then that's what she is.
>Marth is 4 stars
how unfortunate
>Pulled a 5* Robin from my first Legendary 5-pull
>Pulled a 5* Takumi and 5* Sakura from my first Devoted 5-pull
Which one do I go for now that I have enough for another 5-pull?
I'm only having a problem with Robin since my main Mage killer is Niles, though my Hector does have Distant Counter + WTA over him already. Takumis gets wrecked by my Robin and Niles rapes any healer that isn't Azama.
>wanting slob nephenee
>tfw your nigga is not even in the game
Legendary for a red sword
Legendary, you already have Takumi which is all you need from devoted, now you need a good red and Legendary has 2 of them on focus.
bless you user
>using high tiers to beat high tiers
missing the point, dumbass
Should I settle for this team? Should I replace one of my reds with a blue/bow/magic? Should I keep trying to roll for Takumeme?
>tfw 4 Jagens
>I don't know how to use a glass cannon with great mobility, that means she's shit
wew lad
You got good pulls you may as well just wait until the 14th for the next set of characters to be released.
>three reds
your asking to be blue'd
Is my team good?
>Cain's a red knight, he uses a red sword
>Abel's a green knight, he uses a blue lance
This triggers me
>great mobility
>two spaces
>raped by magic and bows
I would just keep summoning until you pull 5* Robin, it's a lot of effort to raise 3 to 5*
>its a "AI does nothing unless you get in range and rapes you" episode
I have 5 Star Robin and 5 Star Camilla.
Am I set for a good team so far?
Also what is the differnce between 5* Focused and 5*?
How do I know which one I have?
I could use a bluejob.
>it's a focus 3/4 of your team on the falchion nigger to protect your dragon loli because she's the best you have because RNGods hate you episode
>no 5*
>3* in main team
re-roll and spare yourself the suffering.
That's the problem
>tfw a Robin is instadeath in arena
Nigga you better re-roll for a five star
>great mobility
>two spaces
She ignores terrain, you complete moron.
>raped by magic and bows
You're just confirming that you can't use her properly. Literally mad cuz bad.
I barely use Hector honestly since he can't move that far. Robin is usually the first to die since he has to move in first to kill Grey units then take hits in EP when the enemies start to rush at the team. Also Hector is the only 5* in my team; everyone else is 4*.
What do you guys mean by reroll?
Can you just make infinite new accounts?
The focus just means that you have a higher chance of rolling the five star version.
you do you fucking faggot kill yourself
When Camilla is no longer popular. Her hatebase is incredibly vocal due to people hating breasts or something.
I have a 3* Olivia that I'm working on getting her to 4*. Being able to Dance either Takumi or Robin is pretty much GG.
>2 Red Swords
>2 of the same character
>Both are Lynn
Kill yourself my man