Which sims is the best sims game?

which sims is the best sims game?

Sims 3.

probably 2 with all the expansions

so 4 sucks

It gets better with each installment.

4 is the most polished. 3 had the biggest scope but was buggy as shit.


Four, as soon as we get the childfucking mods like in 3.

I never experienced bugs in 3 but the save files were notorious for bloat.

The Sims 3 with all expansions but paranormal beings disabled.

Sims 2 castaway


Sims 3 is better but 4 has better looking sims, so that makes it better for porn mods

A youtube playlist of the Sims 1 soundtrack.

I'll get to the real question: what game in general is best for tapping into the fun of home decoration?

>tfw mostly did the infinite money cheat and designed buildings

4, because it's playable without mods unfuck the built in scripting system.

Sims 3.

Like I said, Sims 3 outclasses Sims 4 in almost everything except waifu creation.


Okay, but which expansion pack(s) are and are not worth my time, money, and disk space?

whats so much better? all i'm into is house building but haven't played since the release of 2. i was just trying to get my gf into the sims last night but dont know where to start

1 without expansions was best. Bob Newbie and his amazing chair obsession surpassed anything else.

Better question:Which one is the best for lewd stuff?

Seasons and Generations are the only essential ones. Supernatural and Pets are good if you're bored with the base game, Late Night is good if you like living in a big city. The rest aren't worth it.


It just has stupid load times and bad optimization in general.

I think at the moment it's still 3 but 4 is definitely picking up pace


4 is like the Final Fantasy XIII of the series

think by bugs he meant how the game bogs down after a couple expansions are installed


>4 is like the Final Fantasy XIII of the series
What did he mean by this

If it were playable with all expansion packs I'd agree. It's a laggy hell if you enable too many expansions in my experience.

Sims 3 because of custom worlds.

as far as potential goes 3 is the best but it runs like such dogshit

curious to see if the expand on the living open world stuff in 4 since we got a taste of it with the city living expansion

I wish I could play sims 3 without needing an empty map. Maybe it's nraas' that fucks performance to an unplayable state or Isla paradiso.
The potential for 3 is huge imo thanks to mods and expansions, so far 4 has shown fuck all imo. I don't really see many mods coming out for it though I haven't checked in like a few months. and expansions are a meme for that game.

>open world stuff
>taste of it in the city living expansion

HA. Take a look at all these buildings you can't even WALK next to.

Why did Sims 3 run like shit anyway? How could the performance of it be that fucking bad?

thought nraas was supposed to help with the loading times, not that it actually makes much of a difference

shit optimization, causes memory leaks

I only played the first Sims so I vote for that one.

i'd assume it had something to do with running the lives of all the townies simultaneously took a crazy amount of processing power, then throw in pets and supernatural beings and it can't handle it

It may be a setting I just need to disable but it tends to (when not on an empty world) Tell me everything that happens with every single sim and their fucking pet goldfish's actions. If they met someone, got a job, had a kid, etc. I don't even have the custom story option on. always disable it but god forbid it not tell me everything every sim does anyways causing a fuckton of lag whenever a lot of sims do shit at once.
Again, may be a setting I just don't notice but I can't figure out (outside of again, an empty map.) a way to stop the pop up/alerts.

I never actually had a problem with pets/supernatural my performance issues mainly sprung up with Isla paradiso which I don't really understand seeing as it didn't seem to add any major stuff in comparison to like you said pets & supernatural. Back to the future also fucked my performance pretty heavily.

I think the sims 1 and 2 are the best. the nostalgia of the first is just too much and the 2nd refined the game so well like a good sequel should.

>Sims 4 still doesn't have weatherand seasons

This shouldn't be that hard.

Storyprogression, gotta go to a computer/town center and go into nraas story progression options, set stories to family or family/friends and it'll shut the fuck up

They also don't have pets or supernatural which were objectively the best expansions tying with Seasons.
I'll try that next time I play thanks. Though I thought it asks about that shit whenever you make a new game? And I'd always turn it off assuming that was that.

Sims 4 always struck a chord with me. Probably it's awesome customization for your sim.

Kind of, the new game stuff is it asking if you want to overwrite basegame story progression with the mod one

4 still shit? guess ill reinstall 3 and not buy expacs for 4


>tfw friends made fun of me for playing the sims because "girls game"
>tfw almost never touched the life aspect and just played for the architecture and comfy building.

everything. In terms of content S3 + all expansions blows every other sims game out of the water. There's shit to do for days. Unfortunately like others have said it runs terribly even on modern hardware. It's manageable with performance enhancing mods but still.

2 for actual good game
3 for sheer content
4 for sex mods
1 for aesthetic

>Nothing but rabbit holes.
>Loading screens between each lot instead of a seamless neighborhood.
>No Create a Style

S4 feels like such a deliberate step backwards.
You would think they would try to fix the problems they had with S3 and build upon it for the sequel but I guess not.

>About to install lewd mods in 2
>Remember my sim family
>Remember my children that have been children for months because i refuse to let them grow up
>Delete the mods


They should have just made a technically amazing Sims game, and I don't think I would personally mind buying Expansions again if it just ran well and was modular.


Fuck, I'm honestly caught between 2 and 3

2 has a really nice aesthetic and has a lot more choices but lacks a lot of the cool content 3 has

3 runs and looks like ass but has openworld and a way better personality system

but sims 3 sex mods are far better than sims 4

They are each so distinctive I can't choose.
I love 4. I played the fuck out of 4 this last summer when I got a week off.
I liked 1 and 2.
I played 3 quite a bit too but it was an unfinished product throughout its life.

They had the right ideas with s3 but yeah, ran terribly. I just wish they hadn't abandoned what they had going for it.

i'm trying 4 first, based on videos building seems to work really well which is all i'm there for. don't give a fuck about open worlds

I've never played a Sims game. Is this what I should do?

>Sims 3 all expansions

Not everyone has a quantum supercomputer user

4 is likely the most accessible.

get all the expansion packs. Watch Lgr to see if you want any of the stuff packs/other expensive shite. Then get mods. Lots of mods & cc. and decrapped misc dlc/purchasable shite.

it will still have some considerable lag. It can be playable despite what people are saying but expect a good 15 min loading screen. personally I think it's worth just for the sheer amount of content.

3. it only runs bad if you're stupid enough to not get nraas stuff and fix common things.

2 > 1 > 4 > 3
The faces put me off 3 big time.

no, 4 is a good entrance into the sims and 3 really does run terribly so it will just frustrate you and potentially be a waste of money if you're a buyfag