What is the most painful death you've ever seen in a video game?

What is the most painful death you've ever seen in a video game?

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not dead

doesn't count

Why does he have hair in his mouth?

Why does he have maggots in his eyes?

What is that... Stuff, alongside his hair?

pls story.
also why didn't they put him to sleep.


The Punisher has the best executions.


Most of the scripted stuff is pretty... lame
And very few games feature decapitation as a debuff.
Severance: Blade of Darkness is.... gorier than most games, mostly from allowing pre death decapitation.

what the hell happened here

Could you stop... typing like this?

All its does is... point out your fedora.

Something i did to some poor person in fallout 3 or new vegas proably

Can... you... stop... being... a faggot?

NightCry spoiler.

Not that I recommend playing that shitty game.

There are fates worse than death

t. "not".... a.... faggot....

would that really be that painful? wouldn't it go straight into your brain and kill you instantly.

oh my fucking god

Infected by myiasis, they don't have the right tools to put him asleep.
Should have just killed him honestly, he had 0 chance of survival anyway.

>Only realizing this now

You lack imagination.

Thanks user

I'm sure I won't have nightmares about this kek

Someone put a bullet in this man and save him.

Not a death, but got reminded of the good old sackbuster.

>right tools

They didnt even have a hammer or a stone?

>the one where you get cucked at the end
what's her name?

Is there anything that could be done besides killing him? This end his suffering and kill him alredy.

aint clicking that shit

Sup Forums, please

I feel bad for whoever had to animate that.

You got nothing to lose bro take a chance

>Myiasis (/ˈmaJ.əsᵻs/ or /maJˈaJ.əsᵻs/) is the parasitic infestation of the body of a live mammal by fly larvae (maggots)

all I needed to read

not reading anymore

not opening that shit


Anything that could believably happen to me is scarier than supernatural/sci-fi stuff.

Don't listen to him This shit is a no joke disgusting

>Unreal world
>accidentally ate a poisonous mushroom
>no cooking pot so can't make herbal tea to purge poison
>head out to find village to barter for a pot
>collapse in wilderness, vomiting frequently
>can only crawl
>starts to rain
>stomach tearing itself to pieces
>can't sleep because of rain
>can't move because too exhausted
>frostbite on both hands, feet and nose
>take a 3 days to die like that

Mortal Kombat's X-Rays are nothing compared to this


Yeah what are the best female deaths in games? just curious, no strange fetishes here haha


Probably some fatality in mortal kombat

How does this even happen how do you let flies lay eggs on you wtf is going on with his hair and what in god's name is coming out of his mouth

he looks happy :)

Is that Junji Ito?

it doesn't just happen overnight, there are people that have had flies lay eggs and stuff in them that get it fixed.

in third world countries where the healthcare is non existant people can live with these infections for fucking ages though. the result is pretty morbid as you can see


Fuck that one's on a new level

Is the picture posted one of the ones on google?

I googled it. Mild regrets, but I realized that gore doesn't do much for me anymore, not to sound super edgy. I'm more affected by stories than graphic imagery nowadays. I still get sad reading some things, for example.

This. Just blow his brains out, it's a mercy killing.

What I dont get is why a delicate machine made for brain surgery is capable of puctuating that skull when it was simply constructed for piercing eyeballs.
This is like building a q-tip with a power drill to clean your ear.

whats the context of this one

So is she

Just play the Tomb Raider reboot


In slave to armok 1 the game before dwarf fortress i dicked around with magic, summoned an hostile guy and casted a bunch of regeneration spells on him, next i made him explode which caused all of his body parts and organs to fly all over the area but that didn't kill him, he suffocated a few turns later.

why, my peenus weanus of course :) hahaha! its my weeeeeenus peanus! haha. my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D

i missed it, someone repost!

>This is like building a q-tip with a power drill to clean your ear.
>worst case you have a very raw ear
user keep giving me ideas to sell to retards


it was webm with a guy waked up with a bunch of larvaes moving in his eye holes

Stop posting if you can't even use your memes right you retarded fuck.

Perhaps the machine was made to kill someone who failed to give it the correct information. I'm guessing it was built by some Unitoligists embedded in the military.

she looks like she is moaning in pleasure

What was the dead link ? Was it the homeless guy with worms in his eyes and shit?

>Turns into a weird spine snake with no explanation
>Ending involves "Seducing you"
Such a weird and shitty game

It was Painful alright. heh



It happens in the first world too, mostly to the homeless, junkies, shut-ins, etc. The types of people who may not notice or care that a swarm of flies keep landing on their sores and then they don't really notice or care when a limb starts to rot and maggots are crawling all over it.

Wow what a horrible gruesome death, I sure hope no one is enjoying these too much that would be weird haha

Sounds like exactly the sort of thing that would end a Junji Ito comic

Some psycho cult madman does it to him for shits and giggles.


I'm slightly turned on.

A whole host of them in RE4 but this takes the cake


She was a bitch she deserved it all



The first time I did this I didn't make a mistake so I got it on my first try. It was only after you guys posting this that I learned you could die.

You'd probably live through this one if you could get yourself off the hook


Honestly the only gore and snuff that makes me cringe hard still are electrocutions and feet first wood chippers. The latter one i still cant watch I can see death but id rather not look into the eyes of the dieing

Adam the Clown chainsawing himself in Dead Rising, being cut by a chainsaw just seems like the most painful shit ever.

what what??

How do we know what "painful" is? You don't know whether losing your leg is more painful than having your eye gouged out because it has not happened to you. And even if it has happened to someone else how do we know if the sensation they feel is the same sensation you call pain. Think about it.

When is there gonna be a character in a game who dies by Scaphism?

*tips fedora*

It's been quite a few years but THIS fucking disturbed me alot.


if you manage not to bleed to death or get an infection

Yep i was pretty ready to kill Totenkopf after that.

>that vacuum brain
AHAHAHA What the fuck is this a cartoon?

The eye scooping scene in Wolfenstein

no you primitive monkey.

Stabby deaths or slashy deaths don't phase me, but it's when stuff's pulled off or torn apart that I start to shake in my seat.

Like when pic related happens. Fucker just grabs you by the jaw and does to you what king kong did to the t-rex in the 2005 movie.

Nightmare fuel for me.

the villains were fucking monsters in this game but you never give it to them in full force

it's easily just some quick stabs and they're dead, it's not like you can make it slow and truly painful

Shame New Order has ridiculous story ending.

Phantasmagoria had some pretty gnarly death scenes.

There was another game I can't remember the name of, it had you go through areas such as Victorian era London and caves where vines and plants would literally rip you apart of infect you.

>There was another game I can't remember the name of, it had you go through areas such as Victorian era London and caves where vines and plants would literally rip you apart of infect you.

The Alien executions on the marines in AVP3 were pretty brutal. There's the up the ass out the mouth with the tail, and the one where the alien slowly pulls the marine up the tail and you watch their face... man. That was some fun multiplayer.

Waxworks really did have some of the most brutal death for such a old game.

Because you are not like them.

You simply remove these fiends. The world is a better place because of it.