Does Geoff actually do anything for the gaming industry?

Does Geoff actually do anything for the gaming industry?

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He sold out to them

He's the hero we need but not the one we deserve.

Joe, you got two minutes, go! Joe, go!

The video that Joe made about this is the most entertaining thing on his channel.
It is also probably the only entertaining thing on his channel.

haha epic

One of the only people who actively helped shill NMS and go on record to say he was full of shit.


haha what's wrong, someone doesn't like your youtube celeb? xD

>One of the only people who actively helped shill NMS
You're retarded, off yourself

Just listen to that fucking open.

I want to bury my face in Joost's bosom!

>kojima spends 70 mil to get laid
>geoff does in a hoodie


I love how Sean doesn't even try to correct Geoff when he says it's a MMO

What does Geoff do? Like, yeah he hosts those awards... and before Gametrailers died we all assumed he did stuff there, but like right now what is he doing? How is he making money?

Just planning the next awards show?

what are they talking about Sup Forums?

He's basically a producer/promoter

He is trying to convince them to a threesome. The mother is clearly not impressed. Joosten is clearly in but afraid to speak out loud out of fear that Mother will reprimand her. Towards the end of the conversation Mother comes around, but then the gif cuts off.

If you consider shitty award shows and being one of the big faces of E3. Then yes.

He and his teams are the ones making E3 what it is and the award shows what it is. Without him, E3 would not be as big as it is today. Plus he has general journalism powers. He's a fucking powerful motherfucker and while he might not put his powers on display, you can bet your ass that he has the power to decimate games and developers he doesn't want to shill.

he;s a hitman for doritos company