Remember when we had threads where we would just post funny vidya related things?
Let's have one of those.
Remember when we had threads where we would just post funny vidya related things?
Let's have one of those.
rage threads got the ban because they were 90% nonvidya
We have those every fucking day
Why does he draw himself as a bear anyways?
>P.S. The PS2 sucked.
Dobson never fails to put a spring in my step.
Because drawing himself as a fat, balding, neckbeard-having, autist-looking retard would get him even less views.
>User blocked
>User blocked
>User blocked
>User blocked
>User blocked
Post old shit.
Is this some clever loss edit?
Remembering the whole stupid media charade going on with Gone Home was pretty funny.
I think there was a youtube vid making fun of quotes from the reviewers.
>Is a fat fuck.
>Becomes a bigger fat fuck.
>I can't stay awake for more than an hour
>What's wrong with me.
Fuck I hate fat people like this.
>'Cuz that would rock, yo!
>Can't stay awake for more than an hour at a time
Christ. Obesity only once because you die 50 years before everyone else
>I'm not a fan of XY, but...
True words it's almost like they forget to eat less.
Not enough decent fat princess porn
>I do not play the game I just want attention
I have met a lot of people that literally believe weight loss is impossible and that being fat is purely genetic.
>I had a mass effect themed daughter too. an abortion
Truly the hero we never knew we needed
Why is he such a bully Sup Forums?
>put it up whichever place you'd like
>must feel odd saying that to someone that isnt your father
To give context, the 'big bad' of the DLC is gonna cut a vagina in you with a saw. So yes, in this case, "being a woman" is the worst.
Of course like all the fat people they do not see their eating habits or even the food they eat as wrong even if it has pounds and pounds of sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Even sugar water in a bottle with soda.
Just "mah genetics I am always this big as a huge balloon elephant in a room." People like that piss me off to no end.
Holy shit, I had forgotten about this when Hamburger Helper came around and literally blocked the spotlight from other fatties.
>tfw not Dobson
Have known she's not fat since the Summer games, why does this trigger so many people?
Needs updated to where he fully accepts his cuck status.
Burch is a fucking cuck I can not believe anyone thought that Borderlands 2 was actually funny.
That didn't happen did it? Please tell me he didn't do that
You can't believe that the target audience of 15 year olds thought it was funny?
He did.
It happened. He's a fucking idiot.
>be Destructoid
>triggered by anti-SJW twitter post
>import game (something the company has never done) to review it
>purposely shit on it, giving it the lowest score ever
>lower than Sonic 06
>make one of your negative points that all the women are "White"
He did, didn't even apologize. He thought he was being a white knight and saving a young damsel from being bullied by mean internet trolls.
Fuck, I've done that pretend someone else was me when talking to a girl.I at least had the sense to wait like 5-10 minutes before replying again
I'm not an atheist, but I often laugh when religious people say "God made everyone special in their own way," or something like that.
If I ever hear some stupid shit like that again, I'll show them Dobson.
They could argue that he's a special brand of retard
>Wanna go on a date with me?
>Uh no
>Oh that was my friend
>Sure I believe it
>So, do you wanna go on a date with me then?
>Absolutely, the situation has changed
There's a lot of 'special' people in the world.
What game, DoAX?
Mei isn't skinny, the skin is bugged to hell
Don't tell me you thought literal shelf butt was intentional
Mei is 100% skinny and the only reason you think she's fat is because she's wearing a heavy coat.
If there's anything about Mei that you should be jerking off to in 'thicc' threads it's her fucking coat.
that sounds fucking edgy and retarded and awful
I'm gonna keep drawing her fat and you can't stop me
Didn't say she was skinny, just not fat.
and yet if someone draws a fat character thin then you people will attack them until they attempt suicide
I thought it was pretty well executed, all things considered
Half of these are great
The other half is reaching pretty hard.
>Bad guy cuts off your legs in a cutscenes to show how dangerous he is
So you're the ugly neckbeard who thinks your image is funny?
How do you execute something that ridiculous well? I've seen outlast and it seems like it's very po-faced and serious about itself, that shit would only work in a humorous edgy porn game or something.
Regardless I doubt i'll play it, not a fan of this recent crop of stealthy first person horror games.
Actually having a maniac cut holes in your fucking body with a saw is the worst. Arbitrarily deciding it makes you a woman is irrelevant.
Think about two bowls of M&Ms
One is full, the other only has a few left
If you take one out of the larger bowl and move it to the smaller one, it makes a bigger difference than if you took one from the smaller and moved it to the larger one
This is how representation in media works
post that shot of her robot can not even being in contact with the rest of her model pre-fix
mei isnt a huge fatty but the model was totally fucked. complete incompetence, like when widow ulting made her ass inflate. that was even in a trailer
Of course a fat person would be thinking about two bowls of m&ms.
>literally being bullied by children
You should probably take a long and hard look in the mirror at this point.
Of course a fatty like you would jump to M&Ms metaphors.
man good times good times..
what happened, half these people vanished
i guess GG did cleanse them somewhat
That makes no sense and you are beyond retarded for even suggesting such a comparison.
i really feel like he set up that joke for us
They've "fixed" the skin but it isn't 100% fixed
Compare to the trailer footage, it still doesn't match up. The best indicator to look at is her belt
Why does anyone care
it's a video game
I don't understand
Change it to dollars or anime figures or whatever it is white nerds relate to
>he doesn't want visual bugs fixed in his games
No, being fair, he is explicitly trying to slice a vagina. Her points still stupid, but he is not subtle about what he wants at all.
I don't care about how fat a video game character is
that approach is autistic as fuck
>be me in highschool drinking captain morgan with beta friend
>he wants to get nudies from girl I fucked
>fuck it
>text her
>"Friend wants to see if you have pepperoni nipples. Send nudes"
>she responds
>"im sure its 'friend' user"
>in my drunken stupor realize I sound like a beta
>"lol, really he asked me to get nudes from you. Chill"
Its one of those things that the more you try to defend yourself the worse you look. Decided to just keep gettin drunk with friend and ended up puking up a mountain of potatos his mom made earlier that night.
because when you put m8ms in a bowl of videogame then respresentation is look at me look at my fucking small cubes of the world's most expensive
motherfucking salmon you've ever seen
on a stick
at a fucking $200 dollar entry fee party
that is the fucking whore durves
~food metaphor~
Yes that is the case in the story that it's what he wants to do but what would a person think if they were in that position? "Oh no I'm going to be a lady" or "Holy fuck I'm going to fucking die"
>I don't care about how fat a video game character is
Then it shouldn't matter to you that Blizzard realized their model rig is incorrect and therefore decided to fix it.
so if i have two bowls of anime figures
why are my anime figures in bowls?
why is my dollars in bowls? i dont even use that currency
why do i have two bowls? surely i only need one, for breakfast
A case of funnier at the time for a fair few
>be fat admirer
>fat Princess sounded hot
>little models were cute but hard to wank to
>one of the most scarce series fanart and/or porn was made for
I mean I know I'm gifted to have such a popular and abundant fetish, but I'm still flabbergasted to this day.
The anime figures you have are those gundam figures you build from tiny pieces so you keep them in bowls during the construction phase because you also live in an earthquake heavy area of the world and it's the easiest method of keeping them from tumbling around.
The dollars have been placed in bowls because your mentally disabled grandmother thinks you moved to america because it's been so long since you visited her, it was kinder to tell her this instead of the truth, that you no longer can bare to see the glassy-eyed stare she gives you as she feigns recollection of your face. She's sick. She doesn't understand that money doesn't go in bowls, but even if she can't remember you very well, she still cares.
Now you sit alone, surrounded by dollars you can't spend, fragments of gundam figurines and plastic bowls. Where did it all go so wrong?
Canon answer, he stated this in a comic himself
Can't lose what he doesn't have
Legitimately laughed irl, good post.
What does this even mean? I actually cannot decipher coherent meaning from this drivel.
>removing pieces from the runners before you need to
I'll bet you don't even have sandpaper
this is a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
Not quite, but now that you mention it it will begin to trend towards it
Lets talk about "body positivity" There are two types of body positivity out there, at the core both are about not hating yourself for your abnmormality. however their are two differences .
Positive Body Positivity is the likes of boogie. They realize that they're unhealthy, they realize that being fat is not a good thing, and they've come to terms with it. You permavirgin NEETs out there should know this feel. Not hating yourself for what you don't have enough willpower to change.
then there's Negative body positivity. this is Megan Trainer and the whale in your pic. This is not only refusing to accept that being fat is objectively a bad thing, it's the push that being fat is actually true beauty and it's the "skinny" girls who are actually ugly. It's having your head so far up your fat ass that your flaws no matter how blatant are positives anyway and anyone who questions that is a body shaming blah blah blah. These people (mostly women) are brash, narcissistic, and repulsive.
know the difference, it could save your life.
>Patricia Hernandez is an expert on extreme ugliness.
They just walk into it every time.
I hate how much Sup Forums jerks off Kamiya and his mediocre games, but his response to that tweet is out of character and cute.
This is gold.
Boogie is in fucking denial of his problem. "muh thyroid"
man grey deslie is awesome
>Its one of those things that the more you try to defend yourself the worse you look
>Trying to prove that you didn't fart by reproducing the sound with whatever object that made it.
Vidya Rage?
well I would understand blizzard wanting to roll out a fix because the model is visibly broken. Not everyone's bethesda and calls bad modelling/rigging "Charming"