This is Ivan the Terrible in her game, say something nice to her, Sup Forums
This is Ivan the Terrible in her game, say something nice to her, Sup Forums
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I love little girls.
Nice hips, I'd invade her red square.
I want to lick her tummy
Tell your daughter to fucking breed before it's too late
nice sissy drawing, faggot
People need to translate Ooyari Ashito stuff quicker
I know there's one that has Yukiho and Iori on the cover as maids, but I don't think that one is scanned.
The Cinderella Girls on shots haven't been translated yet either or the new one with Mika and Rika
Why keep EOPing out? If you have serious interest in the works of Japanese men drawing cartoon lolis, you should learn Japanese.
I'm a virgin.
>I learned Japanese, a language spoken solely on a secluded volcanic archipelago inhabited by racist xenophobes, all so I could read obscure masturbatory material.
Me too.
Same face shit artist
I'm surprised Japan made a Russian girl without white/silver/gray hair
>not specifying it's 2d only
The Van is on its way.
If you arent even willing to put effort in to your fapping habits, what are you willing to?
>you will never tie her arms above her head then hug her waist and blow raspberries all over her cute ticklish tummy while she weakly tries to push you off with her legs
Well, would you?
I would make a deal with her
>i even fail in my hobbies
japan must die.
Ivan never wore white
Didn't have a pussy
Wasn't full Russian
Didn't live in the city
And was a serial killer/torturer of anyone stupid enough to stand against him in battle
Stop ruining history, go play Overwatch or titty ninjas if you want generic badly designed waifus
kaasans the best.
If you had died half way through your reign you'd probably have been one of the better Russian tyrants.
As opposed to learning a language for what, exactly?
They really are, but no incest. They are for use of others, not their own sons.
Incest is disgusting.
I quit this game because I couldn't pick any country to start... I'm tired of playing japan, years later it's still feel a weird alien country.
Eiyuu Senki was alright but the gameplay was too basic to keep me interested long enough to finish it.
It's cool, they're not blood related.
this is stupid and wrong in so many fucking ways
This is Japanese Gilgamesh.
>Jerking off to porn games is a hobby
Wow imagine being this much of a lost cause. I bet you tell yourself women are terrible so you feel better about never being able to touch one. You better stay on your hugbox where everyone tells you that it's okay to live your life as a degenerate who no one respects. I hope you've never had any friends because otherwise they they make fun of you whenever you come up in conversation. And if you don't have any friends you should probably kys
>And was a serial killer/torturer of anyone stupid enough to stand against him in battle
Actually, in the game she still is a torturer, though, the people she tortures love it.
Also, it's an H game, so fuck off.
Every other historical figure are girls, as well.
Even vlad the impaler
This is quite ironic coming from a pedophile who masturbate to little girls lol.
It's basically a shittier version of Sengoku Rance.
hail Ivan, tsar of all Russias!
Koihime is better than Oyari's shit art
>It's basically a shittier version of Sengoku Rance
But you couldn't pick a place to start out in Sengoku Rance, either.
>he wrote all this
wew lad
>Koihime is better than Oyari's shit art
But only one game has a translation.
In Free Mode, you can. Also, the gameplay is much better in Sengoku Rance.
To communicate with other people? Are you retarded?
>Also, it's an H game, so fuck off.
Doesn't mean you have to turn real life men into your waifu fucking fag.
>To communicate with other people? Are you retarded?
To bad most who speak only one language, tend to be racists and xenophobic.
>Doesn't mean you have to turn real life men into your waifu fucking fag
Yes it does
Reading stuff other people wrote is a form of communication.
You can literally have babies with the girls now
I don't care about it being translated or not
>Busty Workaholic by day
>Loli with vitamin D deficiency by night
Geoffrey of Monmouth has nothing on the Japs.
Learning a language is an extensive process that requires a lot of time, dedication and perseverance. Many people don't know any language aside from their native one because of those points, so imagine their faces when you know 3 or 4?
It's something worth of respect and admiration in any non-internet location. On the internet people will just vomit autism on you and try to ridicule you in every way they can see fit, because they feel compelled to act like children behind a computer screen. Or maybe they are hurt others have accomplished things they haven't, which still falls under acting like a retarded child.
What the fuck is that face for the left one
This is a big jaw.
>Literally half naked skinny loli on subzero temperatures
I will never get northern's.
Maybe i can understand Finland walking in -40°C barefoot in the snow but the rest of the north?
Those people are crazy.
Please post more cute bellies.
I learned English by shitposting on Sup Forums. No effort at all.
English is a shit-tier mongrel meme language, it doesn't count.
It's called 'hentai' and it is ART
Her game is fucking boring
Yeah so is this, and it's better art
>time, dedication and perseverance
Are you absolutely sure you actually learned English?
This game is so fucking shit and the artstyle is one of the ugliest anime artstyles I have ever seen.
At least the MC has a reason to have a harem given he at least can defend his waifus and work hard for his kingdom (The world).
Koihime MC is a beta than would sob while seeing his waifus get raped.
W-why does she look like she has cancer in one part of her tummy?!
Jesus christ the art is atrocious
Not even the lolis could save it
The Russians are depicted ingame as a bunch of masochists that even goes as far as fail missions so Ivan punish them.
Ivan is a little less masochistic but its probably still something.
Her body is preparing to receive your seed
I think it looks great besides the haircut.
Oyari art has been shown at museums and art galleries.
What you posted is generic as fuck and its usual to find in spades.
Having this much shit taste is not healthy user.
The faces are horrendous and every one looks like they suffer from anorexia
Just look at those chins
Why is her underwear so tiny?
Yeah, pretty sure. Took me 2 years of sporadic posting to get this far. Am I on the same level as a native speaker? No. Do I try to get on the same level? Nope. But it's pretty much enough to hold a normal conversation. And I'm learning Japanese the same way.
Time, dedication and perseverance my ass.
Better than the generic shit you are posting.
Whats wrong?
The French consider it to be pure Art.
It's Ooyarishit. All of his art have the same awful fucking face
Wait, what?
Man you are not very bright are you? Go fetch a dictionary and look up those words.
"Tummy" is something that dogs have user, not girls.
I'd honestly take generic and cute than anorexic and pointy
>n-no you just don't understand!!
Thanks for your valuable input, now kindly kys.
Yes, Oyari is a known artist.
The coloring and style of his art are above the generic shit you usually find in eroge.
Good for you i guess.
I recognize the artstyle from Littlewitch Romanesque, is that worth getting? Any way to uncensor the steam version?
I would kill my self if I was as smart as you are. Not sure how I would have made out of middle school with that brain.
>Any way to uncensor the steam version?
Imouto Works made a patch but they closed down so you'll have to ask around.
It is.
Its a very interesting game with actual gameplay.
There should be a way but im not sure.
Please tell me this is real. Though, i'm pretty sure France has the "cartoon pictures of lolis is still illegal" law.
Ashito is an Artist that has had several exhibits.
The hacks that work on nukige like Koihime are irrelevant ants in comparison.
You can buy the proper version outside of steam.
>mfw pre-ordering a physical copy from j-list
It's pretty good, I'd recommend it
Isn't this game a nukige too
>my self
Any more wisdom to share?
Got any more pics?
Girls aren't people?
content of the art gallery
>Artist superiority
I think making girls pretty should be more important
Nukiges are basically games were the story is the porn.
ES is a game with an story that has porn, literally only 2 H scenes are forced on you in ES.
Koihime is similar but clearly its more about the porn than the story.
Ayito does that its an artist.
Thats why his art is more popular than the usual eroge artist.
>That face
More like Ayyvan the Terrible
that's a nice panda, but I can't see how this relates to the game
>guaranteed replies
No (You) for you.