The perfect video game race (and starting area) doesn't exi-
The perfect video game race (and starting area) doesn't exi-
Other urls found in this thread:
>not human
>and starting area
go kill yourself
>tfw playing WoW for the first time
>tauren druid
It was pretty comfy.
>not the worst starting zone
Op what the fuck
Forsaken starting area was better.
>classic mulgore
I'm pretty sure that means you are not a nice person to be around.
Honestly dwarf starting area is the best
Yeah sure if you want wide open empty areas.
>tress everywhere and rocks blocking the landscape are better
I wish people like you didn't exist in such large numbers.
>trying to farm those fucking swoops in mulgore
>having them agro from fucking 200 yd away
Mulgore was fucking awful
dwarf start
best start
For nost when it was high pop as fuck Mulgore was the easiest zone to get shit done because of this.
This. Literally anyone that starts near Iron forge is default best
patrician taste OP
Good taste. Mulgore is the comfiest zone.
>Roll my first Cartoon
>Pick Tauren shaman so I can be a spiritwalking twinkcow and give buffs for my boys
>Only model is bara
Huge letdown desu senpai
Mulcuck is literally where cucks start to develop their cuckcraft. Cuck
>t. elf player
hello gnomefriend
Thats BLOOD elf bitch
Blood elf start zone best start zone.
>He didn't choose undead for his first ever character.
>choosing belf
>playing as horde
seriously hope you dont
>not being godlike
what a peasant you must be. You will never master arcane either.
I just want my WarCraft IV.
Without the WoW bullshit they introduced. I want my REAL Banshee Queen Sylvanas without retarded personality disorder, REAL Night Elves with murder-hippie douchebaggery and not being a part of The Alliance, REAL Tauren that wield giant-ass totems and are all nice until you piss them off, Thrall not being Green Jesus, and finally Blood Elves NOT BEING A PART OF THE HORDE (ALONG WITH THE FORSAKEN).
OK, you can take even make WarCraft IV into a re-telling of WoW and its expansions, but for the fucking love of God Almighty at least do it right for once and without the PvP bullshit and character assassination.
Something that sadly will never happen because current Blizzard WILL fuck it up. As always.
i actually did. Some of the most fondest and greatest memories i had with that character. FUCK WHY CANT WE GO BACK
I keep trying to play this game properly, but then I end up reinstalling my nude mod and masturbating to female taurens, worgens and pandaren.
I picked a troll like a sensible person.
All Alliance has are Werewolves and Dwarves.
>Picking the literal nigger race
What the fuck were they thinking?
>tfw thicc worgen ladies were the only thing keeping me playing legion until I gave up
I just really like Rokhan and wanted to be a hunter. Troll seemed the obvious pick. I didn't let memes decide my choices.
All Horde has is goblins and cows
what is that abysmal horror?
so much bait in one message
i applaud you user
And Trolls.
>tfw too tall to relate to dwarves
>tfw too fit to relate to puny humans and skinny fucboi elves
Taurens a best, specially for high test classes like Warriors
Those werewolves will be fucking worth it when they make best zone a Capital and build an expansion on it.
Are you sure it's not just because you're fat?
Shit man remember stumbling into that cave full of spiders and being freaked the fucked out?
or getting lost in the undercity for the first time or getting the zepplin to orgimmar and being shocked at how many people there was or accidentally wandering into the plague lands because you thought the zone next door would be the logical next place to go?
I remember meeting a guy in the very first part of the zone and being in regular contact with him for three years until cataclysm.
Fuck Cataclysm I did not hate it for being a bad game I hate it for driving all my friends away.
I went from a legion of good buddies and not having enough hours in the day to play to being alone and only logging in every second or third day.
Still a patrician choice my man.
They will be worth it when Blizz updates the models, and brings old zones to Legion levels of quality with shit like bears fishing from a stream and shit. Stuff that makes it feel alive.
>puny humans
Male humans in WoW are like Space Marines.
Daily reminder that Darnassus is the most underrated city.
Also fuck you, Teldrassil is comfy as fuck
Tauren players tend to be the thinnest people irl.
It's the draenei, gnomes, dwarfs, and elves that are fucking landwhales.
Male humans are literally 5'9 manlets. Wtf you on about?
hey fuck you that kid died
And left behind one of the shittiest literal fetch quests in existence.
>you will never level as a hunter until level 10 without knowing how to tame a pet
>you will never be part of a night elf death march through wetlands again
>you will never fly over searing gorge and burning steppes and wonder all about those lvl ?? mobs
>you will never randomly whisper everyone lvl 17-24 and ask them to come deadmines with you
>you will never hear the "HUH" from Defias Pillagers that shoot fireballs that did a whopping 80 damage on you
>you will never venture into stranglethorn vale and do battle with other hordes leveling
>you will never assemble a group via /who and travel through loch modan, wetlands and arathi highlands, get the FP at Southshore just to do Shadowfang Keep
>you will never feel amazed at your friends talking about their experiences at level 60 while you're a level 33 nub doing your best to stay alive while they ride on epic mounts, wear epic gear and swing epic swords
>you will never hear bosses like onyxia and ragnaros be talked about like they were talked about back then, like huge monsters only a few had seen
>you will never just go to the barrens for no reason other than to see what the zone is like
>you will never have to spend 100g to get your 60% mount at level 40 again
>you will never meet someone while questing, start talking with them and then add each other to your respectitve friend's lists
>you will never stand outside ironforge and watch all the cool and hip pvpers with cool titles like "Lieutenant Commander" and "Grand Marshal" duel each other
>you will never stand by the mailbox in ironforge, just look at all the nerds decked out in t1, t2 and eventually t3 and ask them what their highest crit ever was
>you will never go desolace just to do maraudon and guide people to the right instance
>you will never experience the joy and wonder vanilla wow gave you because you are now jaded and more cynical instead of young and impressionable
>tfw Teldrassil as it's supposed to look will never be in game
Please stop. It hurts so much, I don't deserve this.
Holy fuck, I'd give my left nut to explore that.
>you will never fly over searing gorge and burning steppes and wonder all about those lvl ?? mobs
I was the retard that ran from STV to Badlands without a mount because I didn't know how to get there otherwise. I died in Burning Steppes so many times my armor broke.
>You will never be the center of attention for something so trivial again
>you will never stand by the mailbox in ironforge, just look at all the nerds decked out in t1, t2 and eventually t3 and ask them what their highest crit ever was
>you will never be the guy getting asked again
>deleting just to post again
why though? also
>you will never be back in bc after getting a spectral tiger
>you will never get pms from everyone on the bg about your mount
fun times.
because i forgot to give him a (You)
That's not orc though
>start playing like 1 month after vanilla release
>cousin is 39
>i'm like 20
>raid that tree zone i forgot the name with a bunch of low levels and levels 60
>end being 3 raids walking to ironforge
Jesus Christ, that thing's as strong as Gorehowl in BC Kara.
With vanilla wf it probably 1shot cloth.
Why is human on pandaren the best?
Okay I admit the gnome starting and leveling up areas was very comfy. That was my only ally until I switched to horde back in vanilla.
fucking furry
>Nigger of the WoW universe...
Best fucking starting zone. That music, those quest's. Bitch please my whole fucking starting zone is a tree not a basic barren land full of sand and green niggers-
Xe isn't. But you are beautiful.
>First time playing, introduced by ex girlfriend
>human: nah too generic
>dorf: this is optional
>nelf: why are they so tall and agile wtf urgh
>gnome: why are they so small and agile wtf urgh
>draenei: lol space cow
>Mind as well, I should play the evil side
>orcs: nah too generic
>forsaken: this is optional
>belf: why are they so gay and agile wtf urgh
>troll: why are they so brazilean and agile wtf urgh
>tauren: lol cow
Since then I´ve mained best race:
>Cannibalize after ganking my first fag
So good.
You don't know shit about comfy
Because I am a human and want to fuck Pandaren women.
>playing Alliance
I want nu-v to leave.
Literally in-game...
>favorite Halloween is holiday
>play ended
>got-tear starting zone
Come join us on Elysium. Classic 1.12.1 and it's free
Their mouth are genetically designed to suck dicks.
Ellowas is a wonderful man. I hope he makes more panda stuff.
You never played a windfury 2h shaman, right?
The worst part is the feeling of never being as young as I was when I started playing WoW even if I was shit at it. Where all I did when I wasn't in whatever year of school it was, I'd just play videogames until dinner was made for me etc.
Now any time I spend playing videogames or browsing here is a waste of time that I could be using on studying for my senior-level courses or working on stuff that I need to learn to intern at the only job option I have a chance of getting.
I will never get to be free like that again. Even being a NEET doesn't feel good, as I've experienced that during winter/summer breaks and when I tried to drop out
How do we go back
No, are you retarded?
we're talking about the REAL teldrassil
It's just a tree my man. They need to make more interesting hubs though.
>mfw dalaran again
I'll be going back on retail for my once-an-expansion revisit. What classes are fun right now?
>I'll be going back on retail
I hope you enjoy walking you heifer.
>Trolls, niggers
>Relatively peaceful
>Best Shamans
>Broest people you know
>Orcs, not niggers
>Led to all the bullshit in Azeroth to begin with
>Excessively violent
>Played by tryhards
>Martin Thrall King couldn't win a fair fight
Did you look at the picture retard? That's how Teldrassil is supposed to look according to the lore
They couldnt make that ingame obviously, so instead we have a shitty tree island with trees on it
>Playing a fucking cow
>playing the edgy bad guys
Dwarf master race reporting in.
>That's how Teldrassil is supposed to look according to the lore
Where does it say that?