OpenXCOM Thread

FMP October Edition.

Yeah, fuck this game sometimes. Its October, Lets see just how far we get.

Plasma, Blasters, and soon Psionics will be ours.

Um, Panic?

Lots of panic.

Go? It might be dark when I get there.


I have a bad feeling about this.

Also, yes I see that TFTD thread, Those were some good times.

... MiB Terror Mission?

What could go wrong?

Who knows, I don't. Pray they don't have blasters.

Right. Moving on, we kill the tank after A rocket and enough gauss to destroy a building. That was tough.

... All my shit is gone.


Well not a huge loss, but I'm going to have to replace a lot of things.


I hate killing puppers, even if they are not my own.

Rip And Roar.

This is starting to look like ANOTHER image of a playthrough I had.

Only one thing to do then.

Dr. Pavel took a laser to the chest, I can't cure him because my SHIT BLEW UP.

Shit. The Duke is dead.

Doggo. Can't do anything about it.

Maybe it will panic like every other dog.

Welcome back Commander, don't let the MIB wreck your ass

This guy thought it wise to bring a Shotgun out in the open field.

Not sure what that guy had, don't care, dead.

At least it wasn't a base assault where they have sectopods

This guy is durable, Fuckin Power armor.

I suppose, but I do have lasers.

After six shots to the face, he finally dies.

Snoktits gets a good kill.

they only get a 20% boost to the damage they do, they are not enough to get through they armor, unless you get really lucky with those critical hits

Not many left now.

A dog keeps going berserk.

Good lord what happened when that Demoman went berserk?

Yet another tank.

They can also get the same armors as you, there is one of them, i think juggernaut armor that makes them almost as durable as a sectopod

Cuban Pete picks up an enemy heavy gauss and oneshots it. Damn.

Holy hell.

What happened over here?

What the hell could be left?


not much, just blow everything up

Right, so the issue here is this.

The Tanks can't escape, and I can't really approach the tanks.


Soldiers dying all over the place. Keep it together Commander!

Tell me you didn't run out of HE, acouple of them should do the trick

I did, actually.

All that junk I lost.

I was actually looking forward to having Snoktits on my main team. Oh well.




I remember the first time i got to assault a MIB base, i only had regular AP weapons with alloy ammo, vs tanks, sectopods and heavy armored MIB

i used around 30 HE and almost didn't make it, had to use Proxy grenades as regular granades to barely win it



Oh shit

HA. HA. Bullshit.

Let hope its not lyds



Starting strong


Should have dug a trench.

I hate this game sometimes.

Wouldn't it be better to put those rookies there on the hallway inside one of the rooms, praying for some reaction shots when there is cyberdiscs seems like a bad idea

Game Over.

If I lose this base. this becomes unwinnable.

Inb4 those living quarters get so destroyed by cyber disc explosions your whole base collapses


You know what. No.

This is the point where i know I've lost.

Good game folks.

Commander no


Living quarters, General Stores, Hangars and the Lift can't be destroyed

You can do it commander, we believe in you

Last three soldiers.

If I go, I will go down fighting.

I think there was only one disk left..

Yeah.. Game over. I'm abandoning and deleting. GG. Thanks for coming out guys. Another time.

Final Mod Pack defeated me.

I seriously see no way to recover from all that.


You can always make a new main base, you do have plenty of funds

No supplies. I can't shoot down anything, and all my stuff was in that base. EVERYTHING WAS THERE.

I'd be starting from scratch, RIFLES.

See you guys next time.

Such a shame Commander, but nice try though, hope to see another playthrough with FMP, it would be nice to win one of those

I might come back again another time, maybe in a few months. Let Sup Forums settle down, This is my second failure. Only way to figure it out from here is to play again and again.

Thanks anons for stickin with me.

Shit, Commander, even if you fail it's still entertaining.

Will look forward to the next thread and good luck.

see you then Commander.


I'm going to actually COMPLETE FMP, Savescum style.

Maybe when I'm done with that, I'll come back and kick some ass with you lot..

Give me five names. Five kick ass names. The sixth name will be Chen. Period. Go.

For what i could see, the problem with that base assault was using missiles on the chokepoint with low accuracy soldiers, and puting soldiers into the hallways.

i usually camp on the cross section of the adjacent facilities and only leave scouts in the middle one inside the rooms, they only come out to spot and let the people far in the hallway shoot through smoke

I give you The Crab.

May he serve you well.

Yeah, it was largely my own fault.

Chosen Undead had a 70% chance to hit where I wanted him to, and he hit the wall.

Thats what fucked me over.





i had this shit happen in tftd in a base assult cause of a disruptor pulse launcher its annoying but i was so far ahead it didnt hurt me

The Trooper

Hank Hill

Welp. Time to go full XCOM akbar.
We expect great things from this project, commander.

Thanks you lot. Just need to get this shakyness outta me and maybe I'll succeed. Good luck guys. See you in a few months.

I leave you with one of the supersoldiers of my current ironman FMP playthtrough (haven't reaction trained him yet)