>tfw you can play all the multiplats and weeb games
When did it all go so right sonybros?
Tfw you can play all the multiplats and weeb games
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dislike weebshit
>Play on PC instead
PS4 is overrated senpai.
I don't know, where did it all go right user?
>got a PS4 for multiplats
>suddenly playing weeb games
What happened?
I haven't enjoyed gaming for a long time until i bought a pro. All i did on my pc was league, csgo, and runescape. Im glad youre having fun playing on the pc though.
Same for me.
PS4 is some magic device.
>Dislike weebshit
>Post on fucking Sup Forums
Japanese are the only ones making games. And this isn't even considering Nep games as actual games.
>tfw when Sonyggers have nothing to play EXCEPT shit that can easily be played somewhere else and Remasters.
but we just said that there are weeb games that you can't play anywhere else
>playing weebshit at all
>playing games
What games do you like?
every game you hate
>not getting a PS4 for exclusively weeb games
>implying weebshit counts as games
>fall for the PC gaming meme
>play nothing but western trash
>suddenly start to hate video games a whole
>open my window to get some fresh air
>reach out and happen to grab a PS4
>seriously, Sony consoles are so abundant you can literally reach for one outside your window
>it also came with Bloodborne, Yakuza, and Project Diva
>play them
>fall in love with gaming again
>realize that Japan objectively makes the best games
>realize that Japan will never put their games on PC until several console generations have passed
>find myself buying multiplats on PS4
>Japan restored my faith so hard, even garbage western games are pleasant to play
>part out my PC since I haven't used it in years
>made enough money to buy a house
PC gaming is a meme, a platform cannot be good if all it has are western games.
I love playing Fifa on my PS4. The graphics from the power of the console just makes me feel so immersed.
unironically this
how does one post manage to encapsulate the truth so well?
Couldn't be happier. Every good PC exclusive can run on a laptop anyway.
>tfw listened to Sup Forums, sold PS3 and purchased PS4
The >HD remaster no games meme is real. It has Witcher 3, Overwatch and that's all.
>where do you think we are?
looks like you're surrounded by a field of no games there user
This, same thing happpened to me in 2016.
PS4 really is a weeb machine. Not that that is a bad thing, but they could try getting a bit more exclusive variety.
>fall for the PC gaming meme
>play excellent games like the Total War series, STALKER, Cities Skylines, Legend of Grimrock, Redout and old classics
>enjoy better versions of multiplats
>have mods
>free online
>more variety than any console ever
Neck yourself you false flagging retard
This has happened to me twice now. Happened to me in 2015, went back to playing PC in 2016 once I got burned out on Bloodborne, now I've gone back to PS4 with Nioh and Gravity Rush 2.
PC gaming is soul-less. PS4 is just so much more comfy and fulfilling.
What is it with autism and how it goes hand in hand with Japanese culture.
What are some western exclusives they're missing out on?
>Project Diva
is this sonygger serious?
Fuck off
Counter Strike
And, ayy ermmm
ARMA? If you're into that...
Fuck you delete this.
not him but how can you say no to this cute MIKU?
Civ and genderqueer simulators.
Holy shit this is so me. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm completely serious.
The weeb games are very diverse. If you want FPS games and Third-Person open-world games then check out the west, but the East is there for every other genre pretty much.
I mostly see only single-player games in both arenas and I don't care about multiplayer games because they're boring and available everywhere mostly.
You can stop samefagging now
You talking shit about GOTY 2017?
I'd shove you into a locker if I saw you irl
You got me
This makes me regret spending 4.2k hours on Dota 2.
Weebs should be lined up and shot
>all this autism
>holding pillow over crotch to hide boner
>that dance
>all this cringe
Would've given him up for adoption in a heartbeat
Why are PC bros so triggered by Japanese games? Is it because they can't actually play them?
Do you also still spout the old tried and true "turns 360 degrees and walks away XDDDD" burnt out meme in xbox related threads Mr. Clever?
reddit isn't fond of anything that's not western
How do you know that?
because i'm not a oblivious newfag that started using the internet yesterday.
>liking japanese things
What does being a newfag have to do with knowing what reddit likes or not?
Maybe you should be back.
I'm not fond of pure ignorance.
Redditor, please. You're trying way too hard to fit in.
Most of those weeb games are also on pc you just need to know moonrunes
>Sup Forums hates indie shit, movie games and SJW shit
>Sup Forums refuses to try playing weeb games despite them having actual gameplay
>Sup Forums cries about gaming being dead because all they get on Steam now is indie shit, movie games and SJW shit
No, they're not.
hola reddit!
Who are you quoting?
>movie games and SJW shit
I think you're confusing it with PSN. That, FIFA and CoD is pretty much what sells on the PS4.
>like weeb games
>play on PC
And I'm having a jolly good time
PC is a fucking meme. Oh wow, FPS #10456 came out. Masterrace!
>2 years old broken ports of subpar games
Truly the best experience.
I'm not saying PC is complete trash, I'm currently enjoying RE7 on mine but if you are playing weeb games on PC you are doing it wrong son.
>playing fps on consoles
Imagine you met a white guy who did nothing but watch Bollywood movies. Not even western-made ones like Slumdog Millionaire, but pure, unlocalized VHS tape imports from Mumbai of endless dance scenes and Hindi songs, hundreds and hundreds of them with covers of Indian men/women dancing with names like "Mumbadukuda Tamilashika"
And whenever you bring up movies, he only talks about Bollywood films
That's what weebs are to us really. We don't "hate" indigenous Indian or Japanese culture, it's great they have their own culture they share with each other. But it is strange for some guy named Tyler to obsess over them all the way over here. Most of all, they're really not even made for us so we have no reason to want to import them.
Japanese games made for us, be it Resident Evil or Souls are fine. We're talking about the endless and unmemorable list of J-dork shovelware schoolgirl-pantsu titles.
I don't have autism, so there's nothing wrong with doing that.
The first part of recovering is accepting that you have been memed.
That's an interesting way to put it but there are obvious flaws in your reasoning.
Bollywood and Japanese otaku culture are not comparable at all, while there are some wester Bollywood fans it doesn't have the universal appeal that anime has.
Then there is the exposition, unless you live in a 3rd world nigger infested shithole you have, or at least your demographic has been exposed to japanese anime culture to some degree.
Finally you are browsing a website populated by lonely neet faggots that grew up with video games and internet, and nothing is attracts lonely deviants more than cute anime girls so naturally Sup Forums is centered around anime.
I can understand why people don't like weebshit and think it's retarded and I respect that, but if you want my advice, you should clean your steam friend list, work on your steam recommendations and stop going to Sup Forums. I guarantee you that this is a niche thing and you won't really encounter it anywhere else unless you are looking for it.
>what is inspect element
>being this retarded
Total war is trash mate I don't even need to keep reading
>Being able to aim in a casual popular FPS is autism
Wew, and I thought PSfats were proud of their Bloodbourne skill
"It suks" is Not an Argument, especially contrasted with mass acclaim by more educated and critical reviewers
You're a massive pleb. Stick to your console trash.
>Sony tells me to change my password
>Need my birthday
>Can't remember the fake birthday I put in when I was 15
Do what I did in your situation
>use actual month/day
>go through the years till you find which one
got it to work for me by doing that.
I only want the PS4 for Crash Bandicoot Remaster
I don't think it's worth it to buy a 399 dollaroo system just for the crash bundle though
Tell customer support and they'll help you. Had the same problem
yeah I'm sony/nintendo, I know there's some 3rd party games I get worse performance on but I don't really care. I've always been a console gamer, they've always had the exclusives I've cared about. Anyway this month I got to play RE7 at 60fps anyway, now today I got Ni-oh, then Nier, Horizon, the BotW in March, Persona 5 in April, feels good man.
>platform war
i am too old for this shit. just buy all if you have money
keep telling yourself that
>charge $400 for locked down low-tier prebuilt with paid online
>Sup Forums will defend this by citing software being locked down with it
way to go fag-o
>charge $400 for locked down low-tier prebuilt
That's an advantage.
>with paid online
Thanks Sega!
Thanks Microsoft!
I'm having fun. How's a webm that i didn't open going to change that?
not even a weeb but this is what happened to me. i hate nepshit, but jap games like yakuza and nioh are infinitely better than western shit (skyrim, witcher, even dude sex)
>you can
keyword there. sales shows you won't. you'll get fifa, asscreed, and some cover shooter. less than one game per year too.
>playing overwatch
>playing "competitive" shooters in general
>pcfat this mad he doesn't have the option
Pc player here, glad you're enjoying your ps4 vidjya