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Whatever ones you're interested. There's no MUST play games because you don't have to impress anyone



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Final Fantasy X-2

Anything besides Final Fantasy.

phantasy star 4, skies of arcadia, suikoden 1-2, trails in the sky fc and sc

All the PS2 Megatens.


Persona Series, including 3-4
Shin megami tensei in general
Xeno- series except xenosaga 2-3
Paper Mario up to TTYD
Trails in the sky
The world ends with you

>except maybe xenosaga 2-3
But Xenosaga III is the best Xeno game.


bestest taste

Dragon Quest 4
Paper Mario
Suikoden 2
Xenoblade Chronicles
Legend of Mana
Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
probably some action title like Tales of, or Star Ocean 2

>hurr durr casual taste
Yes, that is the point of the list. It is to give people a wide variety of different game designs, so they can see what the genre had to offer and make a decision based on that.

almost all ps1 jrpg

Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior II
Dragon Warrior III
Dragon Warrior IV
Dragon Warrior V
Dragon Warrior VI
Dragon Warrior VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX

>recommending Trails
Are you trying to scare people away from JRPGs?
A single Trails game alone (not the subseries, just the individual games) have more dialogue and writing than the entire fucking Lord of the Rings trilogy,

Trails isn't a must-play until you're already well acquainted with JRPGs and want a good story.

final fantasy 6 and 7
dragon quest 4 nes
suikoden 1, 2, 5
chrono trigger
chrono cross
grandia 1
persona 4
phantasy star 1 and 4
lunar 1 and 2 sega cd or ps1 versions are both fine.

Chrono Trigger

>Dragon Quest 4
5 or 8 are probably better choices, especially with 4's shitty translation.

>the story is good because it's long!

I hate most JRPGs because they pretty much all play like Wizardry clones, but MMBN and Etrian Odyssey are both good.

>the story is good because it's long!
Who are you quoting?

My game.

I never had trouble understanding DQ4's translation (no more than any others) and DQ5 is only noteworthy for being really shitty compared to Pokemon.

DQ8 might be just as good, although I haven't played it yet to say for sure. I did want to include a fairly good "typical" JRPG in the list, in order to show off how the genre normally works - and DQ4 was actually a bit better than most in that regard.

Persona 3&4
Earthbound&Mother 3
Final Fantasy 4,6,7,9,15
Chrono Trigger

Her game

none of them

>smt 4

Dark Cloud 2


Legend of Dragoon.

It's sad that Americans can make a better JRPG than Japan.

you couldnt be any more gay if you literally posted a picture of you getting fucked in the ass.

trails is the shit, good taste. Do you know if cold steel is good?

But skies of arcadia is literally unbearable unless played on emulator at 2x speed.

I don't know where or how I implied the story was good because it's long, I was pointing out that it's daunting to newcomers because it's one of the most text-heavy games of all time that doesn't push into VN territory. The story's great, not because it's long, but because of absurd amount of detail and world-building tied to nearly every aspect of the writing.

Shadow Hearts/Covenant
Persona 4
Suikoden 2
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy IX
Dragon Quest V
Live a Live

Cold Steel is really good, but it's a completely different change of tone and it puts off a lot of previous Trails fans for how very weeby and tropey it can feel at times.

Grandia was already mentioned in the thread but its pretty fucking good.
Only one i can think of outside the box.

Not him, but I'd say those have very weak dungeon design and exploration compared to the high standard set by how good Megaten dungeon crawlers tend to be (SJ, SH, Nocturne, DDS and P5).

my nigga, lunar is THE BEST rpg series of all time, hands down. Dat Ghaleon. Dat Lucia. Maybe not dat Hiro, he was a shitty character. But holy hell i love those games.

I still remember the day my rich ass aunt bought me and my bro one of those like 600$ portable ps1's that had the screen that flipped up (yes sony made these, they were awesome) and the lunar 1 and 2 eternal blue complete package.

If you dont mind reading for years and have to actually study for exams its really enjoyable.
About 70 hours to finish it and I cant wait to paly the 2ยบ part.

Have to?
you can play CT and leave it at that

generic high school harem JRPG but has the best writing in the series if you don't mind cliches

Add SMT3 and replace P4 with P3 and this is a solid list.

In no particular order:

Chrono Trigger
Shin Megami Tensei
Soul Hackers
Digital Devil Saga
Raidou Kuzunoha
Persona 3 (Don't listen to anyone who tells you to play 2. Just watch a playthrough on Youtube)
Devil Survivor
Mana Khemia
Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy IX
Wild Arms 3
Kingdom Hearts
Summon Night Swordcraft Story
Shadow Hearts

Anything Final Fantasy.

>(Don't listen to anyone who tells you to play 2. Just watch a playthrough on Youtube)
Fucking casual.


I'm sick of the blanket "JRPG" genre. LRPG, ARPG, and SRPG's are all completely different genres.

>Phantasy Star

Mah melanin enriched gentlemen.
I, II and IV are must plays for fans of the genre, with III being a title to look at after you've gone trough the entry levels.

All SaGa, FF VI and VII (XII too if you LOVE to explore fantasy worlds), DQ V-IX, Persona 3 and 4, all mainline BAKA (remember Strange Journey exists), both Chrono, all Xeno, Suikoden 1-3, Breath of Fire 3-5, Golden Sun 1 and 2, Parasite Eve (2 is a RE clone, though), Vagrant Story, all Trails, Tales of 1-5 (after that the saga went full weeaboo for my taste, maybe you'll like it, though).

TWEWY, KH, Ys, Legend of gaia-Terranigma, Seiken densetsu 3 and legends of mana are pretty good too but they are ARPG not JRPG.

*All mainline SHM (subconscious is an interesting thing, although it'd be funnier if I've wrote MAKA).

If anyone thinks this is wrong, then you have no taste. X-2 dress sphere was fun as tits. Story is meh but the battle system was enjoyable.

>no Lost Odyssey

This should've been mentioned right away as it is underrated as fuck.

I loved these games until they beat up my waifu.

It's a tedious and boring game. I played through both and I will never recommend them to anyone, ever. I'm not cruel.


>asking people to get into .hack as their first RPG experience
>asking people to get into .hack without every having played a MMO before
>asking people to get into .hack at this point
>asking people to play through .hack without going through the companion material
>asking people to hunt down four of the most expensive PS2 games, or their ROMs, for a "must play" game

You're crazy.

Trails in the Sky 3 when?

I said in no particular order.


Couldn't play more than 1 hour of this garbage, wtf people forcing me to use touch controls, shitty game.

Suikoden 2.

Just for you user.
I never beat it because my brother took his xbone

DQ4 was the one I liked the least, there were lots of times where I had absolutely no idea where to go, whereas most of the other DQs give at least some good hints.

I played 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, replaying 8 on 3DS right now and will play 7 afterwards.

My favourite is probably 8.

If I had to pick a list there would be various JRPG's, if I had to pick one it would easily be Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song.


"Trails in the Sky the 3rd is still currently on track for a spring 2017 launch on PC!"

I suggest not playing a game on a system whose main gimmick is touch controls if you really hate them so much.
>inb4 bait

>DQIV absolutely no idea where to go

You must be a genius, because I had no idea where to go the moment you obtained a boat in DW2.

Its not a bait, but anyway, touch controls are garbage and I hate every game that uses it for gameplay.

Some cases are cool like for having more buttons on Zelda OOT/MM, but the Zeldas on the NDS were ABSOLUTE GARBAGE the touch screen isn't ever 100% responsive.


At that point you might as well close your DS and never touch it again, really.

>Leaving out the best BoF out of that suggestion list

The man is wrong.

You're too stupid to realize the letter you got was forged despite threatening letters being a plot point in that chapter. Kevin>You

>DQ4 was the one I liked the least, there were lots of times where I had absolutely no idea where to go
Really? It was mostly obvious, from what I saw. You just needed to remember locations you had been before, and stop by to see what was new. Or you could follow the rough story that the characters directed to towards; they point you towards new party members, and the first thing you are likely to do after that is check on the guy who beat Maya/Meena.

Shit, this is how I feel. I saw a lot of top jrpg you must play and Trails always comes up. The feel of the game feels comfy but it's slow as fuck. I stopped at 5 hours.

Trails is designed for veterans at JRPGs, if you have ADHD then you've fucked up.

This game made me interested the Inca, Maya etc.

recently got back into retro gaming and this tops my list now for top RPGs

Not to mention the Crossbell arc is not translated so you'll either have to learn Japanese or read up on a summary to get a big chunk of the story (and you can be sure this knowledge will be needed for Cold Steel 3 since Crossbell has been confirmed to be in that game)

Shut Up and Jam Gaiden
Skies of Arcadia
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest
Valkyrie Profile
Seiken Densetsu 3
Breath of Fire
Bowser's Inside Story

Going to avoid mentioning SRPG/ARPGs (but Seiken 3 and Terranigma are my jams, so, exceptions) for reasons. Still have to go through Phantasy Star Offline and Suikoden.

Reminder that Sword of Mana and Star Ocean are garbage.

First WA is rough man.

>Live a Live
S+ Tier

That's more of an action-adventure, though.

Will the Crossbell arc ever be localized?

Why? There are loads of games that make good use of the second screen, its retarded to think the handheld is useless because of it, there are some good uses of it, like using it for menus or point&click adventures.

>no SD3

Fuck you. And all of the ones in this threads only talking about post-ps2 stuff. At least some people had the good taste of liking both new things and old ones.

XSeed's hinted at it, but there's a fan translation of the first game nearly done. Apparently the fan translation team's going full tryhard and including the Jap voice acting from the Evolution remaster.

How would you know that you have to use the Magma Staff at that location? Like, really?

And you need to go there for a Zenithian equipment to go to Zenithia later.

dragon quest 9 is fucking great though. fuck your list.

The first Cold Steel can be off putting because of the setting and the game sometimes feeling a bit too tropey (similar to how FC played its tropes too straight) The ending is generally agreed to be the high point of the game. Cold Steel 2 was better received overall, still has its problems (mostly in act 2) but most problems from 1 are gone. Should be noted that while it's generally agreed the Erebonia arc is weaker to Sky and Crossbell arcs, it's still seen as an enjoyable experience and there's alot of hype for Cold Steel 3. Just don't go in expecting SC tier from CS1+2 and you'll be mostly fine.

anachronox, the canadian jrpg

to be fair it's one of the worst DQs
which also means it's still better than the average game

final fantasy 7
chrono trigger
are pretty important pieces of gaming history. surely you should at least play them just to see these milestones just as a tourist would visit stonehenge just to see it because it's an important piece of human history.



it might not be that bad...

desu after the PS2 era, if it's on a handheld it's probably more worth your time than if it's on a console

Xseed really wants too, but Ao's redtape is a big reason why as it would require Xseed, Falcom and Joyoland to come to an agreement. In the case of Zero, that can easily be done since they have a JP PC port to work with. There is a fan translation team that is finishing up Zero (the team got new leadership recently and they know what they are doing) and they do have plans for Ao. SO worst case, we might have fan translations if Xseed can't get the go ahead.

Yeah it's really neat.

Is it possible to emulate Panzer Dragoon Saga? I hear Saturn emulation is pretty awful

Dragon Quest 8
Xenoblade Chronicles/X
SMT IV and Apocalypse
Phantasy Star IV
Secret of Mana
Persona 4
Lufia 2
Etrian Odyssey 4
Mother 3

All that really springs to mind when I think great JRPGs


>couldn't git gud

Absolutely pathetic

Sword of mana and star Ocean were garbage by the standards we had back then though, looking at it from the current perspective it almost looks like gold.
That's how terrible it is right now.

Beside this, great tastes.

>How would you know that you have to use the Magma Staff at that location? Like, really?
You look at the item description. Plus, the people from Ragnar's town talk about the land where only women live, which became blocked off by a volcano closing the passageway.

Seriously, when I got the item, I knew EXACTLY what to do with it because I'd already followed that line of thinking to as far as I could without the item.