Have you purchased my game yet, anonymous-sama?
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not yet
Ok but how the heck do you pronounce Nioh anyway
Ill buy the steam version
I want to, but I'm poor.
What is it even?
I went with this user.
I played the alpha, and all three betas for Nioh. Had that shit pre ordered for ages senpai. I love action rpgs.
It finally unlocks for me in 1 hour. Being an eurocuck with a digital copy was suffering.
This. Or I'll finally cave in and buy a PS4 Pro in the summer with the extra cash.
amazon will deliver it tomorrow
Yes, I have to support the games I like.
>game about samurai and demons, main villain is a white guy
What did they mean by this?
Yes but Bestbuy and UPS fucked me so I won't get it until tomorrow, probably.
I should probably get around to finishing other games first...Then again I don't exactly get around to completing games nowadays due to lack of time.
But yes, I will probably give it a go on PC when it comes down in price a bit.
The player character is a white guy too
>You ARE the demons, senpai!
>on PC
I know right I wanted to go complete mighty whitey and show all those japs who the superior race is.
Whats the chance of nioh coming to the pc
domo ken-sama, it just arrived
I missed my window on the demo, so I'm waiting for more thorough gameplay to hit YouTube (first two hours, stuff like that). What I've already seen looks fucking baller, but I don't think I've seen enough to justify spending money yet.
I'm not sure, can you post all the waifus featuring in your game? then I can decide
actually, he gets absorbed into Japanese culture
becoming the first weeb
Yasuke just follows orders and stuff
>gailjin-san please self-insert into this protagonist-kun and buy our gemmu
So I'm at the second region. Why does my Katana feel like it tickles bosses? I'm only level 35 and have put points into 1 Kat, NIN and Magic but my double lightning doggo spirit + Katana really don't do much damage
are you properly upgrading?
are you fighting slimes who are WEAK TO FIRE
Upgrading how? Like getting new drops or?
soul matching at the blacksmith also allows you to upgrade old weapons by sacrificing a newer weapon
So what is the deal with the twilight missions I keep unlocking? I only see two int he first region both of which werent the ones I unlocked.
>TFW cant beat succubus boss
Still pondering it..not sure if it's worth full price
Yes, it will arrive tomorrow.
It somehow sold out in all of my local areas. Wasn't this shit supposed to be niche?
Fuck me. I know
my dick grows as i expand influence of oda family
t. rance
t. conquered
>Have you purchased my game yet, anonymous-sama?
Didn't like the demo, so no.
Is someone here a priest? I need an absolution.
I'm looking forward to playing Nioh tomorrow, but haven't finished DS3. So, after 8 deaths from Nameless King, I summoned a help and killed him. Will god forgive me? I've never used summoning before, and beat BB.
Also, the framerate tanked to 20fps in the fight, has that happened to you? It was 60FPS while I was alone, but 20 with the guy. Why?
The Soul of Cinder was a fucking letdown, killed him on my second try. Are all soulsborne final bosses so easy or is BB/DS3 an exception?
Pic for visibility
Nope. Your shit meme doesn't apply here. I finished all the demos
3 minutes!
Then an install and patch I'm guessing...
>beat demos with op revenant drops
>can't beat main game with regular drops
t. conquered
>buy game
>hear that horrible engrish
>refund game
yeah nah
not playing Dark Souls:Gaiden if they dont even care to put $$ into the VA
Yeah, the bonuses last until the 22nd or something. Don't worry.
never EVER peecuck
OK bud
Low production run.
The guy at my EB games used it as a reason to get insurance.
Just buy digital
Yeah. About to start it. I'm trusting word of mouth from the demos since I missed them and i've never played a Souls game but I love Ninja Gaiden and fast action games in general.
You fuckers had better not be wrong.
nobody wants uncharted replace that shit with nioh or ffxv, idorts don't even want uncharted
I'm patiently waiting for the Steam release.
_____ ____
Spook skel ?
About how many hours is this game? I am planning on getting it soon, just kind of curious.
30-60 depending on how bad you are
There's a lot of room for replay ability and new playstyles
Sounds good, thanks.
Been saying NYE OH in my head the whole time
How is the game? Is it worth full price?
You get a massive stamina penalty if you're overweight, just like in real life
>is the greatest game of our generation with cutting-edge gameplay mechanics, intense visceral combat, and endless replayability worth it?
no it sucks don't buy it
>Weeb Souls
Fuck no
Was at EB when the doors opened, was there for 45 minute's because I thought the store opened half hour earlier.
No but For Honor is
Already getting that too senpai
You should consider euthanizing yourself
So is it worth $60 or is it better to rent it?
its worth every penny so far. Im having loads of fun. You could wait for a sale if you want
It's pretty fucking awesome so far. I'm not a Souls guy in the least, but I love me some fast combat and Team Ninja games and this could easily be the best PS4 exclusive.
How about replayability? I realize most haven't beaten the game yet, but you can pretty much tell if you're going to replay a game after a while.
average is around 30-60 hours and then there is ng+ and coop. pvp will be added in as a free update. i could see people putting a 100 hours into it
Might get it on payday then. Thanks.
no I didn't like the alphas, or the betas, or whatever other tests I played.
Doesn't hap that you're stuck playing a nasty male character instead of a qt
why the cat?
i saved a few hundred cat pictures a few years ago
Need to get some use out of them
all the people on reddit are complaining because they cant coop with a friend until one of them has beaten a level
I haven't played since the first demo, what's up with weapon durability? Did they remove that?
Also what determines how many elixirs you spawn with? It feels totally random to me
post more cats
Nah promised myself that I wouldn't buy too many games this year.
Yakuza 0, Zelda and Nier are the must buy games and anything that is not those are too much.
Sorry I didn't fall for the Dark Souls type games are good meme like most
How do you feel about Ninja Gaiden?
>buy it again
The story is based off of a white samurai that lived in Japan who actually existed in the 16th and 17th century named William Adams.
post the cutest cat you have in your folder
>on PC
good news user
It's got cute in the file name
I'll buy it if it ever shows up on PC.
Cba to get a console just for few games.