Overwatch Patch notes Thread


>New Feature: Server Browser

Starting today, every player can create their own, unique Overwatch experience and share it with their friends, their teammates, or the entire world. Introducing the Server Browser.

An extension of Overwatch's Custom Game mode, the Server Browser allows you to adjust the settings on various maps, modes, and heroes, creating your own tailor-made server. If, for example, you want to increase Pharah’s missile speed or remove the cooldown from McCree's Combat Roll, the power is yours. Once you're happy with your settings and you're ready to launch your game, you'll need to set up the permissions. You can limit the number of people who can join your game by toggling the "Friends Only" or "Invite Only" options, but if you want to put your strange creation to the real test, set your server to "Public" and click the launch button.

The Server Browser is currently being tested, so we'll be making changes throughout the PTR. Thank you for helping us test the feature, and we're excited to see what you make of it.

>New Mode: Capture the Flag

Capture the Rooster has been, without a doubt, Overwatch’s most popular brawl. We don’t want that excitement to end, so we’re bringing Capture the Flag to the Arcade as an ongoing game mode. Starting today, we’re adding Capture-the-Flag versions of Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Ilios, and Oasis, which gives you 12 maps to try when creating a Custom Game.

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>bastion rework
>server browser
>mercy buffs
>new mode: capture the flag


>custom server browser that's more than just changing the map rotation
>you can have 6v1 teams with 6 people fighting 1 roadhog with triple his health

So this is how TF2 dies...

>>mercy buffs
Healslut boner growing

>ctrl+f dedi
>0 results

its gonna end up same as "we now enabled 60 tick in custom games". nobody will use them unless you have a big clump of friends.

>CTF being a permanent mode now

I don't understand, literally everyone thought it was shit.


Also dont forget that rein is actually only #12 most picked hero in the game!

>Capture the Rooster has been, without a doubt, Overwatch’s most popular brawl.

pretty sure halloween was celebrated more more even with it being locked to 4 characters.

I haven't checked on PTR, but the patch notes don't mention fixing the glitch on control where guardian angel gets fucked up between rounds

Because people are playing it too defensively thus making the majority of games drawed.

Despite what you guys think, Sup Forums's opinion is not the majority. Not even close.

>Also dont forget that rein is actually only #12 most picked hero in the game

>giving a shit about what autistic pro players pick

There's no point in not playing defensively, Sym+Torb are gods in CTF because they decided to have a flag in each base instead of having a center flag for some fucking reason.

I literally chatted with people during the first week, i couldn't find one person who liked it.

Why do I doubt that?


TF2 will never be forgotten

Considering that option is in the same section as the keybinds, they probably did fix it based on the patch notes.

So when are they going to increase team size?

the engine literally cannot handle any more than 6v6

Custom maps when

literally never
Blizzard would rather burn to the ground before they let one single piece of fan content get added
which seems weird since they release all the maps and heros for free, seems like an easy way to keep the actual workload low while focusing on other things

What are you talking about? They have changed the tickrate a long time ago and now Overwatch is more responsive than CSGO.


they said they would add mod support later during a Q&A at blizzcon
I don't know why you would think blizzard is anti fan content when almost all their games have mod support

What do you guys think about those bastion changes? I mean, they look pretty rad, but are they gonna make salty-robo viable outside of being a newbie slayer?

Name one from nu blizzard

Starcraft 2 is pretty nu blizzard


>Defense Matrix

>Projectiles (like Roadhog’s Chain Hook or Tracer’s Pulse Bomb) no longer need to travel a minimum distance before they can be blocked.

So she can block Roadhogs point blank shots on his victims now and/or just gobble up his hook entirely?

Now THAT's actually pretty interesting.

>CTF still not in quickplay
>those patchnotes

What's funny about Bastion is how hard they tried to make it sound like Sentry mode was buffed. Literally how? The only hero in the game that could shred any tank in 4 seconds regardless of healing and you removed all his damage multipliers. Bravo blizz.

He wasn't even the cause of squishies leaving the meta. They all have mobility and range and Sentry makes him a sitting duck. It was perfectly balanced. It's like they nerfed his damage so squishies can deal with him.

Also that res buff good lord. It's going to be insane. It's a free revive now.

Oh Jesus, what are they doing to Mercy now?
Also the bastion "buff" sounds terrible. Why would you EVER remove his head shot damage? That is the exact opposite of making him viable.

Her shield now stops bullets and projectiles the moment it touches it. So if you hold it over a team member that's been hooked you'll protect them from the follow up blast.

rein is picked p. much every game in 4k and its not a "pro game" sorry senpai

this game is shit and will never get good

>What's funny about Bastion is how hard they tried to make it sound like Sentry mode was buffed. Literally how?
He's not been buffed, rather, as they said in their Q&As about it, they want sentry mode to be more dedicated to killing tanks and barriers, which the increased spread is for. Tanks are large enough that the increased spread doesn't matter, the lack of criticals means that it should no longer be an infantry shreder.

>server browser
they actually fucking did it, the mad men
now this game just needs custom mapping and it might be decent

>overwatch is now more responsive than the game with the most questionable hit register in the history of the man kind

wow truly impressive

Then why would they rework an already unviable character? And for that matter, how does this make him better at killing tanks at all? At the very LEAST make it so he gets cries when he hits a shield.

>yo devs mercy isn't keeping up with ana at all. Please do something to make her actually worth using.
>We heard you. Now when she ults she won't have to commit suicide every time, just most of the time.

>What's funny about Bastion is how hard they tried to make it sound like Sentry mode was buffed.
They said the opposite
>The goal of these changes is to move some of Bastion's power from Configuration: Sentry to Recon

The idea was the make bastion actually usable outside of the turret so the turret itself could actually see some use. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out but I'm not having high hopes at all.

I guess we'll be seeing a lot less sentry mode now. Bastion is now a Soldier 76 who traded in his Sprint and Grenade Launcher for 100 extra armor, the ability to heal on the move, and a rarely used alt-mode where he blows up Rein's shield in 4 seconds. Dunno how I feel about that, Bastion's main gimmick took a beating but now it's no longer where all his power was so I guess he'll be more flexible?

It doesn't make him better, at killing tanks or shields, it makes him worse at killing smaller characters while, they hope, not changing how well he does against tank characters.

The point was to make him more viable by making Recon more capable, and making turning into a turret or back into less of a death sentence.

I rather liked bastion's recon mode, just from the guin and overall design of the character, so I like it.

Since it's in custom games you can turn off Torbjorn and Symmetra. Suddenly CTF is amazing.

>The lack of criticals means it should no longer be an infatry shredder

...which is why I said he 's worse. Not shredding infantry means not shredding tanks, sir. That's pretty huge considering he was the only hero who could do so.

Sentry is supposed to shred everything in his path. It was fine.

Don't you fucking nerf my roadhog because of babies crying

Attack Bastion might be sort of viable on some maps.

does anyone know what zenyatta means?
not that i give a single fuck about overwatch but the police had an album with that word i never understood what the fuck that was supposed to be
>pic related

Tanks are large enough that the spread change doesn't matter, he'll still be killing them easily, user.


It seems they are pushing bastion as a reinhardt counter and countering shields in general. Its very interesting he can probably 1 v 1 zarya and winston a lot better now that his heal will likely out sustain their dps.

It was always hard to head shot tanks at max spread and from a safe range anyways. Sure his mid range damage is far lower but its not like you get to do dps as bastion very often being the defenseless sitting duck that he is

>more Mercy buffs

Oh fuck off already. As if allowing her to move while Rezzing and regenerating health after not being shot for 1 second wasnt enough. I can't wait until Blizzard buffs her in the next patch where she is giving 100 shields, 100 armor if she is wearing the Viking skins, and buffing her pistol to do more damage.

Will the server browser support custom gamemodes for added fun and an increased player limit to support a community without making things awkward?

What are the mercy buffs?

why didnt you just read the patch notes

this might be enough to make her not trash.

see first comment, ffs

Oh great dvas defence matrix now always blocks the hook. Well roadhogs back to being the second worse tank in the game.

Not yet. The game could use a map-editor first. At least as much fidelity as the WC3 editor. Then TF2 finally dies.

this wont make dva any more viable since her nerf, itll just let her be alive a little longer. shes still not too amazing and hog is amazing

>Oh great dvas defence matrix now always blocks the hook.
Uhm, no it doesn't? the notes don't say that at all.

Not sure if you're playing the same Overwatch that I am but last I checked headshots are the only way to kill the tanks in this game before they kill you.

I'm a Pharah main and I've had no trouble just peak shotting him until he falls apart in sentry. His headshot damage wasn't an issue. He's already not getting any if you peek shot during the spread.

While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived

Is this a fucking joke?

I literally might put this game down. Solo queueing everything is terrible as it is. Playing this game made me realize that whoever is at Overwatch Blizzard knows nothing about balance and just has a random card generator of who is getting buffed/nerfed when.

They claim to be in touch with their community when it's just 2 faggots in the office who voice an opinion and then OW/Blizzard goes off and does it because it sounds like a great idea.

No one likes CTF as it is because of draws. Every fucking mode aside from comp has OT so that a winner is chosen. This mode doesn't? The fuck?

I liked OW in beta and after I bought it but the more I play, the more I see how awful Blizzard/OW team is. And don't get me started on that Jew, Jeff.

He's named after that album. Zenyatta is a portmanteau of zen and Jomo Kenyatta

>35% damage reduction
>heal while shooting

You won't do shit to him.

>140-525 damage per second isn't enough to kill a tank.

I mean, now the hook can literally be right next to her and not connect, that is pretty much the same thing user.

Still haven't explained why that's actually a bad thing.

Mercy herself is still kind of underpowered, she's basically only picked because of her ultimate, so it really doesn't matter a whole lot if she sticks around a couple seconds after she uses it.

idiot here

how long till PTR stuff usually goes on live servers?

>literally everyone
>[citation needed]

A lot of people loved it. Sup Forums is not "everyone." Nevermind that Sup Forums hates claims to hate everything about the game in general. Hell, even I found it a lot of fun despite its flaws and bad map choices for it initially.

1-2 weeks, usually

No? The change of something no longer having to travel a minimum distance doesn't change it. You could always send a hook straight through her matrix and hook her. The change is that she can block a point blank shot to anyone now.

>p-p-please play our PTR

>named after an African dude
>Lets make him Asian cos Zen lol

if there aren't any issues with the balance changes I can see it going live next week since they need to update to remove the chinese new year stuff anyway

>you won't do shit

That's what everyone says, user.

>Bastion can now heal while on the move and through damage

That's fucking huge

It makes her even harder to kill now. From her taking 199 damaage and then flying behind someone to not die, regening to full health in 3 seconds like it's Call of Duty, being able to move at full speed while rezzing to avoid damage, and now being outright invincible while rezzing is too fucking much. She's a pain in the ass to kill and this is just making her even harder to kill. I can get behind moving while rezzing, but the quick out of combat health regen and super armor is too fucking much.

>While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived
Thats fucking stupid

Defense Matrix
Projectiles (like Roadhog’s Chain Hook or Tracer’s Pulse Bomb) no longer need to travel a minimum distance before they can be blocked

That looks like it will eat the hook user. Meaning right next to her if the hook is even close to the box it is gone

>Roadhog hooks, Reinhardt charges, and most cc from tanks are now more valuable.

I'd try it out if I could connect to the fucking PTR, but every time I try it fails. Is it even up right now?

After playing the game, apparently it's not.

>Mercy is now invincible when she casts ults

What the FUCK am I supposed to laugh at now when someone picks Mercy?

>no Symmetra W+M1 nerfs
>no Roadhog Hook into guaranteed 1 shot on 95% of the cast nerf
>no Sombra buffs
>no Ana nerfs

They really don't get it.

Myself and many other people that bought this shitty fucking game haven't been able to even launch the fucker since October, with Blizz deleting every thread mentioning this and refusing to fix the issue. Fuck this game and fuck Blizzard. They're worse than fucking Ubisoft. What happened to the god tier customer service they used to have? They ignore thousands of people that can't access their shitty game after paying a premium for it but instead devote resources to making shitty holiday skins for chinks.

>Blizzard adding in things anti-blizzard fags are suggesting
>When they add everything they'll just complain it's too much like Tf2

Calling it, anyone want to put money on this?

I'm not sure, I can't connect either so it could go either way.

>decide to try overwatch again, haven't played since november
>fuck around in quickplay, players are all still whining teenagers and the class balance is all to shit with some characters being utterly useless and some must-picks
>oh hey a new ranked, whatever, I'll go fuck around in that
>play nothing but Widow on attack/defense, can't hit shit cause I'm horrible at sniping
>8/10 placements are losses, gives me rank 2890
>decide to actually try playing for real in ranked, maybe this community is better
>constantly put on teams of half platinum or unrankeds against full diamonds
>17 losses, 4 draws, 0 wins
>stop playing, will get 800 ranked tokens at the end of the season

Great game. Play 20 or so games every 3 months for your 800-1000 ranked tokens and never touch it till next season.

Why is this shit game so popular again?

He's gonna be fat soldier without the aimbot and unable to heal and shoot at the same time.

You can laugh at them because they're not playing the objectivly superior Ana.

/10 placements are losses, gives me rank 2890
I wish this weren't so fucking common.

I seriously hope Bastion meta NEVER becomes a thing


They explained in one of the dev updates that what this means is that you can fly to an ally that was hooked, shield right in front of roadhog and your ally won't die. It eats his shrapnel right out of the muzzle.

And I think that also means it eats pulse bomb right out of tracer's hands, mei's robot even if she throws it right to the ground, stuff like that.

I think.

Just gives me more reason to instalock widow.

His hitbox is humongous and he only has 300 health.

Recon Bastion meta is here.

wasn't that the free beta weekend meta?

??? I had tons of fun.

Granted I won every game I played in it, and only played 3, but it was a good experience for me.

I know literally dozens of people that play overwatch at least a couple hours a week. I don't know where you live, but its not anywhere that represents anything that matters.

>cant log onto the PTR
good game blizzard

While also being twice as durable.

>no changes to Sombra at all

LOL. Blizzard at it again.

Is that a fact?

Almost double the health, with a fair chunk of armor. Not to mention as durable as an ulted Winston in ult form, while being much smaller and more dangerous.

+Better accuracy than Soldier
+More health with armor health
+Greater self healing potental
+Better shield busting potental if needed with sentry mode
-Can't heal and shoot at the same time
-Can't heal others
-No sprinting for quick repositioning/getting back into battle faster
-No helix rocket
-Lower ROF and longer reload than Soldier

I'd say it's fair tradeoffs overall, both will be good in their own situations

Tank mode doesn't get the additional armor anymore, he's actually got less surviabilty as a tank now than before since the 35% damage reduction only equals out to roughly 100 additional HP, compared to previously getting 150 armor added to his pool. This is especially big if he uses his ult when he's not at full health, as he no longer gets the free 150 so he relies on being already full before using it.