Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 11

>OP started truly experiencing why shadow dragon is a shit game
>Ogma fell to same-turn reinforcements that were not placed to punish turtling
>Several units got shafted by shit growths
>more soldiers got CONSCRIPTED!

What's going on?
>I'm going to be playing through Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, taking inputs from you, Sup Forums.
>who I use, who gets various stat-boosters, and other miscellaneous things will be decided by you
Previous threads:

Other urls found in this thread:

Game over Count: 1
Currently dead: Wrys - failed to MAKE ACHANEA GREAT AGAIN
Castor - caught the illness his mother had
Ogma - Killed by shitty map design

>What game is this?
This is Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, a SRPG released on the DS. It is a remake of the original NES Fire Emblem game.
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR- how much damage you do with physical attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's DEF and your own weapon's MT. In Path of Radiance, STR functions similarly to how CON did in older games, determining how much you're burdened by your weapons.
MAG - how much damage you do with magic tomes, staves, or magic weapons. This is augmented by your enemy's RES.
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability, and reduces enemy crit chance.
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, as well as whether or not they can shove or be shoved by a unit.
>Why are you so shitty?
I'm the best FE player ever, so I don't know what you're talking about.

Apparently we got fucked up.

Any party changes?


When are you guys gonna get to the relevant Fire Emblem games

All good

Bench Bantu and add Gordin

I already beat all of them.

We're fine let's go

Nobody watched his FE5 playthrough

I'm not Siggy.

>Ogma fell to same-turn reinforcements that were not placed to punish turtling
>Ogma - Killed by shitty map design

It was perfectly fair. You get warned early on on the reinorcements and you got two chokepoints to deal with the reinforcements if you chose to safely turtle your way up.

Ogma deserved it for getting too close to Marth.

Replace Abel with the benched rear end motherfucker.

no irony or jokes here, I actually forget his name.

Matthis, he's literally one spot brong being the actual rear end of the bench.

this game throws so many pointless, bland characters at you that I don't even really remember what he looks like.

Did we get Wolf yet?

got it.

the twins are split up because you're the worst. Any other changes?


he's in the party.

Put that benched rear end motherfucker back where he belongs and put Abel back, then start.

Lets get this show on the road!


Remove Bantu, put Abel back

>Escaped the bench minutes after being put in it.

They can't keep getting away with this.


Any reclasses to be done? In the interest of speed, if you do not post a class or valid class to reclass a unit into, I'll choose one.


he's also one of my all-stars.

Nice quads, but let's just start with no reclasses.

I get way too many gets while making these threads, goddamn.

No reclasses

I don't like this guy's attitude, and he's incredibly behind on his taxes.

Abel comes off the bench proving why he's the best.

Oh hell, pirates can go through the ruin walls?!


How the fuck did you manage to lose one of the best units in the game?



>Finally my turn to fight

>Abel's dead

And thus, a dark shadow fell over Achanea.

Nigger pls

>Abel dies and Cain lives

The bible was right.

He deserved it

FUCK, I was JUST PLANNING AROUND THE MAGE, because of this wall!


After Haar I'm not even surprised that nigger is capable of losing Abel

>Nigger gets cockblocked by wall

That's because you let Wrys die, you muppet.

>marth puts on glasses

and a nice waste of an arena grind.

Losing so many this time.

We Gaiden now!

in memory of his fallen brother, Cain gets stronger.


Since the green knight is forever lost I guess I'll be the first to say it.


I need fewer than 15 by chapter 12.

are you aware of just how few units that is?

Of course I know how many units need to die, but I believe in you Nigger.

goddamn, Barst is a goddamn BEAST.

Looks like Cord was cut

An archer in a kingdom ruled by a dragon who hates us?

Where better to CONSCRIPT!

Best unit.

This motherfucker right here.

10% of critting with any weapon.


>nice just in time for a nigger thread!
>2 casualties already

"C-can I be the new Abel?"

I want Nigger to end up using Roshea as an archer in Chapter 11, but I don't think I'll be there in time when that happens. Is anyone willing to volunteer to do that in my stead?

I really want to bend Matthis over and insult his honour so goddamn hard.

tell us why good user


He must be laughing so much at Abel's death.

Because nobody uses him, and I thought he would make a good bow user since Castor is dead.


jesus christ, EVERYONE wants to pick up the slack in Abel's wake!

rip in pieces

Maybe... Maybe he was a necessary sacrifice?

He died so their gains might live

Congratulations for discovering dynamic growths, Nigger.

Prepare to be hit with two more shitty levels in a row for everybody.

Thanks nigger

His death has inspired the troops.

for what?

>tfw Barst was a beast in my original run of Shadow Dragon
>still a beast in my best Heroes team
>still a beast even for Nigger of all people
Can anyone stop him? Literally any mage.



user, I've been telling you

these are his and Sedgar's growths. Make Wolf a Hero

My Barst destroyed Medeus and Marth didn't do shit.

>Fear me, for I am the DRAGON EDGELORD

Manakete's sure have changed

how do you pronounce manakete

>fire dragon
>can't breathe fire further than 3 feet

its actually a cute girl in disguise

Manakeet I think.

they never change.

I always say mah-nah-kate


I just pronounce it "Man-uh-ketty".

>not a hero or warrior
wow it's like you don't even want to break the game

I always figured it was since that's how the fan translators spelled it in the FE6 translation
then again they are kind of retards

I say Man-uh-keh-tay

gotta...go fast?

do clerics just have awful growths or something?

mana - ket

I don't remember anything in FE11 having good magic growths, DESU
>only dark mages you can get through reclass have a ~35% magic growth
>prepromoted mages have absolutely garbage growths
shit I'm pretty sure Merric's aren't even that great either, but I haven't touched FE11 in like 2 years

they never change indeed

But those two are from the same game.

>even taking a hit uses a charge
god, manaketes make for TERRIBLE bosses.

I'm pretty sure that's old tiki, but they made her flatter in Heroes because ???

>1 square attack range
>no ranged options
what were they thinking?

Okay, now I REALLY want you to play FE3. That game will teach you not to fuck with manaketes.

What did you expect?

I know enemy manaketes can be scary(they were stupid strong in 6, and dragon laguz slap shit in 9+10), but in this game they're a fucking joke.


you serious?

Play new mystery of the emblem so you can learn how strong and troublesome the dragons are.