What is the single most powerful attack (that you the player can initiate) in the history of video games?
What is the single most powerful attack (that you the player can initiate) in the history of video games?
Bison's standing roundhouse
call of duty tactical nuke
Adriano's left foot in PES 06
Royal Guard
probably something in azura's wrath
The real answer is knights of the round
Likely something from a DBZ game, since you can do SSJ3 Kamehamehas
glitch beam, pokemon red/blue
upon using it your save file is deleted
The stone cold stunner in smackdown here comes the pain
dante can still block those and take no damage with royal guard
Armageddon in ultima.
I don't think you can top irreversibly killing everyone in the world.
Not going to lie, those effects are fucking sick
royal guard
Was about to go with a BURST of some sort
Would you fuck off and suck dantes cock somewhere else.
>What's the most powerful attack
>Hurr royal guard! Can block anything!
>Not going to lie
why do redditors feel the need to say this?
just release
What a waste of a post.
Chaos Dunk
Kirby's suction
Probably something from a Super Robot Wars game...
royal guard
Probably a Planet Buster from one of many space-opera GSGs.
Speak for yourself. Why don't you spend more time with your mother's husband instead of trying to fit in on Sup Forums.
The Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Max Super Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow.
Rolling a giant Katamari over the entire face of the Earth
Great Movie
Where can I see this
Thought that was actually China for a second.
As for most powerful attack? Probably Omnislash.
going back in time and killing your foe before they can defend themselves/become a threat.
Destroying to center star in Star Ruler, wiping out 80% of a galaxy.
Probably something from disgaea.
What fucking movie??? This looks fucking awesome.
Shit talking the enemy team
You can NOT disprove this
Shin Godzilla.
Sup Forums is slow as shit these days. All is2.Sup Forums.org/ images take six years to load. Fuck hiroshima, I paid for a pass and turn off ad blocker for Sup Forums.
Delete the porn boards, who the fuck cares.
Shin Godzilla looks cool as fuck.
probably the novalith cannon in sins of a solar empire. it simply destroys the planet's entire population and infrastructure and leaves it so fucked up that if you try to recolonize it after the radiation dies down, it can only hold a fraction of the population it once did
and they default to autofire ;)
>Final Eclipse: A non-elemental attack, and Zodiark's ultimate attack. In an eclipse, Zodiark falls into a calm sea. An egg rises to the surface, and Zodiark hatches to reveal his second form, a serpent with vast, feathered wings. Folding his wings around his body, he draws energy from his surroundings and spreads his wings wide, filling them with power and obliterating his surroundings. As he flies off into space, with the energy of the eclipse charged in his body, Zodiark flies to the targeted enemy, and in a catastrophic explosion destroys the fabric of reality itself.
TL;DR: Zodiark flies to the targeted enemy, and in a catastrophic explosion destroys the fabric of reality itself.
Star Ruler, I think. The space 4x game where you can blow up the quasar in the middle of the galaxy, thereby setting off a chain reaction that destroys most of the stars in that galaxy and, presumably, everything around them.
You can build a ship with a gun big enough to destroy that quasar in one shot. That's a single shot that devastates a galaxy.
spinning piledriver
balrog's wind up punch
Psycho Burgundy
Power Button
I didn't think anyone else played that game.
I dunno but it would have been great if you could actually activate the Halo yourself at the end of Halo 3.
Poor fucking game.
hyper suction
any high tier attack from a SRW
shao kahn laugh
Shin Godzilla. The Godzilla sequences are GOAT, but the rest is a masturbatory Japanese self pity fest/American guilt trip. When America wants to nuke Godzilla they literally say "I will not allow it to happen a third time to my mother country!" (not to the Americans' faces, of course) and show pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Too be fair Godzilla is way cooler than nuclear devastation. I'd rather let a giant lizard rampage across my country than some lame bright flash of light followed by instant death.
Ubercharge in Team Fortress 2. Invulnerability to everything. Except falling.
What do you mean? The whole movie emphasizes the slow nature of the Japanese government.
And falling trains. And collapsing spawn rooms. And previously baseballs.
Doesnt asura end all of creation, AND ITS CREATOR, with a fist punch?
Final Fantasy 8 Eden (shoot it into the fucking moon)
Or Buhamut Zero in Crisis Core, shit weaponizes the moon and basically destroys it to ION blast some poor bastard on the surface.
The only answer.
>masturbatory Japanese self pity fest/American guilt trip
The whole movie is about Japanese bureaucracy, red tape and post WW2 Japanese politics. It's done really well.
Full Mic Performance Peach Assault is probably the highest damage fighting game single attack, doing over two and a half life bars of damage to most characters.
see ur 2 late
>Big Bang Little Bang
Kekked semi audibly.
I never bothered to watch a single godzilla movie. Is he pro or against humanity? Like, I read he fights agains other giant monsters, but then I keep seeing shit like this.
>Is he pro or against humanity
It depends on the movie. Some movies he's humanity's greatest hero, others he doesn't give a fuck, and in others he is an actively evil motherfucker
So like comic books? I get it. I wonder which one's the original.
Godzilla isn't your capeshit my numale friend.
So it's not that? I actually hate comics, I just never cared to watch this movie clearly made for japanese people, and for japanese people only.
fuck off
so do you only play western video games or what?
Armageddon spell in Ultima
Allowing Ideon to overheat
planet destruction in planetary annihilation
Oh fucking come on. If you love Godzilla, you have no fucking business hating on capeshit. It's the same kind of fucking bullshit.
Is that the newest Godzilla?
Fuck off Sup Forumsmblr
> It's the same kind of fucking bullshit.
what Godzilla movie had this?
It's fucking true.
>multiple continuities
>constant reboots
>multiple different versions of the same characters with varying interpretations of the same basic concept
>same consistent 'supporting cast' (Rodan, Mothra, Anguirius, etc.)
>'rogues gallery'
>actually trying to use modern SJW-ism as an argument
>forgetting the long history of superhero comics that parallel the long history of Godzilla movies
Did he die?
Capeshit didn't invent any of that shit you Sup Forumsmblr reject, it's closer to James Bond than your liberal propaganda in pajamas.
Seriously fuck off back to Sup Forums you abominable AIDS victim.
>Attack so powerful the game ends and the credits start rolling
>Capeshit didn't invent any of that shit you Sup Forumsmblr reject, it's closer to James Bond than your liberal propaganda in pajamas.
James Bond sprung up around the same time as capeshit. Later, actually. And even still, the James Bond franchise in and of itself isn't unlike capeshit, as a pop culture juggernaut that is reinvented again and again. Like Godzilla.
It's the same exact fucking shit. It's just that this whole site has a tremendous bias against capeshit and loves to suck Japan's cock.
>e-e-e-e-everything is capeshit! we on Sup Forums are just like you!
>but at the same time we'll argue tooth and nail for capeshit being objectively superior to all other forms of media and will call anyone who disagrees ignorant!
>p-p-p-p-pls no bully
Your entire tumblr colony libshit containment board should be fucking holocausted.
yes, Shin Godzilla
Ice Stage, Plasma3, Elec+30, Elec+30, Elec+30
name one
Epic Sup Forums maymays! Praise Trump!
still literally shaking Sup Forums friend?