Filename thread

filename thread

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That's awesome.









is he dieded?

I feel this






>that one guy you don't really care for messages you
>shit just act like you're AFK, eventually he'll get bored and fuck off right?
>he just keeps messaging you

It feels exactly like that fucking scene.


holy kek that hit the ol funnybone

Holy fucking shit
I can hear his voice perfectly after all these years
True spiritual successor when

New jack will be shit and only normies will like it







Nice man, that's an easy deflection for when you're the only one who hates it and it turns out you never watched it.
"I'm not a normie LOL reeeee"
keep it up bud







couldn't help but laugh at that thing's buttface

Pretty good.

Stranger Things









>Thank you, Shepard.


>Sir i want to rob your pawnshop.
>Leave me alone and kill yourself.




that's some spooky shit

Can someone from /k/ explain to me what this retard was trying to do with the gun when he shot himself, or was he just there to commit a public suicide?


I actually wonder. When she starts crying, is that the game determining it is in an unwinnable state, or do you have to press a button to cause the reset?

OC I made


I dont get it.

Should've named it "At the Mountains of Madness".

No, she runs out of stamina

May I please have the source on that ?


it's shit

Jam, he was trying to clear it by pressing his palm against the cylinder to rotate it to a new chamber but shot himself because lol double action.


I dont get it

Doesn't need the second image, the jojo pic is enough

I want to fuck that tire.




no way that's a dude....

God damn, I would have shit talked him so hard. The last moments of his worthless life just filled with me talking mad fucking shit about what a massive retarded chimp he is. Damn, I hope that clerk got some good shit talk in on there.

Good for him, man...

I'm pretty sure it was just a public suicide.


a play on the old copypasta 'no john, you are the demons'

for some reason i initially thought the monster was fucking with the mom and was the one talking to her, not her son. I like that more






It's a dude but he's gay as fuck.

Love these ones

Fucking shit Sup Forums someone help me I think im gay

And of course they just happen to be black.



Are you jerking off to the fact that he's cute, or the fact that's he cute and has a dick?

I know why I am.