Gothic Thread

What mods are you currently playing? I'm currently playing Odyssey 2.0 and, except that it's a little bit buggy, it's pretty good.

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I'm playing through the first game now, I wish it had fast travel

Well, there are runes later in the game. But even then the world isn't that big. It's pretty acceptable without fast travel in my opinion.

Yeah it's not as bad as it could've been, but pressing alt over and over while holding w just isn't good. What do you mean by runes? Should I have learned magic to do that?

There are teleport runes in the game. They bring you to the Old Camp, Sect Camp, New Camp and Xardas tower. They look like pic related.

>What do you mean by runes? Should I have learned magic to do that?

dont need to learn magic for it
teleport runes can be used without any requirements and take nearly no mana to use
you get some from storyline missions starting in chapter 3

for some reason after installing L'hiver i get 15-20fps on a gtx 1070 unless playing on the lowest view distance

I love the swamp in Jharkendar

Gothic is kind of buggy with this. Do you have installed the system pack?

yea, maybe it's cause i dont have the dx11 mod

dropped the first game after three hours of trying. literally no excuse to have controls that fucking trash

if u still didn't get used to the controls after 3 hours then ur fucking retarded, most people get used to them after 30 minutes

I just reinstalled the game today and for some reason it had the L'hiver mod already in even though I uninstalled the whole thing.

>install L'hiver
>go to the city hall to talk to Lord Hagen
>he's not fucking there
>try to spawn him via console but game crashes when i do it
>search the entire city looking for him
>try to find something on the internet
>after having to translate some german forums I found out that in L'hiver version he moves to the big fort

Why the fuck did they do this

It fucks up a lot of things honestly, I'm especially angry at how Zuris is locked in his home and you have to stand on the threshold and be careful not to be too close otherwise he'll get hostile and tell you to get out, and if you don't install that garbage content patch there's like 30% of the new map full of empty places meant for new NPCs, and with L'hiver entering Khorinis by sea is piss easy compared to Vanilla.
And last but not least it also repositions and alters a lot of items, if some areas didn't look that much better I'd really replay vanilla for the umpteenth time, but I know it all too well by now.

>tfw master at 1h


I finished odysee and oh boy were the maps unnecesarily fucking huge, i used cheats to travel, other than that it was dope as fuck except for a few parts where i expected more or something better
>that khorinis merged with jharkendar with a huge are inbetween, pure kino


user, I'm in love with vanilla gothic 1 and 2 and I never tried any mods even huge hyped Gothic 2 Return, because I don't want to ruin my experience with it.

HOWEVER, I would like to try Tessellation Mod for Gothic 2, but I highly hate how fucking dumb Castle in mine valley looks like. Shall I try out this mod? Is quests/ locations changed so badly? I personally like how city Khorinis is reworked.

Some of you proly played it, please give your honest opinions and don't mock me on being lazy on not reading change log for the mod.

>tweak setting in game and dx11 settings
>4gbpatch and memory fix, sorry dont have links but they help if the game is crashing often
>Gothic.ini tweaks turn ON AA and anisotropic filtering also there are 4 memory settings that all have to be set to 0
dont remember how those look exactly but it has something with mem and time gave me like 15fps

I had to look this up on the Internet

>ruin it for me
That is autism you literally miss out on extra content that can easily be treated as a whole new game, returning has alot of content but overall its tedious with shit balance, cheese everything the mod, consider mods like
>dark saga
>dark mysteries for g1
>golden gate
If fanmade additional content/overhaul mods make you dislike a game you like you have serious autism

you've played NoTR right?

Bitch please, I don't give a damn about what fan base would like to offer me with these additional content. What bothers me is Tessellation Mod fucked up some places so badly or not


I think the german version has proper hints to the puzzles, i dont know how its in german but i always read this as >people trap the sun
Cant remember if its hinted in the game anywhere

oh hi it's you again

the same guy who praised Skyrim

Come back after you have played through the game more than 5 times probably then you will be able to apreciate fresh content
Why do so many people think content made by fans is somehow instantly worse than the original, theres alot of inovation and great ideas behind these mods often filling gaps left by the vanilla

How is this for a PC port?

Hey you...

2/10 because I smirked

What does the Odyssee do?

>You're chilling at the harbor, and this guy slaps your butt
What do

give him his best night for 15 gold

Khorinis is maximum comfy

A total conversion mod. It takes place in the same universe but tells a completely different story. The mod is pretty long, 1.3 is if I recall completly translated to English. But I'm playing 2.0 as I'm German myself. I really like this mod so far, would really recommend it to you.

>What mods are you currently playing?
I've used the DirectX11 in my last playthrough.

It looks nice overall, but the lightning gets fucked all the time.

It's unsolvable in any version except for german.

One of the tablets is supposed to hold the answer but the meaning was lost in pretty much all translation.

It should be something like this:
>We, the last THREE LEADERS of the Council of Five, have endued the chambers of the temple with TRAPS and hidden the entrance, so that the Sword shall never again see the lLIGHT of the day