>Dead Space is almost 9 years old
Dead Space is almost 9 years old
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Why do I love 1 so much but can't seem to get into 2?
Plasma Cutter is best girl.
poor taste
Change of pace, protag is suddenly voiced, level design is more railroaded, less attention to details.
Also seems like they used a lot less lighting effects.
Still solid game, but inferior to the first.
did a chainsaw run, and then a flamethrower run. chainsaw surprisingly really strong.
It is, even with no upgrades on impossible it saves my ass.
I missed out on these games when they came out, but I was bored one weekend and had Origin Access and decided to play the entire trilogy.
I was fucking shocked at how damn good 1 and 2 were, I loved every second of it. It's also downright amazing at how good DS1 still looks.
>mfw first time in the medical bay
>Make 2 great games
>kill the series with a really shit 3rd game
I like all 3
sure 3 has flaws but goddam the flotilla and alien city have the best sci fi design
honestly these games could almost stand on the design alone
As expected from EA games
It wasn't even shit, it just wasn't scary, which makes sense honestly, why would Isaac be scared of the necromorphs anymore?
Weakest of the series for sure, but not a shit game.
>Wasn't shit
>Making it into a two player BRO-OP
3 is inexcusably bad.
Every single design descision went toward co-op and mass market appeal.
Heck they even toned down the enemy designs and the way they got intoduced to the player.
First game would use HL2-tier introduction where the player is in full control, 3 takes control away and pans the camera at the enemy like "look here you fucking retard, not at the wall".
Also visually it looks easily worst and filled with QUALITY, which is impressive considering it's from 2013.
because they're roided up, fucked up people with bone scythes and razor teeth who want to tear your limbs apart in 27 grueling fashions.
I don't know about Isaac, but necros scare the fuck out of me.
The beginning bit fucked my shit up where it all starts going to shit again after the marker is exposed.
I was hoping it'd be a little longer before we see those things, but DS is unforgiving, and that's why it's great.
why did they have to put in fucking >muh screechy violin jumpscare moments?
>hurr you can't just enjoy this action horror game where you shoot at enemy's limbs with your engineering tool which is cool enough by itself so we gotta ruin it by adding in stupid fake tension moments
Jumpscares, QTEs and minigames.
If you are so autistic about it you can always just disable it in the audio options.
I like it.
Dead Space 1 shows what DECENT lighting can do for a game.
Textures are complete shit but some of the areas of the game still look amazing. Shame all games go prebaked shadows and lighting
I'd take a new game set in the Dead Space universe over Mass erect andromeshit anyday.
Don't act like first Dead Space didn't have a jumpscare every two steps and didn't rely heavily on them.
None of the Dead Space are particularly scary after an hour or two of playing when you get used to the jumpscares, but the first Dead Space had good atmosphere, it visbly tried to be scary. It became a lot more action-y in 2, while dropping any semblance of horror in 3.
The funny thing is EA didnt notice deadspace 1 when it was released, they thought "oh, visceral made a small horror game, ok, whatever"
then when it blew up in popularism they started to get involved. The third sucked because EA was calling the shots at that point.
>come buy materials at all these machines- just use your credit card! :)
TOTALLY unlike the first game amirite
What AA are you using?
I loved the ripper because it basically did what I wanted the flamethrower to do but better. And then the secondary obviously is good to have.
SMAA injector
>Yfw this happened
>that right leg twitching
every fucking time
so spooky
The first had that feeling of isolation that 1 and 2 never had.
Dead Space 1 is seriously one of the best games of last gen. The fact that it still looks good to this day is a testament to that.
>Remember reading about it from my friend's Game Informer magazine years ago on the bus to school
The true successor to Resident Evil 4.
>Remember reading about it from my friend's Game Informer magazine years ago on the bus to school
What the fuck, are you me?
I also remember reading about Demon’s Souls in the exact same magazine.
It was always great when my friend brought a new Game Informer. It was definitely a much simpler time 10 odd years or so ago.
Made me smile.
1 was great
2 was a masterpiece
3 was okay
This scene gets me antsy every fucking time.
>Dead Space 3
>Let's make this survival horror game into a third person action game
>Let's also make ammo universal and add in a shitty weapon building/upgrade system
>Also, make it so you're fighting enemies with guns for most of the game
>Oh, and don't forget to add in some boring, forced romance subplot where the girl you got together with in the last game is now with Chad McDouche
>Don't forget co-op!
>yfw going back to the Ishimura in Dead Space 2
>That first quarantine lockdown
>Nothing happens
>and this is our son's room
>Ancient Aliens
>Technology was based on floaty stones and green energy shit
Someone stop this trope
I can deal with gore but if it's anything to do with eyes it makes me insanely uncomfortable. I can't cope with anything that involves the eyes.
Shouldn't the blood have gone mostly to the wall behind her?
>DS sold a consistant 2 mil with eatch launch something most devs couldn't even dream of
>EA wanted Dead space 3 to sell 5 million or there would be no more DS
>In an attempt to boost sales they fired most of the OG devs and made it CoD
Im still mad.
I feel like EA has lost some hate over the years.
We need to bring it back
It was one thing Dead Space 2 did right.
Honestly it was even better than most stuff in the first one, it was genuine psychological horror on par with Silent Hill rather than jumpscares like most of the game.
>listening to this with headphones
Legit i didn't really feel DS2 that much until that part
I was suprised myself at how much i didn't wanna fuck with that place again
tfw I am a total fucking pussy when it comes to horror video games and I never finished Dead Space 1 because it was too fucking spooky
If I recall correctly, I stopped playing somewhere around whenthat one guy bashed his head against the wall or that you're walking through a hospital of sorts
Stopped Amnesia after the water monster as well ;___;
user the whole point of horrors is ot be fucking scared.
You should be happy you are even able to get scared, by far the worst thing about being a fan of horrors is that you get desensitized and stop being able to feel scared unless the game is really fucking good.
Dead Space is not THAT good when it comes to horror, it's more of a shooter with horror elements. It stops being spooky after a few hours when you realize it's mostly just the same cheap jumpscares again and again.
So don't worry about getting scared, enjoy it while you can.
Can you pirate this on PC?
OR buy it on steam?
Is Dead Space better than the other survival shooters that Resident Evil 4 inspired (The Evil Within, The Last of Us. I disliked both of them but RE4 is one of my favorite games)? I have the first game but not the other two.
so chapters 1 and 2...
I'm actually curious what would happen if you'd been forced to deal with the Hunter segments.
That part always cracked me up.
>I will never play this boring-looking game
>You should be happy you are even able to get scared, by far the worst thing about being a fan of horrors is that you get desensitized and stop being able to feel scared
this, don't want to be edgy or anything but I can't be scared with these games anymore unless I know all too well it's a deliberate jumpscare fest (see ghoul forest 3)
>He didn't have to go thought the horror of being chased by an unkillable necromorph while having to unfuck his way out of a maze puzzles in reverse
Thank yourself
I wouldn't go thought that again for a 100%
You can get the whole trilogy from Origin Access, just sub for like 1 month, it's something around $5, then cancel when you're done with the games.
I bet you can pirate them, though, but I'm not too sure.
>Beat the final boss
>Intercoms going off
>Oh shit Isaac, we need to get out of here
>Isaac sits down, looking exhausted
>Credits start rolling
Dead Space 2 was so good.
And then they ruined it in 3 by making it about ayy lmaos cosmic space horror.
The first two games were so good because they focused on the psychological aspect of horror, instead of the blatant part of things.
For fucking sure better than Evil Within. That game drops the ball in like chapter 8 or 9 regardless though.
The Last of Us I don't think you can really compare. I wouldn't call it horror. TLoU had really good meaty sounding weapons though.
>I can't be scared with these games anymore unless I know all too well it's a deliberate jumpscare fest
Jumpscares don't scare me at all unless there is proper build up.
Sure, I might twitch when an ugly face appears in front of me and starts screaming all of sudden, but it's not genuine fear, it's just a reflex.
That was probably the scariest level for me in the dead space series. That one corridor where they throw all the monsters at you was the most intense moment for me. I wasn't expecting it after dealing with the tentacle jump scare right before it.
>nintentoddler's actual thought process
This is what saved DS2 for me. This is fanservice done absolutely right.
fucking hell I remember that part. Spooked the shit out of me when I realized that this shit didn't die.
I've had Dead Space 2 for years but I can't bring myself to play it.
The first was pretty much perfect and I don't want to ruin the memories.
Wow, they really pussed out hard on this.
It just shoving into the eye at full speed makes it far less uncomfortable than it could have been if it inched in at the slow pace it started with.
It's on steam.
Going through impossible mode now for the final achievement. Not as tough as I expected. Planning to just use plasma cutter and force gun (for the little guys). Just gotta be smart with ammo/med packs.
2 is fine too m8. I enjoyed both games even if DS2 was slightly worse. What ruined it for me was DS3.
>opens webm
>immediately closes webm
Fuck that part.
I was literally shouting at the screen like how people do when they're in the wild and encounter a dangerous animal, primal shit.
>That terminal in DS1 where you immediately get hit by the necromorph coming out of it
It's a good thing you did. Jesus.
What is even happening here?
Was there anything you liked about DS3? I honestly liked the weapon customization and the earlier parts of the game that were actually in space
"your mom hates this game" campaign. What were they thinking.
What are you talking about? That shit was great.
One of those video game ad campaigns you probably couldn't even do anymore without having some kind of trigger warning.
Extraction was surprisingly fun.
The series was basically a retelling resident evil's entire life in 3 games
>beat dead space 1
>loved it
>played it again
>was bored the whole way throough
This is a major flaw with both DS1, and DS2, they have virtually no replay value.
It was good the first time but now i can't enjoy it
Why is he wearing a Channeler's helm? How did that get in this game?
Why did they want more money. Jesus christ why do companies like this always WANT MORE MONEY. It's always "What sells!" rather than "Hey let's make a good game!" they water everything down and then have the audacity to fucking can an IP they butchered by not sticking to original design standards. I understand marketing and game development is expensive. But this destructive practice is hurting everyone. And leaving an almost acidic shit taste in my mouth.
and ds3 sold less than a mill
That's business user.
That's just the natural cycle of a medium going corporate. Sup Forums doesn't seem to mind either with all the threads shitting on indie devs.