Tfw my wife works full time with a two hour commute each day

>tfw my wife works full time with a two hour commute each day
>i pretend to have anxiety so i don't work
>spend her paycheck on rent for the 1 bedroom apartment and vidya/food
>have a 3000 battlestation
>make her completely dependent on me emotionally so that she wont ever leave me
>NEET forever

why don't you guys just get a girlfriend to pay for everything so you can continue to NEET.

do you love her back?

absolutely. i would just be a homeless bum without her. i'd kill myself if she left me.

lmao samefaggin this hard


>my wife

And I hope she leaves you/kicks you out/dies soon so you have to experience the real world, you fucking leech.

Is this you David? Because it sounds like you, you pathetic sack of shit. You know once you hit 35 or so you're mom is going to fucking die right? She is already old. You think you're smart locked away by yourself, but you have no real friends, and only your mother 'loves' you.

Don't even joke about killing yourself, everyone knows you're too much of a fucking coward lol

Enjoy not being ready for the real world, and no you can't come live with me.

actually my wife. get butthurt.

this is like the 3rd girl i've done this too. LOL

nope, sorry. i haven't talked to my mom in years besides the occasional text message on my birthday.

couldn't imagine living with my mom past 18.

I'm not ready for the real world you're right.

ready for the next world tho. Are you?

Bro how old are you

just answer the question.

>why don't you guys just get a girlfriend

because im a neet. your just a sociopath.

Different poster dude, either way please kys


But how did you manage to get a gf

You find someone with really awful self esteem and manipulate them into thinking they'd be alone forever if they left you

i'm attractive and charming. deep down im a socially awkward neet though. fake it til you make it.

How does it feel knowing that she's going to eventually talk to someone irl/online and they will enlighten her on how fucked you are?

It's going to happen eventually and you're going be either fucked or find another overweight girl to leech off of.

How could a woman be emotionally dependent on a subhuman leech?

>why don't you guys just get a girlfriend
Because I got the "It's me or the car" talk, twice. I chose the car, twice.

not really a sociopath. i never did this with the intention of doing this.

it kinda just involved over time. at the beginning of the relationship i had a job but over time i just manipulated her hard.

>i'm attractive and charming

your a normie then


she knows how fucked i am. everyone knows how we live.

we live in a progressive country where if you are mentally handicapped, its okay not to work and be a shut in. i also get 1300 a month from the government to help out.

because you don't understand women, lol

But I did!?

I know absolutely nothing about pop culture and can barely talk to people without revealing my power level. Are you sure this would work?

also if she leaves me, i'll just find another girl. ive done this to 4 girls since i turned 18. its how i don't work/get money. i dont want to work.

ive never be in a relationship with a fatty either. project more.

Sounds like you landed a mentally ill girl.

I'm not a gamer because I have no life

But because I choose to have many

i don't know anything about pop culture either. just be funny/personable. you cant just expect a girl to support you off the bat.

you have to start off by pretending to be normie and as you get her more and more dependent on you. you do this by isolating her from friends/family which is very, very easy thanks to the internet.

make it so she can only depend on you to be happy.

Good for you I guess, personally I could never live that leech/parasite life style you live but at least you found what you want to do until you're an old man.

Good luck with the future. I highly doubt it's going to be fun though.

maybe. i couldn't give a fuck if shes mentally ill. shes beautiful and works hard. also funny/smart/plays vidya with me.

every girl deepdown is damaged.

sounds like a made up story, women are too venal to live that kind of life

"absolutely. i would just be a homeless bum without her. i'd kill myself if she left me."

Then why say this? are you retarded user?

if i ever cant support myself via women i will just draw welfare to pay bills/vidya. once you graduate from high school you'll realize in relationships, everyone leechs off each other. no relationship is truly equal.

i also have a degree in a highly valued field. (mathematics).

>it's a roleplaying thread

>not posting superior version of pick

that wasn't my post. no idea what was happening in the first few posts in the thread.

Real talk.
Last autumn I worked so my gf could finish her studies. This semester I'm supposed to study and she's working. But since my school doesn't start until march I'm sitting on my ass watching tv-series all day and I feel awful. I work when I can but they don't always call me.

If this is true you're living the dream.

Women want equal rights? Try supporting a mans life. Good job OP.

What piece of shit country pays people with "anxiety" to not work?

I'm sure that's gonna work out well for you guys and totally be sustainable and you aren't just making yourself irredeemably unemployable

>because you don't understand women, lol

Kek you're an idiot, that won't last unless you're way out of her league aesthetically, in which case good for you for being essentially a male prostitute

But nah she's probably half decent looking and will leave your sorry ass pretty soon

She's fucking dog ugly. Like she wouldn't get a kick in a stampede ugly

that's just pathetic dude i hope your parent died before witnessing this

he's european they probably would be proud of him for smashing gender stereotypes

He must be swedish as they're the only ones who would give welfare that high

been together 8 years LOL HAHAHA GET MAD KID

Does she give good sex?

four you

Oy people fell for this fake story

and how long have you kept this up?

i cant be mad because at best she's just ugly/fat

7 years. she used to model for H&M though, so probably more attractive than any girl you've pulled.

So then post pictures.

>used to be a model

that doesnt mean anything

plenty of literal grannies used to be models

so i can get doxxed and my fun time ruined? ive been on Sup Forums for almost 9 years im a bit too wise to fall for that.

the aspect of your personality that makes you brag about this here will make you lose her in the end

I fully support your decisions OP. Good job breaking down gender roles.

Nah you can stop sharing fake stories and baiting kids on Sup Forums. You're just a virgin neet with no job

It shouldn't be hard to pull a picture that's never been uploaded online before.

You do have pictures of her on your phone...right?

I could do that right now because I know there no possible way of tracing back pictures I've taken MYSELF.

Starting to believe you're a liar user.

and i'll move on to another


any picture i have could be easily linked to her indentity because she used to model for H&M/AA/URBAN OUTFITTERS.

not worth risk to appease a bunch of retards who don't believe its possible to manipulate a girl.

>user snap out of it, I'm your MOTHER

>user, NO!

>two hour commute

I cannot think of a single situation where this would be warranted. If it is worth the paycheck, it would most likely be enough to move to somewhere closer.

if she wasn't a semi-famous hipstery model whos indentity could be found, i probably would. stop baiting me, i'm not going to get doxxed by a bunch of angry virgins

but then id have to deal with someone being in my space half the time
no thanks, ill continue to solo neet

no ones cares about this in yurop though the only "progressive stuff we hear is from the US"

>Leaching instead of honestly splitting

YOu have a shitty Grilfriend if she actually allows that. We split rent, bills and groceries 50/50, SOmetimes we give each toher leeway if theres a specific purchase we want to accomodate for, but between two people and $7400 a month, Leisure spending is pretty frugal anyways

not europe, keep projecting tho.

Why are people feeding such obvious bait that isn't at least vidya related?

7400 a month and you don't have liesure money? u must live in new york or the bay lol

Deplorable, then again I'm on Sup Forums.

I'll never understand why Sup Forums is so black and white about the outcast/normie divide, You can still be a social butterfly and still have nerdy otaku likes and hobbies, which means you can't talk to your normal friends about them, Ergo, you come to Sup Forums to seek likeminded people who share those hobbies.

Doesn't mean you latch onto those hobbies, and only those hobbies. Get real people.

California actually. Rents about $1100 for a 3 bed 2 bath abode, utilities are $400, so divide that between 2, and the rest is leisure payment.

VA check pays all bills, Thanks dad

>6k of leisure money a month

The fuck do you spend it on?

>1100 for 3 bed 2 bath

So you live in the shithole that is the lower central valley.

exactly. im an extreme weeb. doesn't mean i have to be a fat shut-in loser with no friends.

people who make their interest into their personality are usually awful people anyways.

>Central valley
God no, Palm springs

>What the fuck do you spend it on

I don't, We invest most of it to gain interest and spend on little thigns here and there. We used to splurge on furniture, but thats all been taken care of since the place is in order now. I've been on Sup Forums for 9 years now, so don't think just because I have it good in life I'm gonna stop coming here on my off days.

>God no, Palm springs
You want me to laugh at you, because I am. 3 bed 2 ba will run you minimum 2k in palm springs.

>I've been on Sup Forums for 9 years now, so don't think just because I have it good in life I'm gonna stop coming here on my off days.
That's not the fucking point. Don't try and act high and mighty. You're obviously talking out your ass.