Switch Specs Finally Outed

>Nintendo has been tight-lipped on the Switch technical specs, as they have with all of their consoles. But now the specs have finally been revealed from none other than the makers of the CPU: ARM.

>The chip-maker revealed in a Facebook post that the Switch is powered by a quad core ARM Cortex A57 CPU. The chip can run at up to 2 GHz and has 2MB L2 cache.

>Another post, which was removed, revealed that the Switch has an Nvidia Maxwell CPU with 256 CUDA cores running at 1 GHz (maximum clock speed).

>All of this corresponds to an Nvidia Tegra X1 chip, which was originally released in 2015.

>Finally, as many previous reports have suggested, the Switch features 4 GB RAM that’s shared between CPU and GPU.


And there you go, boys.

Other urls found in this thread:


>256 CUDA cores
whoa...that's a lot

the hell are cuda cores?

So fucking underwhelming. I don't think anyone expected nintendo to care about graphical fidelity tho. When your target is kids and casual games, who cares if you actually produce playable framerates and resolutions.

Think of miniature CPU cores.

Man that GPU is way under powered. Wonder what the specs are when its running in undocked mode.

So it's just a way for a chip maker to make their chip sound "better"

They're a measurement of a GPU's processing capability, more is better. For reference, a gtx 280 which came out 9 years ago had 240 cuda cores. A modern gtx 1080 has 2560 cuda cores. So the chip on the Switch is barely better than a 9 yr old gpu.

Quality bait, if this was anywhere near true, it wouldn't be able to run BotW or MK8

Thats not how it works.

>no better than a 9 year old gpu

welp, gg nintendo

that info came from the official ARM facebook page you fucking mongoloid


So essentially an upper-mid range smartphone

ARM said it so it might be true, but as ever, still a rumor as long nintendo confirms it.

Its a 720p device, it doesn't need powerful hardware.


I knew Nintendo was going to cheap out

That's exactly how it works. The Switch is using a MOBILE graphics chip, aka, the shit they put in cell phones. They're bragging that it can run skyrim, a game which came out on last gen consoles, consoles with hardware from 2005/2006. Nintendo has completely given up on competing with sony and ms when it comes to graphics/performance, and they're lightyears behind current pc hardware.

>upper-mid range smartphone
wheres did you get this idea from?

>The chip-maker revealed in a Facebook post that the Switch is powered by a quad core ARM Cortex A57 CPU. The chip can run at up to 2 GHz and has 2MB L2 cache.

>Another post, which was removed, revealed that the Switch has an Nvidia Maxwell CPU with 256 CUDA cores running at 1 GHz (maximum clock speed).

So which one is it?

>follow the source
>digital foundry rumor
Fuck off

>tfw too intelligent to care about graphics

>When your target is kids and casual games
from the advertising it looks like they're targeting a different demographic

>Who cares

Nobody in consoles, that's for sure!

Nigga, the fps on xbox/ps4 games are worse than the wiiu

Neither, both are based in rumors of blogs.

I'm talking about the GPU, the Wii U runs at 350 GFLOPS.

256cc running at 1ghz is about 300-400GFLOPS yet MK8 is pushing twice the pixels and higher texture resolutions.

It's physically impossible for it to be 256 maxwell

Stoners and retards?

I don't care still getting two because I love and support Nintendo no matter what :)

The buzz that I'd heard was that this is a reiteration of the devkit.

Dunno though.

mostly people on toilets


the ARM facebook is just quoting some review that uses the original eurogamer rumour for its source

that shitty source just cut that part off for some reason

dont know why the ARM facebook posted that

there are far more games that run at 60fps pn PS4 than on Wii U. Do some research. Heck, fucking Breath of the Wild runs at sub-20fps

Because it's not a rumor.

They do it all the time.
Probably got paid by someone to like the article like the rest of their facebook publications.

awesome, can i see the source actually confirming it?

>So the chip on the Switch is barely better than a 9 yr old gpu.

Its a publication based in a rumor.
Read the source.
>according to Ars Technica, since Nintendo has not officially communicated this information

The 1050 Ti has less CUDA cores than the GTX 680 and still performs on par if not better than the 680 on some instances. Number of CUDA cores is only a part of the story, how efficiently a system uses them and how drivers are built can tell a much better story.

Developers don't even know how to take advantage of hardware from PC or PS4, especially Japanese ones, so who gives a shit.

>Trusting blog posts
Gee, we all know how well those go...


PS4 can't even maintain 30fps on games that look like dogshit


>'if i change the 30 to a 20 nobody will notice!!'

Every first party game from Nintendo apart from Zelda runs at 60fps on Wii U.

but that's not how that works.
Maxwell cores != Pascal cores != Fermi cores

fucking retard


Oh right, because Sandy lake, Ivy Lake, Haswell, Braswell, Skylake and Kaby lake cores are the same.

I would like to see the source as well.

Why console manufacturers always gimp out on the CPU?

>no blast processing
>no turbo button

Fallout 4 is not a good example, it's shit optimization fampai

If this is real, it's a fucking embarassment, and $300 is a damn ripoff.

It's fake you retard.

Cause unlike with PC you can just go full AMD and add more cores.

The clock speed of the 1050Ti is significantly higher than the 680, and there have been some improvements to Nvidia's GPU architecture.

Nah, this doesn't prove shit. It probably will end up being Maxwell, but I'm waiting for, you know, a reliable source.

Yeah we really needed two if these threads, good job OP.

Its fake, based in a rumor from a blog.

Autists who bring their gameboy with them to random rooftop parties? People who want to stop a game of real basketball to play a video game of basketball on a tiny screen with even tinier controllers?

The Switch also has much slower memory though

This is the thing I don't get; Nintendo expects third party developers/publishers to just get on board with whatever Nintendo's doing and if you don't support them you can fuck right off. Happened with Wii U and 3DS and now it's gonna happen to the Switch.

You wanna know why Sony's gotten all these exclusives, timed exclusives and special attention paid to it the past couple of years? Of course it's the huge install base on the PS4, but it's also the fact that Sony realized the best way to get people to make games for your system is to make it easy to port and have the best power out of all the consoles. Nintendo is selling underpowered with a weird gimmick and expecting companies to make shittier looking versions of their games and expecting publishers to take a risk on most people not going to Digital Foundry/having a brain. People got all pissed at EA because of the rumor that they're using the PS3/360 version of FIFA to port to the Switch. All I can say is yeah no shit

hyrule warriors runs at sub 20fps, pikmin is 30fps, zelda is 20fps, mario kart 8 is 59fps

kill yourself, moron

Also shitty developers like to make games for Sony because Sony lets them get away with releasing $40 season passes and broken games that require day one 10gb updates. Nintendo doesn't allow that.

That's not even half of what a normal 750 ti have. The sad part is that it's not a normal desktop graphics core. It's an mobile core with a mobile tier BCLK even when docked

It's Sony moneyhatting the shit out of things. Why do you think Nioh is being published by Sony only outside of Japan? Why do you think so many games have given Sony exclusive marketing rights? Sony is paying the publishing and marketing costs for other companies.

Everything is going to be a rumor, Nintendo never reveals specs like that, we won't know what kind of SoC is in there until some youtuber takes it apart.

So... we're looking at a GPU with a third of the power of the GTX 950 (similar clock speed, three times the CUDA cores).

That's about on the level of a HD6850, which was a good card when it was released... 6 years ago.

Oh boy.

Unified Shader units with nVidia specific instruction sets.

>literally phone hardware
>instead of shortening the usual gap between themselves and the competition, nintendo is widening it

top fucking kek. maryoh machine and 0 third party games that aren't a decade old confirmed.

You mean publishers. And they are only garbage western ones like EA and Ubisoft.


>Why do you think Nioh is being published by Sony only outside of Japan?

Because Sony saw that the game had potential and offered Koei a deal. Nintendo does this shit all the time, 4 out every 5 Square Enix games on Nintendo consoles are published by Nintendo outside Japan. Look at DQ 7 and 8.

>Nintendo doesn't allow that
Nigga they've released PLENTY of games with piecemeal DLC AND season passes.
Fucking hell they released a season pass for a Wii U game, then made another season pass for a port to a handheld, then made ANOTHER FUCKING SEASON PASS.

Nintendo doesn't ALLOW that? No you fucking idiot, they've never been able to secure a game that requires more than a 1GB update in their LIVES besides Smash Bros. Hell they couldn't do it even if they tried because the internal memory for the Wii U/3DS/Switch is so fucking shit. 32 fucking gigabytes in 2017? I bought a 32GB USB drive for 11 dollars a couple of days ago. I can get a 32GB MicroSD card on Amazon for 13 bucks, or a 128GB MicroSD card for 40 bucks, or a 1TB hard drive for 50. It is BULLSHIT.

>That's about on the level of a HD6850
No. Not even that.
It is literally Wii U 0.9. Not even Wii U 1.0
The Switch is officially weaker than the Wii U.

>256 Cuda cores
We 2005 now
A 1070 has 1920 cores

>The Switch is officially weaker than the Wii U.
Specs are not even out yet.

This honestly.

It's about comparable in terms of power. You forget how old that card is.

The closes comparable nvidia card I could find is the GT 740.

Didn't expect any better from the hardware performancewise, more interested in details about the screen of the device. Resolution we know, but what about panel type? Nintendo can't be so shitty that they would use TN in 2017, right? R-right?

I wish we could simply holocaust all Nintendrones.

B-But what about my walking interactive movie games?

Both the Tegra X1 and the P1 use A57 CPUs, the article doesn't say jack shit about the GPU.

Not at all. GPU cores do the graphics shit. They're not comparable between Nvidia and AMD, but higher is better.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe runs at 1080p 60FPS compared to Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, which ran at 720p. It is obviously more powerful. I think the Switch will bomb super hard and even I know that it's at the very least slightly stronger than Wii U.

those specs are incorrect, they were in the old kit but were replaced w/ the new kits in oct t. nin dev

Koei actually publishes their games outside of Japan. Sony offered to pay it for them just so they wouldn't port it.

SE wouldn't have published DQ 6, 7 (3DS), 8 (3DS), 9, or Joker 2 outside of Japan if Nintendo hadn't footed the bill. Even then, SE didn't want 7 and 8 to come over until Horii mentioned they were going to.

That brings the question of why did Bethesda decide to put Skyrim as a launch title for the Switch rather than FO4

>don't know
Don't care, you mean. It is either beyond their scope, minor indie teams, or they want money, do making games to push shit to the limit is pointless and consumes too much money.

we already know the specs won't match current gen which is really all that mattered because of 3rd party port possibilities, the specifics I could give a shit about since it's already confirmed the switch will be a 1st/2nd party system with the odd 3rd party game once in a while.

>why did Bethesda decide to put Skyrim as a launch title for the Switch rather than FO4
Because it's not possible to reduce FO4 to a state where it can run on a GT 740 and a system with 4GB shared RAM.

Bethesda wants everybody to forget about it because even casuals were turned off by how dumbed down it was, and that's fucking saying something.

Anybody that ever said it was going to be on par with the PS4/XB1 was a fucking retard.

The whole console is the tablet. You can't fit the tech of either competing console inside of a fucking tablet. Yes it's not pushing 1080p or even 60 frames, but just a simple knowledge of tech would have told you it's impossible.

>more cores=faster processing
You should get a job at AMD

>256 cuda cores
This pretty much confirms that the base Xbone still blows it out of the water in terms of specs

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe runs at 1080p 60FPS compared to Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, which ran at 720p.
It runs 1080p, yes but most likely upscaled just like Breath of the Wild when docked runs at 900p while its native resolution remains at 720p.
The Switch is not more powerful than the Wii U. It's just Switchfags' wishful thinking.

Nintendo is a-ok with that they just took much longer to get a usable store out to allow developers do so
And not due to any lack of greed on their part, but mostly due to their historical stubbornness

>Koei actually publishes their games outside of Japan.

So does SE. I don't know what you're point is, both Sony and Nintendo do this shit, it's fair game. You can't praise one and attack the other, this is the same business practice.

>The Switch is not more powerful than the Wii U. It's just Switchfags' wishful thinking.
Hate to break it to you m8, but sorry, it is

More cores are good for GPU's though, the problem with high core count on CPU's is that a lot of software isn't optimized for it and you end up with wasted potential.


>even 60 frames

even some SNES games are 60 fps. MK8 is 60 fps. It's not system power it's game design.