>finally burnt out on mgsv after 700 hours
>can't tell if it was genuinely fun or if it was just the hype making me want to believe it was
are people who say this game is good just deluding themselves?
>finally burnt out on mgsv after 700 hours
>can't tell if it was genuinely fun or if it was just the hype making me want to believe it was
are people who say this game is good just deluding themselves?
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As an old MG fan, who actually put over 300h into Peace Walker HD already + some 120 to TPP... I must say you gotta be nuts.
That being said, MGSV is a total anomaly of a game. When it comes to what many consider the most important aspects of a videogame, the gameplay, namely controls, the visuals, and the fluidity of it all... the game is superb.
However, when you dig a bit deeper, you start to see all sorts of problems. Lack of the intended ending really shows and feels towards the end, with the game's pacing and design in general taking a nose dive once you hit the Africa. The numerous blatant filler missions, lack of proper conclusion to many characters AND gameplay features alike (remember the spider tank?), the sheer emptiness of the maps & your base, and the forced MP integration all end up gnawing away the enjoyability.
So, in the end, it's probably best summarized with the ages old "meme":
It's a good game, bad MGS game. Saddest thing is, it could've been good at both, had it been FINISHED.
>Played a game for 700 hours
>Doubting you had fun all those hours
You're obviously a shitposter
you're right. it's like being in a bouncy castle situated several meters from a steaming pile of donkey shit on a hot summer's day. on one hand you're having the time of your life, but there's a foul smell in the air putting a damper on the whole thing.
i would have killed myself otherwise, user. i couldn't not enjoy myself after all that excitement, but in hindsight i'm not sure it was genuine. it's like being with a really cute girl you know you should like, but deep down you just don't.
What the fuck were you doing for 700 hours?
>700 hours of MGSV
What the hell were you doing?
>finally burnt out on mgsv after 700 hours
Did you go on vacation with your PS4 turned on? Then again, with MGSV, the CPU would melt down.
yeah, basically this.
In a perfect world I would have loved to seen the completed game with all the bells and whistles.
I can't even say if I wouldve preferred a completed game with the mgs 4 engine, because the leap in technology from 4 to GZ/TPP was really impressive. The first time I loaded up GZ i was blown away by how amazing it looked and felt to play, but at the same time, I really would have loved TPP if it wasnt a big disjointed mess.
I'm about to reinstall it man that gameplay
I mean, it was fun to do stealth missions at night on the villages and stuff. But for 700 hours?
>i would have killed myself otherwise, user
You should have
How the fuck dude? I've barely got below 200 hours and that's with all achievements unlocked and playing MGO for a few weeks.
not op, but there's MGO and FOB stuff as well as the singeplayer missions.
I got 55 hours out of it. What on earth have you been doing for 700 hours?
And in the end of the day, if you enjoyed it then who gives a fuck whether it was bad or not.
I barely logged 90 hours into MGSV, if you did 700 and are still asking if it's even a good game you're an absolute autist.
Metal Gear Solid V thread, you say?
ahah yeah I know, how does he dare replay a game fellow 4chinners don't like.
upvoted ;)
I put 500 hours in, a little under 400 of those were doing FOBs.
I quit after I completed my 4th FOB and realized they were never going to add a 5th one or anymore weapons and that grade 10-15 was just bullshit promises.
fpbp, good job user
Mgo is fucking trash