Hey Sup Forums, put down your video game, and read a book!
Read a Book Sup Forums!
I do both, nigga. Reading during the day or after work, then vidya at night with some bros.
Whatcha been reading lately, user?
Wind Waker strategy guide
Fuck off Randall
kek I was gonna post this
Read me a book on electrical engineering just this Sunday, it was great.
Post the book you're currently reading and the game you're currently playing
>This War of Mine
I play VNs dad! What now?
Forgot pic
Don Quixote and Pirate warriors 3.
For some reason I keep forgetting that musou games aren't fun.
You're neither reading a book nor playing a game. Fucking disgrace...
Pic related + the new beta of Unreal World
Which translation of Don Quixote and would you rate it as fun to read?
Been reading up on WE WUZ lately
2/3rd into book 8 of The Wheel of Time
God I hate the women so much in that series.
But both are just as big a time waster as each other.
Reading actually takes intelligence though
*tips fedora*
I'm reading Rutherford, because that's the one I happened to own, but the best translation probably depends on if you prefer a more literal translation or a more modern one which is better for retaining the comedy of the book.
I'm really enjoying it a lot myself, especially the interactions between Sancho en Don Quixote.
If you want you can join the reading group on /lit/. They've just started and I think they're only a few chapters in.
>People say I'm pretty good at oral reading
>Don't like to read because it's boring
Nigga it's just words printed on paper like how are you imagining things flying out of the pages when you read? lmao
>b-but shitposting is productive mom I swear
But I do read user. I spend a lot of time on the bus, and it's great way to kill time, while telling other people to not bother me in a mostly polite way.
Posting muh favorite book.
>giving characters their own voice from voice actors in vidya
Anyone else this autistic? I often use the VAs from Legacy of Kain for major characters.
Anyone here read Worm? No one I know in real life still reads for pleasure.
I'm going to go ahead and post this, there are some questionable choices, but everything is pretty much decent at worst.
I only read sci-fi, fantasy, and Japanese light novels which aren't that much better than video games. I finally started up the Malazan series after having it on my to read list for forever.
I just give every character my own internal thinking voice, which is weirdly enough nothing like my actual voice
What style of books do you like user? I can throw some recommendations at you. Goes for anyone else too.
Fuck off, I'm in law school, I read 5 hours a day most days, 10+ for a month or more straight near finals. I have read so much I think my vision has gotten fucked in the past year and a half. And this isn't stories, this is heavy, dense, dry shit that you have to understand before class. I've easily read 1500+ pages of such stuff every semester. If I want to play vidya for a little instead of reading partnership tax, I will
I read from time to time
I can't find any joy in reading anymore. Did compulsory education beat it out of me?
As someone who really wants to go to law school when I finish getting my bachelor's, I have to ask. Is getting into law school THAT hard? Also, what's the first semester like?
I kind of know that feeling. It took me a couple years after high school before I felt like reading again.
Yeah, because the American canon is full of boring books. Go to the library and get a book that looks fun and you'll love it.
Just read stuff you enjoy. I read trashy Japanese light novels and obscure web serials. It's not the quality or learning it's the enjoyment
My Nigga.
Literally finished it 3 days ago and I loved it for all its flaws, but goddamn was it hard to get through the later chapters with that pacing.
I'd have prefered it if the story stayed on street/city level instead of going global, the very first heists and the warlord arcs were the best and I could've read a few more books of the gang just fucking around defending their turf and doing more heists, at least the ending redeemed the rest of the later chapters.
I didn't even like capeshit before I read it, got me into reading comics I picked up along the way.
I hope those negotiations the author was going through for a TV show go through.
Sophia was best girl
I just read 'Who goes there?' last night at work, actually, then I came home, got the kids ready for school, and played Bloodborne and wrote a bit.
Now it's time for bed so I can do this shit all over again.
Depends on how much you study during undergrad (or more accurately how well you did). I got a 3.9 from a Big 10 university in history and political science and am in Phi Beta Kappa (also smoked weed everyday for 2+ years in undergrad, just have to know how to get shit done when need be and ALWAYS go to class. Never skip. Never. And sit front row every day). The hardest part is the LSAT, fuck that test. I studied for like 7 months (took 2 years off before law school, which I would recommend, going straight through would suck) and scored I think 165, can't remember the exact number but remember it was 93%. I was nervous because I didn't do anything legal in my time off so I didn't think anyone would accept me and sent out about 20 applications. I got accepted to NYU, U of M on scholarship, Virgina on scholarship, Cornell on scholarship, Northwestern on scholarship, UCLA and almost full scholarship, USC on full scholarship, IU on full scholarship, Notre Dame on full scholarship, Vanderbilt on full scholarship, George Washington on full scholarship, Fordham on full scholarship and a few others that are slipping my mind. Also got wait listed on Columbia, U Penn, U of Chicago. Got denied from Standford and Harvard but I am a white male so I wasn't surprised. I ended up going to one of the T14 schools mentioned above.
It is as hard as you make it really. The LSAT is tough. Take intro to logic courses in undergrad if you can. Shit is intuitive but you want to be automatic with it by the time the test comes (and try to get sleep, I couldn't sleep the night before and it still pisses me off because I was scoring 170+ in my practices but that is in the past now). The grades come easy if you don't absolutely fuck around. Get to know one professor super well and another pretty well too. Like, be friends with the first one. For more specifics, tell me what year you're in and what you're studying so I can see if I can offer any more advice
I just finished A Game of Thrones (ASOIF #1). It was okay. I kinda understand the hype but GRRM seems to have a real narrow vocabulary. Solid 7/10. Not sure I'll finish reading them.
The 1L year is literally designed to weed out the weak. If you can't commit to 30 hours a week of classes and studying, don't bother.
My GF is 1L at a decent law school. She has loads of reading and writing. Her only hobby is watching TV and she barely manages five hours of that a week. Supposedly it gets less work intensive.
Trying to play through Swat 4 but I'm so shitty.
Yeah it has it's flaws but hopefully wildbow will iron it out before publishing. I just love the setting. I'm running a weaverdice campaign now. but the best girl is clearly Bonesaw. Other acceptable answers are battery and Sveta
No this one.
I finished the first Harry Potter book yesterday and I'm on the second one.
Just finished re-reading "Smilla's Sense of Snow" by Peter Hoeg, (A kind of precursor to "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.") and I'm also absorbing Mastering the art of French Cooking Vol. II.
Fucking walking simulator with cutscenes, no thanks
Partly. They made you read dreg shit in highschool that has been analyzed for years so they have a baseline of how to grade your work around those books. Chances are you read shit like Grapes of Wrath and maybe Atlas Shrugged which are pretty mediocre books that have been discussed into the ground. Go to a bookstore and find something that looks interesting and read a few pages of it before buying it. You'll find something you like eventually. I'm not a huge Steven King fan but after I graduate highschool the Dark Tower books were the first thing that caught my attention and they rekindled my joy of reading.
My uncle gave me pic related when he found out I was dealing with depression. Said it helped him out a lot. I read the first chapter and it's a bunch of "everyone is everything" hippie bullshit. But four years on and I'm still struggling, so maybe I'll pick it up again. I'm desperate.
kek That reminds me of some shit I did in like 5th grade. Good for you for being you, user.
As for the work, shit is way more intense than undergrad. Like I said, I did really well at college, but everyone in my class did super well too. As such, you have to always be on top of your work, which is usually reading 3 or so cases a class every night. What makes first semester challenging is that you don't know how to read a case. It used to take me about 3 hours to read 15 pages because it is dense, dry material and sometimes (like with Cardozo opinions) takes a long time to wrap your head around. That said, everyone will be going through the same shit you are, so don't stress too much. I would recommend typing up all your notes, even the ones from class that you have to write on paper, at the end of every week, because outlining is a bitch at the end of the semester and having it all on file will be easy. All that said, first year isn't as bad as second year. Second year is when you take the hardest classes typically, when you have the most to do whether it be student government (me), journal (unless you want to check citations for literally 15+ hours a week don't) or clinic (me), and when you are worried about your upcoming summer job. By 3L you pretty much have it down and you just get really bored.
It is hard but rewarding. I am also doing one of the more difficult, technical, fields (tax) though so maybe I am a bit skewed. Partnership tax is a bitch. But still, nothing beats figuring out the aggregate deferral for a partnership at 2am or acing a cold call in Con. Law.
For now, don't worry about law school and focus on undergrad. Like I said, go to class, do all your assignments and do them well, and always. go. to. class. I cannot stress that enough. Professors notice when you are always there sitting front row. They like that and they reward you. Do some extra curricular activities, maybe student government, which is usually a pretty good time, to pad out your resume a bit. Other than that enjoy undergrad. It was the best time of my life
Depression for me was environmental. I was bullied horribly in a private school and felt trapped, like no one cared about me. My mom wanted me to have a good catholic upbringing, and the teachers didn't care I was miserable. One of the bullies eventually broke my arm and I went to public school.
Not being at that school changed everything. I was still awkward, but I was determined that the only thing trying to make me sad then was myself. I determined to be better and not let it get me down.
That's the hardest part, recognizing when you are suddenly spiraling down the hole that it's your body trying to make you unhappy, and you just can't let it.
Or try to get out of whatever is making you chronically unhappy.
Try reading that book I read above too, "Smilla's sense of snow" it's a fictional book about a loner woman who suffers depression but finds meaning in life when she tries to solve a murder of a child. Lots of good life tips in there, like not owning a gun or super sharp knives in the house so you don't kill yourself.
I read eroge vns all the time!
The only school I have ever heard of that "weeds out the weak" is Cornell who encourages the bottom 10% of the class to drop out. In my experience, law school is very self selecting. You have a lot of very competitive, driven, intelligent people. It is hard as shit though and
>30 hours of classes and studying
lol I wish. I would say at least 40 and double that for the month before finals.
user, I don't want to rain on your parade but it doesn't. 2L gets more work intensive. 3Lol though is supposedly a breeze. The saying is 1L they scare you to death, 2L they work you to death, 3L they bore you to death. As a 2L I can attest to the first two parts being true
As for your gf, don't get pissy if she doesn't have time to hang out with you a lot. So long as she isn't cheating on you, put up with her being absent more than usual. I had a gf from before I went off to law school. She got disillusioned from not seeing me more than just the weekends despite living in the same city and broke up with me. Felt fucking bad man
At least when you're done you can finally pretend to be your favourite characters from Suits
I just blazed through 2 World of Darkness books and i am currently starting Striner.
Honestly, never seen it. Haven't really watched much tv for the past year and a half and before that my life was pretty hectic so I didn't get the chance then.
Right now I am hoping that what I heard from hearsay is true. This past summer I worked at a mid sized law firm. At the end of the summer they told me they wanted me back. Someone I know is really good friends with the hiring partner at that firm. They were telling me what they said to him (hearsay, I know) and they said that if I worked there I would be getting around 130k starting working 40 hours a week. That is a dream job. If that isn't the case, I'll have to go BigLaw, in which case I would be getting 160k starting salary but would be working 80 billable hours a week (which translates to 100+ actual hours a week). I've worked 80+ hours a week before, I don't want to again.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent, can't talk to friends at school about this shit because talking about jobs is pretty taboo (don't know who or who hasn't gotten an offer etc).
HH: the first heretic
cossacks 2
I haven't read that one, but I was given what sounds like similar material and it was nothing but bullshit, didn't help at all. took me 6 years to feel like I can function normally again, but what really helped was finding a hobby that forces you to focus and be around people, even if the interaction is minimal at best.
for me that hobby was rockclimbing and lifting.
Are you running it in the IRC chat?
I've been thinking of jumping on but I've never played and tabletop roleplaying games, neither do I know how IRC even works.
I'm reading Nausea by Satre and The Battle for Spain.
Both are fun reads frankly.
Reading can kill you man, please raise reading awareness, gamer lifes matter fuck trump man.
Damn that sucks man. I don't see her that much anyway, and I'm about to move back to my hometown (5+ hours away) due to a promotion. Hopefully it works.
>due to a promotion
read that as premonition. I need some sleep.
Stranger Of Sword City
Just finished The Omega Project by Steve Alten and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne. Can't decide between The Art of War By Sun Tzu or some Stephen King book next.
If it doesn't wait until the summer to break it off if you care about her and she is worth sparing the feelings of.
And yeah. I was kind of vindicated because even though I implored her that we could work things out 2 weeks later I had another gf. One day me and my other gf (also now broken up, fuck my luck) were out to a function which my ex would never go to but knew I would go to and who should show up, but my ex. Well, seeing me with another girl sent her into super jealous mode. I get calls for like 2 weeks, emails, texts, calls from other numbers. I didn't contact her because I was still hurt. Eventually, she gets into my dorm building and waited right outside my door for like 2 hours for me to get back one night. Surprised the shit out of me. She wanted to talk and to "ask me something" but I was still hurt and told her that she had all the time in the world before we broke up to ask me something and she should have asked then. I still remember the pain in her eyes. I wish I would have talked to her because I still miss her and its been over a year. Unfortunately, the bridge is probably forever burned because, at the behest of my family, I called campus police to file a report. Nothing happened but they still called her and told her to not see me again. She probably hates me and has every right to. I just hope she's happy
Just finished reading "And Then There Were None".
Lombard is best boy.
Fuck off, I just woke up from my nap and it's currently 6:28 PM. I'll admit though that I'm guilty of currently still having rented books from a library and still haven't read any of them. ;-:
No I have a group of friends that will play any obscure setting if someone goes through the work of DMing. You should swing by the IRC, everyone there is super nice.