For a hundred years, there's been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people

For a hundred years, there's been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Number one, that's terror




number two, that's terror

better scene

Is Deus Ex the most quotable game of all time?

>Bravery is not a function of firepower.




>real debate about the nature of democracy and the failures of it
>doesn't assume anyone is right or wrong, beings up good points on both sides and let's the player draw his own conclusion

I wish the Jensen games had writing this nuanced.

It's so true it causes me physical pain.
>people are stupified to the point they'd rather live in a failed democracy than a successful dictatorship.
>Warren, despite writing Deus Ex one, was shilling for hillary.

i'd rev her actuators if you know what i mean


Never ever, instead have

always remember that something as big as a video game is a team collaboration with lots of different ideas going into it





I know, but it still doesn't provide an answer to my 1st point, of people being made retarded, that they'd rather live in an illusion of control and be miserable, than know, that if they are miserable they can simply remove the cause of misery.
Would you rather vote in completely rigged elections, picking between crooks who make false promises never intended to be kept, or have a dictator, who does his best, knowing fully that if the people stop liking his rule he'll be hanged?


Unrealistic as shit

No way a bar keep will be this knowledgable


That's not how dictatorship works.

I don't think you know anything about totalitarian government.

Besides, Hong Kong is not about of the People's Republic of China.

Bar keeps hear all sorts of shit man.
People go to the bar get drunk and chat to eachother, completely forgetting that the bar keep is there or just thinking that he isn't paying attention to what they're saying.
in my mind, anyway

I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments; there's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate.
Your turn



Right, i forgot dictatorships are never toppled by the people, but instead US in their effort to trade Democracy for oil.
I know plenty, thanks.
And i meant good dictatorship/autocracy like UAE, or pic related.


there is nothing in his dialogue a person interested in politics could not know just because he has a certain job


Canadians ruined Deus Ex, even worse is how they twisted the knife by turning the series into their political commentary of how western society is bigoted. Fuck canadians.


Ever wonder why car manufacturers pay 2% in tax while the guys on the assembly line pay 40?

meant to quote


>blaming Canada for some shit Quebec spews forth
Like they aren't even the same country at this point. They don't have any federal regulations that the rest of us have. They are literally only Canadian by title







What a shame.




I always liked how emotionally wrecked Hermann became after you kill Anna.




He was a good man. (lip smack) What a rotten way to die


What's with the black bartenders


also this

political discussion this spicy would never make it into a AAA game today. maybe Kojima, if he wasn't hopelessly separated from reality.


>tfw Kojima has to make the stories retardedly disjointed from reality through mecha with nukes as to avoid meeting with "Serial Suicide" or "Gravel Truck"
Feels bad.

>mfw icarus is supposed to be a sp00py ai but just comes across as a petulant child


Do you think MGSV was supposed to tell a story of globalism vs. tribalism but instead was turned into VOLBACHIA MALE TO FEMALE?

forgot my face



>>doesn't assume anyone is right or wrong, beings up good points on both sides and let's the player draw his own conclusion




I think Kojima did not give a single fuck about MGS5 and I say this as someone whose favorite franchise overall is Metal Gear.

if anything it shows they have enough confidence in their ideology to give the opposing side equal ground

Deus Ex does take sides at times, it's pretty clear the NSF guy is right when JC is interrogating, and he thrashes JC in the conversation.


MJ12 Trooper: [coughs]


That makes me one ugly son of a bitch


mistah jc denton in the fresh


I dunno. It seems like there is an undercurrent to his work that is very aware, before it rockets off into comic book ridiculousness and all around nonsense. The best example I can think off the top of my head is MGS3's philospher's legacy. Seems sort of seems derived from NWO conspiracy. Also his mix of patrioitism/disdain for the state


These UNATCO guys aren't so tough after all.



What texture mod is this? The one I tried last time I reinstalled looked god awful.


This is Vanilla. Just using a widescreen enabler

You'll love this




Alex Jones is augmented with vitamin supplements

Does anyone have a link to the video somebody made of the opening scene of Deus Ex in some sterotypically japanese game?

The problem isn't only the sjw direction they went with Apartheid Divided, they took some things about Deus Ex and blew it out of proportions.

Augs were never the be all end all thing they are in HR/MD. Gunther gets captured by normal people, JC is manipulated and isn't some capable of genius level argumentation that non-aug plebeians will never be able to achieve, many augs were like bodyguards in DX, it was never sold as something that makes a person better in everything, but in the new games they turned Augs into X-men mutants, ubermensch. If you don't get augs, you'll lose your job, you'll be dumber than everyone else, and so on.

Also the world of HR/MD is so focused on AUGS AUGS AUGS it's annoying and retarded. You see a magazine, it's some aug fashion magazine. TV news channels? Can only talk about augs. Sports in MD/HR? It's some aug-football or aug-MMA. It's like there's no life in it aside from discussing augs. Deus Ex was never about MUH AUGS all the time, you fucking Eidos hacks.

That's why DX is far easier to relate to, the issues of privacy, information security are still very relevant today, while the aug-centric world of HR/MD is retarded and often does not make sense.

It sounds like he's talking about Helios.

Québécois are not Canadians. They're not even human.

What is this spirit science? Is he overdosing?