What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Kindly Tauren tries to make friends and the Night Elf has to take it the wrong way

Because one is alliance and one is horde you fucking knob.

Quit trying to make a joke out of nothing.




funny thing is that night elves and tauren are probably the races that get along the most
they couldnt find a worse example of this

Cuck psyops from (((Pardo))), (((Metzen))), (((Morhaime))), (((Kotick))).

there are group quests still left in that piece of diarrhea?

>i will make a retarded observation that is clearly wrong, the image itself disproves my point entirely
>lmao blizzard fucked up!


they meant "____mix now, ___im"

I remember right by the time I stopped playing they removed all group and elite quests.

This game is such a shitty turd if compared to what it was, I guess I understand Nostalriusfags, even though I don't really play MMOs anymore.


Tauren are pretty mush allies with the alliance at this point.

sauce me up senpai

ronnie is a real-ass nigga desu

Taurens have.horsecocks. horsecocks don't have knots, they have medial rings.

Fucking newfags, I swear to god.


How anally annihilated do you have to be to make this?

But he's right.