
Sup Forums what do you guys think of my ps3 collection so far. This is a months worth of collecting.

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Why not get the Mass Effect triple pack so you can have the first one as well?

I couldn't find it locally. Will start ordering online if I can't find what I want.

>red boxes for greatest hits
>old games have a different ps3 logo
JUST fuck my autism up.

Pretty decent so far user! Be sure to take a look at the buried exclusives, some of them are pretty damn good.
Even the notorious blunders like HAZE can be pretty fun and surprise you with some of their elements if you go in with low expectations.
My recs:
Heavenly sword
Valkyria chronicles

Yeah getting heavenly sword this week. VC will be next. Looking for mgs hd collection and ico. I've owned a lot of these games on 360 but sold them when I was strapped for cash. Enjoying the hunt so far though.

I have come to not mind so much the GH versions.
As far as re-releases go, burgerland's GH is certainly the less cancerous
>those fucking platinum hits
>japan's the best
>europe's essentials

and worst of all:
latin america's FAVORITOS

Haze is legitimately awful, easily the worst FPS of that generation that I played, but i still found it more interesting than the 3/5 its ok samegame copypaste that we tend to get.

I actually bought Heavenly Sword recently after enjoying Ninja Theory's later two games Enslaved and DmC. Heavenly Sword isn't so great though.

thought this was a bait thread because of ass creed, remember me, the bureau, MGS4 and Dead Space 3.
My recs:

i'm honestly finding a difficult time thinking of ps3 solo titles other than DeS that are worth even giving a shit about.


Most of these games have cost me $2 - $4 each. I just bought nioh this morning. There are some lousy titles that have been given to me as well.

I thought of more seeing 's list.
>Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5
>Bound by Flame
>Yakuza series
>MGS collection
that's really the only titles i can think of.
>Shadow of the collosus and ICO
if you're interested.

Yeah there's not much more that I need. Probably another month of searching and I should be finished.


I have two of those.
They are the most disgusting boxes I've ever seen, probably gonna print replacements at some point.

>all those sports games

My deepest condolences
I avoid them like the plague. Cant play Spec ops the line because every single copy is like that where i live

Have some Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty.

more than likely
also Red Dead Redemption looking again from 's list.
Hardly anything I'd actually waste time playing desu.
I don't care too much for Weeb shit.

Well if you already have them on pc/360 or just dont think like owning them in a collection, sure, disregard multiplats, but all in all, the ps3 turned out to be quite the machine. lots of games.

As far as exclusives/console exclusives go, the uncharted games, infamous, killzone and god of war are all worthwhile series despite the shit they get here.
Also games like vanquish and the like, that arent out on PC, and some hidden older exclusives.
The ps3 has plenty of stuff to like. It started up rough but ended the generation as the most complete console.

Posting mine for the hell of it.

nice list my favourites are in there i would put

bioshock, heavy rain, fallout new vegas, dishonored, crysis2, oblivion, skyrim and GTA4

up their with those


Now, go get Vanquish, Alice and Folklore.

>game better on Xbox 360
>game better on PC

is it autism or what why do vcucks love the inferior versions of games so much

>PS3 The Best reprint of Zone of the Enders HD Collection comes with the patched version of ZOE2 already on-disc.
>Comes with a reversible cover artwork without all "The Best" crap.
Why couldn't all companies do this?

It'd be fine if they didn't have that gigantic disgusting FAVORITOS on the front and side.

>Adventure Time
>Angry Birds
>Duck Dynasty
>All those sports games

You guys think a definitive version of bloodborne or DS3 will be launched this year?

Dont know whether to keep my vanilla copies or not. Look how shitty the complete edition of witcher looks


>tfw have to file all games under F now

>that lonely the darkness 2
I know that feel, cant find the darkness 1 fucking anywhere and its killing me

I think it sucks since you could play most of these on PC with better framerate and graphics.

Get the metal gear legacy collection on amazon. Its more games and a perfect collection with an amazing price

I honestly hate playing games on pc. Except for Diablo.

It was an amazing game. Check ebay if you have to

was the horrible framerate ever patched?

>buy InJUSTice Gods Among Us at FUCKING Gamestop
>specifically pick the non-Greatest Hits case off the shelf because I can't stand the red cases
>qt at checkout tries to pull a fast one and switch the case out for a red one
>I ask for the case I chose, she says "that's my display case" but gives it to me anyway
>puts the Greatest Hits disc inside the non-Greatest Hits case

I was too beta to push the issue further but I now have a mismatched game and want to kill myself

PS3 has nogaems

Not as bad as it could be but still all common games and not enough niche jrpgs n shit.

actually have darkness 1
posted games in the bottom instead of posting a new pic, still missing a bunch of ps4 games tho since i havent bothered to update even the text.

Oh thats actually the worst part about thisThe discs are actually GH red

>Tfw order ni no kuni
>instead of the badass BL version with the great cover art i get the GH monstrosity

I have no clue desu. But its still worth playing.

Dude you need to spine up man.
I always complain if they switch cases and I always check the discs for scratches and shit too before I buy since their QA is shit.
There are times when the guy will be like "15.60" or whatever and put it in a bag without handing it to you, you just gotta be like sure... can i just check that first to make sure it's all in order. It's really not that hard.

Why are teh g's above the a-ds?

My Walmart had both, I chose the red version thinking it would have extras. I was new to PS3 back then.

Not bad OP, I'm almost done with my PS3 collection, really looking for Vanquish, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, and Way of the Samurai 3, among others, but can't find those anywhere locally.

Also plugging my profile:

Wholeheartedly recommend the site for cataloging your collection online.

I was embellishing the story a little (though following your advice would have helped regardless). I had actually just bought a PS3 and didn't realize that the Greatest Hits discs looked any different than the regular discs. It wasn't until I got home and opened the case that I found out

Guess I learned the hard way

Yeah I mean they charge a premium enough price and make you wait in line long enough most of the time that you shouldn't be made to feel about about getting what you pay for.
Most GS employees that aren't total fags will understand and if they give you shit just tell them you'll neg them on the survey. But I've only had to do that once.

damn, I hate when they put that banner shit on games.

atleast its better than arkham city goty

Too bad it doesn't come with japanese audio.