What exactly caused Capcom's downfall?

what exactly caused Capcom's downfall?

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outsourcing. Treating their fans like shit.

not enough /ss/

They treat both their fans and employees like shit

This. I wish Capcom would have tried harder with SFV but all they wanted was the eSports money. They had no respect for the fans.

Outsourcing, hiring fresh employees without giving any proper mentorship, having no sense of direction, not properly building up things like GDDs or SRSs for their games (most companies are guilty of that anyway), merely having a presentation be their aide in what to implement and having a failure of a development cycle complete with inexperienced dev teams, hiring even more of this cheap labor, hiring people simply because they played their games a lot without possessing any other actual skills ComboFiend, treating fans like shit I guess (but they let it happen by buying into it just the same), making unrealistic deadlines just to meet some esports scheduling garbage among other things, not knowing what they're doing in general such as deciding whether or not they want to target the fgc or the casuals. Among other things, but I'm tired of typing.


shitty fans

The fuck is this slut saying.js MonHun is the only thing that keeps capcom floating and till MonHun exist capcom will exist.

anime never became real, and we still don't have pure virgin nun Felicias to marry, deflower, and impregnate.

The fact that they were hacks all along.

They're only known for 3 franchises which are SF, Megaman, and Resident Evil.

The took a steaming pile of shit on Steet Fighter to the point even KOF and MK outdid them. They shun Megaman because of some issues with Inafune, even though nostalgiafags don't give a shit about office drama and simply want more games.

Literally Resident Evil is Capcom hanging on a strand of life.

>What is monster Hunter

We got it already faggot, you like Monster Hunter and /ss/, jeez.

Inafune suggesting outsourcing to all the IPs. Fuck him

>Suggesting NT for DmC
>Suggest westernizing Lost Planet IP into Lost Planet 3
>Suggesting western ideas
>Is a westacuck
>Made an otome game about his fictional niece
>Backstabbed Capcom after taking all his suggestion
>May have something to do with Team Clover closing and chasing away other talents
>Took credit for his mentor's work

>Inafune suggesting outsourcing to all the IPs
well, A megaman X by Wayforward doesnt sound to bad for me. Outsourcing is not a bad Idea as long as they leave it into the right hands.

Hubris. Treating their fans like shit. Turning all of their more popular series into triple-a normie pandering trash with excessive budgets that need to sell five million copies to just break even. Killing every other series that doesn't fall into the previous point, either by axing it entirely or turning it into mobile garbage. Killing the fighting game scene. Again.

Basically, every reason you could think of for why crapcom turned to shit, they did.

But this is Inafune. He'll leave it to no names and shit devs like Comcept and Ninja Theory to cheapen the deal

90s Capcom was pretty great honestly. They've definitely lost their touch though.

Inafune wasn't around when Capcom outsourced Dead Rising 4

>all these claims
>no source on any of them

Alot of the same stuff that Konami did.

Difference is that Capcom realized it and apologized before it was too late.

>tfw I kinda liked Ninja Gaiden Z

this and Dropping popular IP's and not putting enough effort into advertising any new ones that would help save their company.

Inafune is definitely a hack and piece of shit. I was stunned that people thought MN9, before it turned into a train wreck, was going to be great. He was obviously cashing in on fanboy ignorance when it came to his actual input on the MM series. I unfortunately couldn't talk two friends out of throwing cash at it.

Fuck, IIRC he said Japan needed to look to the west for ideas since they were 'behind'. What does he go and do right after that? Try to rehash an old series for a quick cash in. Fuck Inafune.


>otome about his niece

He was there when he suggested to Capcom to outsource DMC to NT and said Lost Planet 1-2 are too japanese and behind the times.

He ruined to perfectly good and profitable IPs

>they were hacks all along.
Destroy yourself.


Hating Inafune is pretty much just a meme you've let snowball. There may be an ounce of truth but Capcom are not some kind of charitable victims, fuck your little headcanon.

>it got localized
Fuck I'm pirating this shit and trying it.

Having Katt only in one game.

>before it was too late.
Sony had to help pay for the development of SFV and is the reason it's restricted to the pc and ps4.

They're far past the "too late" point.
But unlike capcom, konami burned their bridges then poured oil on the ashes and burned them again.

hi kattfag

There's nothing wrong with the idea of Mighty Number 9. Making a pseudo-Megaman because Capcom won't make the real deal? It's a solid plan. It was the road to it getting made that was the trainwreck.

As for the game itself, it's not even the worst game I've ever played. It's just terribly mediocre and underwhelming. But I grant you the whole gimmicky dash gameplay stuff was much worse than just shooting enemies dead. You TORtanic criers are forcing the meme a little too hard.

Felicia not smothering that kids face with her breasts



she ain't no murderer!

i fixed her for you

Breath of Fire 5. It was such a pos and it started their downfall.

Most games in the past decade+ have been ordered around by boardrooms. People just don't notice it as much because they have decent devs on their payroll. Prime example is RE4 being developed based on shit decisions but is considered to be one of the best in the franchise. They've been quietly dying for a while now.

not caring about their older franchises.

>new darkstalkers never...
>new onimusha never...
>new powerstone never...

But you didn't add pants. Or even a thong.

>new powerstone never...
Why... why did they have to wager the future of so many franchises on the fucking PSP?

90% of the talent they had is gone
new employees have no idea how to make good games and only focus on visuals
the lack of care for old IPs (Legeneds 3 kicking everyone's dick was a golden example)
fucking up basic shit in new games (SFV without arcade mode at launch like what the fuck - and then throw in that accidental rootkit deployment with update)
new IPs only going to work for so long. Mon Hun and Pheonix Wright can only do so much for so long
DLC out the ass still
Dead Rising 4 (in part with true ending behind DLC)
the list goes on

Now good (original) version.

Capcom itself.

Both are shit, but Inafune deserves all the hate he can get.

Emphasis on short-term corporate greed without considering the effects it would have on long-term brand strength and consumer loyalty.

>They're only known for 3 franchises
Underage detected

>SFV without arcade mode at launch like what the fuck
A sign of the times. Capcom was testing the waters to see with how many corners they could cut and get away with. They will never make a new game that isn't a proven hit on the market already. And even then they will keep testing the market to see how little of an experience they can get away with delivering while still seeing a profit. They have no dreamers or trailblazers left in their ranks.

This is exactly it.

desperate cashgrabs for western appeal and esports (DmC/RE7/SFV)
rushed development (SFV)
poor treatment of fans/devs

No he doesn't. He didn't deliver on MN9 and now everyone has the pitchforks out and blames him for every single failure he was in proximity of.
Case in point:
>May have something to do with Team Clover closing and chasing away other talents
There is jack shit in the way of evidence to support that. People WANT to believe he was the root of all evil in Capcom. Horse-fucking-shit.

>Capcom was testing the waters
you wont get me with this shit
it was done because it was rushed and they couldnt do it fast enough

but if what you say were to be true, it killed the franchise single-handedly


/ss/fags are cancer and need to die

Some of their outsources projects have been fine. Like stuff by Minakuchi Engineering was pretty good.

>it was done because it was rushed
This is another way of saying the exact same thing. Capcom wanted the product out before it was done and rushed it out.

There were no plans for an arcade mode post-launch. They patched it in because everyone complained.


I don't want anymore stuff brought back, modern capcom has raped everything.

DmC had to pander to westernfags

RE7 had to chase the VR meme, the twitch reactionface audience, and the FPS audience, oh oopse sorry I mean "BACK TO THE ROOTS" ya know when even the old REs were nothing like this shitpile.

SF5 had to go full e-sports and get rushed as well as being a freemium scam and having one of the worst rosters in the series' history. SJW pandering with rampant censorship, installing rootkits was also great fun.

Do you really want them to fart all over their other IPs? I can assure you a new Onimusha would just be a bad copy/paste job of Souls/Nioh with shallow gameplay and loaded to the brim with "DLC"

A new Darkstalkers? It'd be essentially censored because of how much they'd have to tone down compared to older titles because of how things are run today and lest you forget how they pandered to the SJW crowd with SF5's censorship during development.

Or maybe I'm thinking of Campaign mode. All I know is I heard nothing about adding it in until reviews panned the shit out of SFV and they had to make a public announcement of adding in the features that were missing.

RE7 is literally first person Resident Evil

This is absolutely true. The only way Capcom could be salvaged is if their franchises went on firesale and other better companies snapped them up.

And that's just not happening.

Because they release a barely finished product in SFV then have the fucking gall to charge for TWO separate character passes (one costs an extra ten dollars for some reason?)

>b-but you can buy characters with fight money!!

It's fucking insulting that I have to grind to be able to buy ONE fucking character, when Capcom has repeatedly spit in our fucking faces when it comes to releasing said characters. Also good luck getting those DLC exclusive costumes with your fight money.

And how is it acceptable that 1 out of every 3 matches has so much rollback that it becomes nearly unplayable at times? We're nearing the 1 year anniversary of this fucking embarrassment and people are STILL having problems.

And this is just their flagship fucking series is all, why put and time and effort into something people care about?

This series deserves to die.

t. marketer-kun you are not fooling anyone.


It's literally not though.

Its mind boggling how Capcom and Konami have just gone down the shitter. All those fantastic IP's left to rot.


Whatever you say, bandwagon-chan

heres G4 going on about megaman

This is what capcom used to be made of

rest in peace G4, i will miss you and your shows forever

IGN's God Hand review lead to Clover's downfall who lead to Capcom's downfall.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't

>irrefutable facts
>oh shit i just got btfo better scream bandwagon

yes it is

also there's no point in marketing anymore for a game that's already sold probably the majority of its units already, can we finally stop with this meme?


What facts? All you did was show an optional part of a boss fight.

Monster Hunter is one of the few Capcom franchises which has only improved.
RE7 is a step in the right direction, it just needs a stronger art direction.

Inafune sabotaging from the top of the company due to abusing Japanese business culture that promotes based on how long one has been with the company, as opposed to actual qualifications.

He was responsible for shooting down a ton of projects, green lighting the outsourcing like Donte (and even told them that old Dante's design would be laughed out of a bar), and kept running around saying how horrible JP devs were while Western ones were somehow superior

Keep in mind Inafune was basically hired as an artist, then pushed up to one of the most important roles within the company due to seniority as the company expanded

What have they done to Dead Rising!

so tell me, Sup Forums, would you a /ss/?

i would
its just a shame im 20 now

at least thats why age gap fills the needs of people

If only there was a way.

Just pointing out how hypocritical it was that Inafune criticized Japan for stagnation or lack of creativity but then goes to rehash an old series.

I would rather a Pit

That's valid.

are you lady paluena?

Where is her fucking vagina?
Behind the knees perhaps?

only if i was a qt thicc woyman

but im just a 19 hairy ass college student