Has it been announced yet?
When is Nioh coming to PC?
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Why not? Is it funded by Sony?
Sony shits out millions to get exclusive rights
Nioh version when?
It'll come to PC when Demon's Souls does.
I'm a PC player and I would pay $60 for Nioh. We'll shell out money for good games.
Yeah, it's Youtube exclusive though.
It's not announced yet so we don't know. The only certainty is that it's coming.
>sony "exclusive"
PCs are slowly being killed off by tablets and smartphones minewhile Consoles are selling better than ever.
Best game since Bloodborne.
never ever
Lol just save up your pennies and buy one! What do pc players actually spend money on?
they have to get the best graphics card so they can play dayz at 300 fps
>be PS4 gamer
>get all the good games like Nioh/Yakuza/Project Diva/etc
>be PC gamer
>your only exclusive is buying a PS4 for the aforementioned games
>plot twist; it also has the shitty western multis PCbros cream themselves over
yakuza is shit and you know this, so is "muh miku"
When they announce the PS3 version.
Same time as Bloodborne
Sony published it outside of Japan probably so KT wouldn't port it.
>People that unironically praise exclusives
>being so lonely and depressed you falseflag on a taiwanese picture sharing website
I actually pity you user. I hope your life gets better
I can taste your salt oozing through my monitor
I own a PS4
they are what keep this industry going
They're what keeps shitposting on Sup Forums going
There's no "Only on Playstation" logo on the box art.
A PC version is guaranteed at this point.
Is there even a reason anyone would get an xbox at this point
this place will fight over anything
There's no "Playstation console exclusive" logo on the box art.
A PC version is not guaranteed at this point.
fuck off I wont cunt
run straight
Yea, but nothing is more unfunny and shit than "muh flame wars"
The OC isn't even remotely creative, it's just the same unfunny gold face and wojaks copy and pasted for the millionth time. Maybe if some effort was put into the shitposting it would at least be somewhat funny, but it isn't
meant to reply to
Yes there is faggot
>Tfw """""PC Masterrace""""
>begs for port
Why is this allowed?
Ruh roh
>pre-release mockup
>87 on metacritic
it's shit