Is there any game that you can't help but like less because of its fanbase?
Is there any game that you can't help but like less because of its fanbase?
All source engine games
Is there any game that you can't help but like more because of its haters?
Souls series
Witcher series
it's one thing to be a bad game that ruined the series, but the fact that people will defend it while simultaneously trashing other metroid revamps like other m and fed force as if nintendo wouldn't continue to tweak the metroid formula after so many kids praised prime.... it's just infuriating
I still hold that at least the original Five Nights at Freddy's was one of the most effective attempts at breaking out of the horror game genre tropes, like scary designs that weren't just "BLOOD AND GUTS OH NO" and gameplay that reinforced the horror elements rather than detracting from them. I don't think I've seen a better use of jumpscares in a video game.
Of course the fanbase is a cross between furfags and actual 5th graders, so I can't really like it.
Explain how metroid prime ruined metroid. The first one was amazing
>Souls series
Spot on. The games immediately go from mediocre to shit in my eyes because of the incredibly pretentious, shill-infested fanbase. Bloodborne fags are the worst offenders.
>letting the fanbase skew your opinion of a game
console warriors in general have ruined a lot of exclusive games. people turn them into nothing more than tokens to list when praising their game box over the other guy's game box.
because it told nintendo that they shouldn't make classic metroid games on the consoles, they should just take a half finished game from a different genre and reskin it with metroid IP.
metroid has been trash ever since.
I'll agree that in a sense it ruined the series by moving it from a platformer to an FPS, but the first Prime was a good game. I even enjoyed Echoes though I never finished it.
Nice try but no one will take this bait, you'd have to be literally retarded.
okay have fun playing pinball and federation force
Don't let the fanbase ruin it for you.
I'm kinda angry I only played it recently because of the fanbase.
But none of those games are single player.
Metroid reached it's logical conclusion a long long time ago. There is zero point in trying to remake, redo or retry these games, they've been done correctly already. Other M showed the world that nintendo has no idea how to continue this franchise and it's better they don't go the NSMB route and leave it as is.
And another thing, that pinball game is very enjoyable! Shame on you for being a nu male cuck with no diginity!
Metroid prime was genuinely good game though. Its not a traditional metroid game, but it worked.
that's just wrong though. they could totally put a 2D metroid with high def graphics and a vast expansive world that makes super metroid look like garbage, but they already drowned that baby.
and if the pinball game is so great why did they need to use the metroid IP as a crutch to boost sales, just like they did with prime?
well yeah that's kind of the issue: it's fine if you like first person shooters, but it's bad if you want to play metroid.
and guess what the first word on the box is.
Legend of Zelda
None because I'm not a retard
going with easy choice of minecraft
>and guess what the first word on the box is.
>the first word on the box is 'only'
what did he mean by this?
To many, myself included, Prime felt like a good adaptation of 2D Metroid into 3D.
Every PC game ever made, because PC gaming is for faggots.
zelda is now the patron saint of normies who want to show their 'geeky' side. Like the thot who wears a triforce on her jewelry or a beta cuck with one as a tattoo.
it's fucking sad. give it back you fuckers.
Mad sonygger
Mario used to be 2d. Look how that turned out. Dont hate because its not what the other games in the series are like. So far your reasons for metroid prime being bad is because its not 2d. Nothing about the actual game itself
yeah see the thing is they still make 2D mario games
2D metroid has been DOA since the GBA when everyone bought prime instead of fusion
Multiplayer, maybe. Single player, no. I still say I loved Undertale and it's short, 7/10 ass, nothing can change that. I do hate the fanbase with a burning passion, so much that I can't even talk about it in public or online since all you ever get is people like this.
But I loved the game and games like it, I can't let other people shittery affect how I feel about it.
Filtered. Back to /vg/ or reddit or wherever you hail from, hapless tripfag.
>So far your reasons for metroid prime being bad is because its not 2d. Nothing about the actual game itself
my argument was never that the game was bad. my argument is that it's a reskinned shooter, it's not metroid, and presenting not metroid as metroid killed the series and they're still doing it to this day.