Campers have been the cancer of FPS games since the beginning

>Campers have been the cancer of FPS games since the beginning
>Make "Ultimate Camping Simulator Six The Game"

Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea?


> make a Rainbow Six game
> has nothing to do with a Rainbow Six game

>im too retarded to use the countless of intel gathering methods they gave me

Camping will literally get you killed against any competent players you retard

The peekers advantage in this game really does not favour the campers....

>If only a had a drone to explore the map before engaging.

>Find enemy turn huddled up in a room
>Scan everyone
>Match starts
>Go to enemy location
>They all moved

That's why you have two of them, and you try to do the best you can to save your first drone.

>Complain about campers
>When you can breach walls
>Shoot through walls
>Use drones
>Track footsteps
>Use smoke grenades
>Use flashbangs
>Use a shield
>Use long range breaching rounds
>Use Incendiary arrows
>Electronic sensors
>Cluster charge
>Peekers advantage

N..Nan I!?

>whines about defending an objective in a game of Attack & Defend

lmaoing at your lyfe m8

Have we gotten to the point where Sup Forums goers play games for shorter amounts of time than the average professional game reviewer?

>unnecessary set up time with drones that lets you instantly find out where the team is and what they're doing, thus taking out over half the tactical-ness
>defenders can't go outside basically with the spotted bullshit and UI clutter
>objectives literally have one of two duo locations so "they're not at A LOCATIONS MUST BE B"
>literally the worst gunplay out of any FPS (can someone literally not copy Insurgency's gunplay and make not shit maps with good non-respawn modes?)
>predetermined destruction

It's shit.

The only good tactical shooters were SOCOM and SOCOM II.

>In a game where the entire meta revolves around peeker's advantage


>froced to lose 20 matches till i memorize the map
I love the tacticool gameplay but this was just a bit annoying

>play as run and gun FPS on defence
>get kills left and right because everyone expects you to camp

feels good mang

Trash opinion

>Can't even select the map in single player terrorist hunt so you can learn it

>hating on SOCOM
Low brow underage retared detected.

open the option icons after selecting T-hunt in the main menu.

>Why do I have to learn my surroundings? I just want to shoot stuff
That's what you sound like. What part of tactical don't you understand? If you don't know where you're going and the enemy does, guess who wins? The ones who can flank your ass because you're blind and just walked into a cave full of bats with machine guns.

>Complaining about camping in a game where your job is to camp the objective.

It's like getting pissed off that people drive in racing games.


Fuck off Sonygger

>peekers advantage
>from the prone

IQ and Fuze best operators

Once you get to a decent level (diamond) this game is even more twitch based than CS. The massive network/hitreg issues and huge peeker's advantage make it even worse. Good concept but they really need someone other than Ubisoft to take it further.

sounds like the new ghost recon as well

shut up Malkraz

tom clancy games stopped being tom clancy games after raven shield