how are you still stuck? just summon someone.

dodge around the pillars
hit once, dodge dodge dodge hit once
repeat x 100

it's that ez, git gud

I burnt up all my embers ages ago. Literally everyone I summoned got fucking destroyed before the boss dropped to a quarter health.

I tried that.

git gud desu

When I first got teleported to fight this boss I had no estus at all and still got it below half health. Get good.

What weapon/build are you using?

Try nameless king.
If you have problems with dancer, the butthurt there would be glorious.
Make a video and git gud. I love being part of the cancer

>Literally everyone I summoned got fucking destroyed before the boss dropped to a quarter health.
That's what happens when you summon randoms instead of putting on a password and asking /dsg/ for help.

The only enemy in dark souls 3 that was difficult were those cunts with the poles in the snow area.
They were just random enemy but 3 of those were harder than any of the bosses of the game.

I never saw the difficulty with this boss.
Never died to it, once.

the only hard part about dancer was my dick

The boss is designed around your dick.

Follow your dick. Where does it want to be the most? That's where you need to be to beat her. It's easy if you just follow.

Turn off lock on and roll past her

The AI is designed to fight players who move in according with lock on, its actually amusing how easy the game gets if you dont use it


I just beat him 20 mins ago, it's a step up in difficulty sure, but DS3 is my first real attempt at playing a souls game so I'm not good by any means. Just pay attention to his right hand for the grab attack, once he enters second phase be patient and wait for him to overextend on combos and then get hits in on his back. This fight just really needs focus and knowledge of his moves and youll be fine. If you need Embers then get the covetous gold serpent ring and farm Lothric knights, black knights and I think Lycanthropes drop them as well. Good luck.


>touch a blood stain
>they get pulled in the air stuggling then fly off in the distance and do the flinch on the ground dead

Always amusing.

>Bestoc user

Good point. The only reason i attacked from behind was the inner urge to smack dat

>mfw I've become such a PvE faggot I can't even imagine someone having trouble with the Dancer.

Honestly, I wish I still had her as a boss, the OST for the Dancer and Abyss Watcher are amazing.

>Using a Zweihander because I like greatswords
>Defeated like 15 times by her
>Use longsword
>Beat her first try with it

Not-so-greatswords, really.

I played this at a friend's house, having never played a Souls game before, and beat her. If I can do it, you can, fag.