What do you guys think of this game? I just started it

What do you guys think of this game? I just started it.

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It was.. okay i guess.

Not very good but not horrible either, it suffers from the "way too easy even on the highest difficulty" like most Wolfensteins but the last battle was fun in my opinion.

Should I just skip it and go on to New Order?

generic 2000s FPS

it's fine

it's not great. it's fine. play more to see if you can take it, quit if you can't

new order is a better game, but wolfenstein is okay

09 was better than New Order

I actually enjoyed Wolfenstein 2009 more than New Order.

Wolfenstein 3D > Return To Castle Wolfenstein > New Order > Old Blood > Spear of Destiny > 09

At last but not necesary a bad game

Wolfenstein 2009 had better weapons and felt more like a Wolfenstein game in terms of its tone, but the whole game just played like said, really generic.

New Order was an alright game when the stupid story wasn't constantly getting in the way.

dont get me started on how terrible the mp was

put 09 between RTCW and New Order and i'll agree.

I almost forgot that Wolf 09 even had an MP mode. They outsourced it to some literally who developer, didn't they?

>They outsourced it to some literally who developer, didn't they?
im not sure about that part

I liked it because I'm a sucker for the 40s aesthetic and a big fan of Wolfenstein. There's a lot of glaring issues though.

No reason to play a Raven Software game made after 2003.

>what is Singularity

It feels pretty fun so far, finished the first level and liked the anti grav stuff. Second level looks more open. The sprint though makes me almost want to hurl though, it's so damn shaky.


Dammit, I'm playing on PS3.

not that great. whoever thought pressing a button to pick up ammo and armor should never make games again.

well thats unfortunate. there are torrents for the pc version still if you want

The AI is on the same level as you'd find in Goldeneye. Just stand in the corner, aim at the door, and watch as a stack of 20 corpses fills the doorway as the braindead fucks just trundle in.

Easily some of the worst AI in 15 years.

My PC should be able to run it fine. I might just do that because it's so terrible sprinting.

have to admit i didn't play singularity
i'll pick it up the next time it's on sale on steam

pretty unlucky you missed the GoG sale for it, it was about 15$

Singularity is a classic.

Old Blood was the best Wolfenstein in my opinion. It gave the same non-stop adventure feeling Half-Life 1 and 2 gave.

Also I love how much the whole thing felt like Indiana Jones.

Underrated. Not too challenging but rewards exploration and gold searching. Possibly has some of the most satisfying death animations and gore in the FPS genre.


I picked it up at Eb games for 1 dollar