Post designs you feel are criminally underappreciated.
Post designs you feel are criminally underappreciated
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Black Knight had some neat designs going around. Excalibur Sonic is such a dumb idea on paper, but I thought it was cool.
I liked the game a lot more than secert rings. It had many flaws but it was still a playable game. The story a was too simple and weak and the back tracking was just bad. Its a shame that theres never going to be a third story book game. I'll never understand the sonic fanbase or the 90s sonic fags.
Just stop
FF Bad Guys get such good armor.
I came here to post this, good taste user. Golbez and Exdeath look great too
kel-thuzad + lich king + king leoric + monster hunter sword
sick OC m8
VS [inaudible roar]
I have to be the only one who loves the lion's mane look
he's not a lion he's a faggot
Simple and clean
Take that back!
my favorite boss design from the game. metal face is a close second
the mechon even fucking transform and shit. BRING THEM BACK
one of the coolest designs ever in vidya
my nigga
Honestly I feel like people completely overlook how perfect their designs are. So simple, clean and effective.
This is the best looking Nightmare. All subsequent versions are always way too over the top in their designs and edgy to the max
While we're on Sonic...
SCII was the best Soul Calibur, period
That's a cape coming out of his ass
It's a terrible idea but my inner 12 years old is a sucker for big shiny armors full of spikes.
literally just biollante except made out of water
Men of taste.
Reminder that his second form is Omegamon all but in name, right down to the buster on one arm, and the big sword on the other
Urien is literally the most perfect human being I have ever seen. I loved his sprites and I love his 3D model. He is so perfectly proportioned in mass. Nothing is too bulky or two scrawny. He is the perfect height for a male. Every time I see him in action I am just mesmerized at how immaculate his body is.
I want to be like him, I want to look like Urien.
I knew I had seen that one before
Everything from Cyberbots
He has big powerful feet to help him carry his weight and provide perfect stability
Oh damn that's right, I had to google it since I don't know shit about Digimon, but that's cool to know
Everyone hates it but I fucking love it, really made it look like your character has been to hell and back
I know the way it was actually implemented via levelled lists and shit was lame as fuck compared to Morrowind where every piece felt like a treasure, but Morrowind's Daedric armor looked like fucking garbage for the effort it took
>boss fight ends
>phase 2 has generic tribal drums
I wanted to write something sarcastic alongside this pic, but I feared you would just misunderstand it. So I just tell you straight up that you are full of shit.
I have a soft spot for darkspine myself.
Nah it looks like garbage still.
To be fair though, all of TES armor and weapons look like shit, seriously these guys don't have a clue how to design a good looking armor.
way to prove his point.
I really love Sonic's sprites in sonic and knuckles and sonic 3. Sonic 2 and one looks too plain and washed out. Like something about this is just so right. I see they are going for the sonic 1/2 look in mania, thats fine but I always prefered the look of S&K sprite
Not an argument
I like Mania's sprites but I really fucking despise it's color scheme.
it kinda looks like they bumped up the saturation
That was probably lizuka's fault.
for some reason classic Sanic is now light blue.
It's more than just that, it's the way the colors or shading is handled that just makes my eyes bleed.
I wasn't trying to convince you, so I don't give a shit. You like it - hey, it's alright to have bad aesthetic taste, I don't mind.
>I wasn't trying to convince you
Which means you typed that all out to stroke your own ego.
Of course, what other reasons could I possibly have?
This is unironically one of my favorite pieces of concept art. Steamlord looks great.
Are you okay man?
Spider-Man is that you?
p u r i f i c a t i o n
best FE villain imo, with an awesome attack animation
I didn't think the child character would be actually endearing for once
shame about the game though
You sound really gay
III, V and VIII especially.
I love 5's
those this artstyle makes him look weird