How will the PS4 Pro even compete with the Scorpio

Scorpio is going to be called Xbox Six to both counter the upcoming PS5 in numbering and to emphasize the power difference. They are going to use the 6 Terraflops performance in marketing and point out that the PS4 pro doesn't cut it. They did it with Windows 10, and they have always avoided numbering consoles under the competition which is why we had a 360 instead of a 2 compared to the PS3. They are also going to push UWP heavily with Xbox Six to counter the Switch by letting people play their games at home on their TV, and on the go with their next generation Surface tablets. Meanwhile they will maintain cross platform support with the Xbox One so all games will play on both consoles never leaving the past in the dust, and continuing to work on bringing 360 games to the Xbox One and Six to create a bridge across 3 generations. The Xbox one is around 5 times more powerful than the Xbox 360, and the Xbox Six will be 5 times as powerful as the One. PS4 only doubles the power and MS is going to market hard to remind people that the Scorpio will have as much power as a PS4 AND PS4 pro combined.
Marketing tagline: "Why go pro, when you can go with power? Xbox Six, the most powerful console ever created, period!"

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We can all blame this on Andre House and Yoshida. Andrew House said the PS4 Pro is not competing with the Scorpio. And yoshida laughed at the idea of the Scorpio saying why would you announce a slim and a upgraded console at the same time.

Eh, their trend towards UWP means that PC + PS is still the best combo. Maybe add the Switch to create an idort triumvirate.

The people who care about consoles use PCs. PS4 is selling because of exclusives. Xbox One isn't selling because no one has a reason to buy it.

To be fair, announcing the Xbox One S and Scorpio at the same time was pretty stupid. Who the fuck is going to rush out to buy a One S when the Scorpio is on the horizon?

>xbox One isn't selling because no one has a reason to buy it.

Xbox One Slim is outselling the PS4 in recent months

PS4 has brand recognition and exclusives. Barely anyone outside the US knows what the xbone is

This whole post pleases me

>the people who care about consoles use PCs

> How will the PS4 Pro even compete with the Scorpio

with games people want to play.

MS has to seriously invest in their first party studios. Even Halo isn't moving systems like it used to.

But sony did the same shit with the pro and the slim

and the UK*. Which the 7th gen showed us is all they need.

>Who the fuck is going to rush out to buy a One S?

a lot of people have bought the one S actually. mostly because thats pretty much the only model thats on the market right now.

.What worth awhile games does ps4 have besides bloodborne

Yakuza 0

Scorpio is probably going to sell well in the us but no one outside of the US will buy one.

>How will the PS4 Pro even compete with the Scorpio


Xbox hasn't got shit since it lost all it's games 2 PC. Xbox is a deadbox.

A bunch of weeb shit that actually have a lot of followers suprisingly

>Yakuza 0
A game with 7th gen graphics and a some what mediocre fighting system

>weeb shit
>movie """"""""""""games"""""""""""

ok then. Nioh

By having an online network full of users.

fuck off xbox fanboy
you can't win the console war, it's over, sony won

If you want exclusives, your best bet is a Switch. If you want good graphics, your best bet is a Scorpio.

you forgot about that amazing ps4 launch title exclusive, Knack.

>person names a game
>"lol, that game is shit! it doesnt count!!"

typical shitposter.

>If you want exclusives, your best bet is a Switch. If you want good graphics, your best bet is a Scorpio.
Zelda isn't an exclusive. PC has the best graphics.
You're really bad at this, user

Saying weeb isn't a argument and infact makes you seem like a mouth breathing 15 year old memer

>If you want exclusives, your best bet is a Switch
This is just guesswork, you have no evidence

But it isn't. Ps4 is crushing it it in all markets now

>If you want good graphics, your best bet is a Scorpio.

how do you know that though?
just because of "muh teraflops" meme? Give proof and some screenshot comparisons. if you cant, you're literally just talking out of your ass.

All that speculation sounds retarded and it still can't play games in 4k, not that even 25 percent of the us will have 4k TVs in the next 4 years.

The Xbone outsold the PS4 during the holiday season......just sayian.

I don't see Zelda on the PC or ps4 or bone or my phone.

last of us remastered
anime fighting games (there are like a bazillion of them)

sony first party titles are really good. Might not all be masterpieces but they are always decent.

Thing with MS titles is they always end up on PC, so there really is no reason to buy a MS console where sony first party titles are only on Playstation (as much as that sucks)

Ok so lets remove your two retarded categories.
That still leaves:
Death stradning
Gran turismo
Yakuza 0
Infamous second son
Ratchet and clank
Drive club
Days gone

Do you want to try again user

Op post a link proving you wrong. But you have no evidence to back up your claim. But it's okay I get it you're a typical sonyfag

that doesnt really mean shit though.
ps4 still has what? a 30 million lead on them?

How can white men consoles even compete?

Genuine question: what exclusives does the xbox one have that are worth while? I played Halo 5 all the way through on legendary and it was the only Halo i disliked playing in both singleplayer and multiplayer.
I honestly can't think of any exclusives it has that aren't remakes or worth while.

I can't imagine being so poor that you can only afford one platform.

It's a nintendo console, of course it's going to lead in exclusives.

>"muh teraflops" meme
Oh, but it's okay when to do that when comparing the PS4 to the Xbone, Switch, and Wii U, right?

IGN spoke to devs and the devs said the Scorpio has better graphics than any other console

shilling this hard.

Switch will be a worth while buy in a few years when the price is lower and there is more than a single game worth playing.

Playstation 4 this year:
-Nioh -Persona 5 -Horizon Zero Dawn -Yakuza 0 -Yakuza Kiwami -Yakuza 6 -Final Fantasy 12 Zodiac Age -Crash Bandicoot Remake -Uncharted Legacy Collection -Gravity Rush 2 -Ni No Kuni 2 -Kingdom Hearts 2.8 -Gran Turismo Sport -Gundam Versus -Nier Automata -Digimon Next Order -Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD -Tales Of Berseria -Miku Project Diva Future Tone -YS VIII -Valkyria Revolution -Fate Extella

Upcoming games:
-Spiderman -God Of War -Death Stranding -The Last Of Us 2 -Dragonquest 11 -Kingdom Hearts 3 -Final Fantasy 7 Remake -Days Gone

Noteable earlier games:
-Bloodborne -Ratchet and Clank -Gravity Rush -Dragonquest Builders -Uncharted 4 -The Last Guardian

Scale-oh wait
Uhhh Sea Of Thieves
errr prey 7 or something..
XBOX SCORPIO ya we win it


answer me this, what console has the most sales right now? Xbox one or ps4?

>inb4 you reply with a shitposting retort

>It's a nintendo console, of course it's going to lead in exclusives.
Nintendo hasn't had good 3rd party exclusives since the SNES, you moron

And Nintendo devs said the tech was very affordable for the price. Is this your first day off the compound?

another fps rehash
>Anime Fighting Games
Killer Instinct shits on all of those
>Last of US remastered
a remastered of an old game

>Genuine question: what exclusives does the xbox one have that are worth while?



microsoft is so painfully irrelevant, who actually buys these shitty nsa boxes?

I think The Scorpio will be a case of too little too late. Even though it might be more powerful than PS4 the PS is so much ahead that it wouldn't matter.

PS4 is closing in on 60 million and the Xbone is closing in on 30. But the Xbone has been selling much better recently.

Oh, so now it has to be third party exclusives for it to count? What else do I expect from sonnygers but changing the rules the moment they lose?

Ps4's exclusives equal the Wii U's. Nintendo's exclusives are being overhyped as being of unattainable quality as of late

This is coming from a Ninteno die hard

>inb4 you reply with a shitposting retor
He fell for the bait

Why do people think scorpio will be competing with PS4 pro? Sony caught a lot of flak for releasing PS4.5 but they made huge sales from people wanting the 4k up scaling on current games and the first actual 4k games.

When it comes to the next gen console scorpio will come out first but sony will switch gears and push the new tech marketing.

PC Master Race here, if you think Sony designed the Pro to compete with scorpio, you are a fucking retard.

no one was actually retarded enough to buy an xbox right? Right?

>there are people legitimately defending the xbone right now

jesus fucking christ, why? xbone is a dead system. especially since most, if not, all their new games are gonna be ported on the PC anyways.
theres literally no reason to buy an xbone anymore at this point.

>to emphasize the power difference.
It's 2017 and the hardware race is over, Pajeet.
>They are going to use the 6 Terraflops performance in marketing and point out that the PS4 pro doesn't cut it.
Nobody cares about PS4 Pro. The best selling console is the PS4, even outselling the PS2.
>Marketing tagline: "Why go pro, when you can go with power? Xbox Six, the most powerful console ever created, period!"
It's relaxing to know, that Microsoft is always behind the times.

look at the wii u, user. switch will flop the same way. nintendo can't survive with only 1st party games

Just google NPD sales November. It's reported on many sites but hey I'm a "sonyfag" kek

>Ignoring uncharted

>Killer instinct shits on all of those
yup, but then street fighter, guilty gear etc make up for that

PS4 still has more sales dingus. That article was out even before the PS4 pro was released. Xbox was barely outselling the PS4 in those couple of months. Nothing dramatic. PS4 is still winning.

I plan to get this and I will get a Switch when Nintendo announces a Switch Mini/Lite.

Everybody hates Xbox shit here. It's irrelevant and Microsoft is a cancerous company.

Go look at the front page, it's Nintendo, Sony and PC games all day every day.

Everybody hates Xbox. It's a garbage console with no games


movies don't count

>if you think Sony designed the Pro to compete with scorpio
Then what is it competing with Scorpio release is around the corner. And they can't just release a PS5 since SONY as a company is in deep financial trouble

Citation needed

Sony takes a crazy long time to develop consoles, we won't be seeing the PS5 until at LEAST 2019, and at that point Scorpio will have a two-year lead.

Doesn't change the fact that the PS4 is not the best console for exclusives.

I have to thank M$ for giving PC all their games. Just got Gears 4, no reason to buy a bone now. Thx M$

>It's relaxing to know, that Microsoft is always behind the times
Thats why they're creating the most powerful console in history
Thats why their operating system is the most used int he world
Fuck off sonyshill

The actual post holiday sales released kinda shit on this.

Xbox had a few good months, but that was also prior to the slim releasing, then the pro, and they had to undercut with the one s to do it.

Sony sold enough ps4s in six weeks this holiday to match almost a quarter of all xbones.

I can personally enjoy games with varying levels of input from the player, and uncharted uses its filmic qualities to its advantage, but each to their own user :3

Okay. Buy a xbone then.

Like the 360 was way better than the ps3 for a long ass time, sony just powered through and bought up studios instead of bidding on DLC exclusives.

MS could do exactly this. They just don't seem to have any sort of direction with the xbox. Since the xbones launch it's had a identity crisis - remember how it wanted to be like a PVR thing that didn't have any value outside USA?

Right now I just don't see the point of a xbox when all the big titles make it on PC and if you don't have a gaming PC the decision to get a PS4 just makes sense game wise, online playerbase wise, etc.

The only reason anyone would get a xbone over a ps4 is Halo.

why does it have to be competing with something?

This man knows what he's talking about.

>Doesn't change the fact that the PS4 is not the best console for exclusives.
it literally is the best place to get 3rd part exclusives. especially AA Japanese games

It's so strange that Xbox fans still lurk here, like why? Nintendo and Sony consoles are the only consoles owrth owning and PC gaming is for everything else. How do Xbox fans still try and stay here? It's completely irrelevant

Doesn't matter because Xbox has no games whatsoever.

Can't wait for the scorpio to come out and still no one gives a shit about it due to the price and everyone already being playstation

4 titans, fuck outta here


xbots are underagefags who got xbones for christmas. it's the only explanation i can come up with

and no-one is necessarily jumping out of their chairs for Halo anymore. Especially since their just CoD clones now.

MFW Scorpio drops and devs forget that a PS4 ever even existed

I already told you that Nintendo can't survive without 3rd parties. They will never EVER make a SNES 2.0

This.iwouldn't even take one if someone offered it for free. All of it's games are on my PC so the Xbox One console is completely and utterly useless lol

>MS could do exactly this.
They've tried but they refuse to let the studios be autonomous so all the talent just leaves.

I remember when this was the opposite.

the 360 was way better for a big chunk of last gen. It wasn't until the end that the PS3 had a solid library.

Sup Forums will get over the switch when everyone realises zelda was mediocre and that they dropped a lot of money to play zelda and have the thing gather dust while they wait for the next nintendo exclusive that isn't shovelware party shit

>people think the xbone is winning just because they "won" 2 months out of the 38 months its been out for.

microfags are fucking pathetic.

>Thats why they're creating the most powerful console in history
The 3DO?
>Thats why their operating system is the most used int he world
That's Android, shill..


Raiden V is a pretty good shmup.
Sunset Overdrive is great if you can ignore its garbage sense of humor.
Gears 4 is the best third person shooter of this gen, and its matchmaking population is dead on PC so console is your best bet.
Rare Replay is the best way to play old Rare games and it's cheap.
Forza 6 I guess, but I'm not a fan of racing games.

kek PS4 outselling Xbox every single day GLOBALLY since launch.

It's not even a race the Xbox is fucking cucked itself at the starting line and Sony did 4 laps and decided to stop and laugh at it as it keeps trying to fuck it's own ass. PS4 took a piss on Shitbox One LMAO


Shut the fuck before I shit in your little fuccboi mouth. Thats why the scorpio is gonna be the strongest thing ever with a whopping 10 TERAFLOPS thats right 10!. So why dont you watch your mouth next time kid, dont wanna stung do ya?

>xbox trying to escape the dudebro background by letting sony have cod exclusivity
>no amount of damage control can save them

ahh yes a gaming business is going to choose to forget about an over 50 million player base.
How old are you?

Rarereplay is like $10 bucks on g2a. It actually really worth it

Still doesn't change it.