Overwatch will have a server browser



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fucking finally! glad OW is progressing more and more farther into the future!


im sure you know what other mods are required

Still no custom maps

So when will they add the scoreboard?

OW doesn't have a scoreboard? the fuck that should've been there day 1

Ok, I'm sorry the game is still shit

how is the game shit?

Server browser without mods is pointless....

That was a deliberate decision to prevent players from caring more about K/D than playing the fucking game. It didn't work

they should've added it and made it so only the player can see their stats. simple solutions

Here's your reply.


It worked just fine though. People play the objective a lot more than in games like tf2 where full servers were 90% fucking around and/or trading.

>It didn't work

are you kidding? I regularly go whole rounds without people touching objectives in TF2 quickplay. That never happens in OW, because there's an actual incentive to win.

MARIO_KART was the shit when I was in high school, now its pretty hard to look at

But I don't give a shit about this shitty game.
It's only good for porn.

yay! now we can have furry rp servers!!

been almost 3 months and no ban for me yet lol (aimbot)

is jeff gay? sometimes he gives me that vibe

>mfw been using same aimbot for months and never banned

Are supers still RNG based or is their a set cooldown time? Qs ruin OW.

never, they dont want to tell people how much they suck, they want to make you feel special because you pressed Q and got POTG even though you feed all game

>Custom games
>No mods
>region locked
>Probably very limited filter options
>All blizzard hosted so locked down as fuck, no dedicated player hosted servers
Yeah no, fuck off

Gonna be like Halo 3 all over again.
Gotta find a way to do fat kid.

24/7 Bloodgulch lets go bois.

how is OW shitty?
also (you)

I wouldn't mind it, people are gonna flame either way. if they add a scoreboard at least they flame the right people

Is this fucking hilarious to anyone? Like they're explaining a server browser in 2017. PC games have regressed so much.

That's not how you spell sidewinder.

I literally Mcree bot on PC and no ban yet either. It's like Blizz gave up

>Is this fucking hilarious to anyone?
no because it's not funny it's kinda depressing. but who gives a fuck the game got a little better and that's all that matters

>people say pharah needs buffs
>the moment she has a competent healer and the faggots on your team designated to counter her with their picks are proven to have no aim she carries

Prepare to log into servers with broken classes.

I wish I find it hilarious. Nowadays all games are stupidly simplified because they have consoles on mind. You can see ridiculous amount of people playing games even when they don't enjoy videogames, they do it because "its cheap"accessible to everyone" or because "that girl and her friends talked about some game so I may get into it too".
I remember many retards in high school talking about playing MMOs to hook up with girls. Recently I overheard teens talking about playing LoL because girls play it and they wish they had a LoL g.

A lot of kids migrate to PC these days because of trash like csgo and mobas. Obviously they weren't around during the unreal tournament days and blizzard feels the need to explain in detail to the new generation of garbage can lids about server browsers and how things work.

Oh good a server browser, meanwhile Tanks are still unbalanced piles of trash that literally ruin the game. Great job Blizzard.

Fuck, you're a slow one.

>clearly a shitpost
>ha you're slow!

lol this why does everyone think were getting mods and shit on these servers