How do you go from this...
How do you go from this
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it's so bad, it looks fanmade.
>character models from a 2017 game look worse than character models from a 2010 game made by the same developer
I genuinely don't understand how bioware fucks up so much, it's like they only have a bunch of unpaid interns working for them.
>made by the same developer
>I genuinely don't understand how bioware fucks up so much
good artists get fired, and SJW cucks get hired.
Well, at least the textures on the armor and stuff improved
Isn't the game coming out next month? Why is there so little available gameplay footage
why do they give aliens the exact same body language as humans? that's lame
because the game looks like shit. so the less we know about it, the more people they can trick into buying it (for the sake of the brand)
Holy shit this guy looks like my friend who is a total numale. Equally no muscle. How the fuck is he the protagonist and a supposed soldier?
Why work hard when you can just reuse everything instead?
You can't smash the white patriarchy and hire competent developers at the same time, user.
>Game has character creator
>People still complain about the default look
chill dudes, the game is still in pre alpha
gotta complain about something
Maybe he was born a woman.
Do you think all soldiers look like the Rock or something?
we cant relate to aliens so you need to make aliens less alien.
>the default look
what about all the NPC's retard? they all look like shit
you cant change body and height mr biocuck
enjoy playing as a skinny manlet aka (you)
Well for one he's not a soldier technically
You can only fix one of the siblings. Either numale-Rider or chimpface-Rider will be there for the whole game.
We'll they usually have a better physique than 'I've never worked out a day in my life but I do starve myself now and then'
it's coming out next month you cuck
less they show more people will buy and by the time people finish it and go "what the fuck was that" ea will have raked in millions
God nushep is such a fucking faggot. Maybe they should give him glasses and a fedora while they're at it.
I bet the character creation options are also all numale fashion.
>Pink mohawk
>Hipster beard
>1 million piercings
>Makeup sliders
>6' 1"
>5' 11"
but why would they make the default be so fucking hideous
>See mass effect callback
>Shepard canon male
>Faggot shuttle pilot canon romance
>Literally no muscle mass in his arms
I suppose this is a good reflection of bioware fans.
>canon MC is a fucking numale manlet
Should work not be inspired by that? I get that you can disagree with those politics, but is that not how creating something works? How could you make it from a perspective that is any different than your own?
That's some shit straight outta Platoon. Excellent character design.
What does Joel being a broken, selfish person have to do with politics?
The universal translator is tricking your eyes!
man, zaeed was fucking cool
He's an old white male. Because that's all that defines a character
nigga he's like 5'8"
look at those stubby little legs
dude mods wtf?
shoving political agenda in everything is just cancer. plus, it's SJW(jewish) agenda.
They have a completely different staff base.
None of the old, good developers are left. Bioware is a husk of it's former self.
bioware cant animate faces to save their fucking life
This is why we can't ridicule character appearances in new games- faggots link it back to pol shit.
But SJWs are commies & jews are arch-capitalists, so this SJW shit is a decoy to get people to vote republican (jewish)
rip zaeed's voice actor
Then explain these guys.
A shame zaeeds send off was a shitty cameo where he speaks 3 lines of dialogue and it's even interactive
>implying jews arent on both side of the spectrum and are playing us like a diddle fiddle
enjoy your burger, goyim.
>Both armors look retarded
Really rolls my almonds.
Oh no. Why would a developer not want to appeal to the humor of a bunch of 15 year olds who have no money to buy the game with?
why does his head look properly sized now
>manlets in charge of understanding a meme
Literally just riot gears with muh sci fi carving and stahlhelm with tacticool gearqueer shit.
It looks like an adult (mannequin) head slapped onto a child's body.
this is genuinely an impovement
>grizzled vet who has seen more experience than shep
>gets fucked over in ME3 like almost all the others characters
desu just about every character you could make in the creator in the previous games was virtually guaranteed to look like shit anyway. Shep looked good because they just transplanted Vanderloo's face onto it. I guess this time they decided to cut costs and not get a model's likeness.
What happens in ME3? I only recently played ME2 with all the dlc and Zaeed is pretty cool character.
I don't want to play ME3 to find out
seriously what the fuck goes through these people's heads?
Fuck this. I'm just going to play weebshit now.
>thinking riot gear is bad
Probably the most visually appealing armor designs ever. Not plastic, shining garbage or a stupid fucking fishbowl visor, and that kerberos inspired mask makes it better. It's not fair post apocalyptia gets the good armors and every armor in sci-fi that's no Warhammer looks like fucking shit.
He retires.
Every single character introduced in ME2 are not playable in ME3. They all have their excuses and personal dilemmas and whatnot.
I can't fucking fathom I'm sharing a board with people who will buy Andromeda the first day it comes out. Abused housewife syndrome everywhere.
They made a character that appealed to the audience between the age of 30 to 20, aka: millennials. It's god awful, give me the more typical male stereotypes of a generation or two back, cause the current one honestly is so fucking pussified that it's embarrassing.
He's part of a ten-minute side mission on the Citadel, like all of the ME2 squadmates. The fact that they could all die meant that they were never going to have a major role in ME3. You also get to see him during the (revised) ending if you choose to destroy the Reapers.
your guy is literally wearing cowboy pants and trench coat in 2280
shut the fuck up
>Mankind Divided sequel put on pause
>meanwhile games like this gets churned out down our throats
MD has its faults but its mostly SE's fault
This however, to hell with BioEA
two unrelated publishers has unrelated actions?
atleast bitch about final faggotry or sumshit.
They probably just got one of the guys from the office.
I don't think the desert would be any more different about two-hundred years from now; it certainly wasn't any different two-hundred years in the past.
Mankind Divided was garbage though. It would have made a worthy Bioware game in every sense.
Here; I revamped his anatomy to make it a bit more realistic. His body looks so weird...
I'm pretty built so i used myself for a bit of reference
>t. Biocuck employee
Probably would be more advanced and even space ready if the world wasn't nuked to fuck by those dog eaters.
>didn't watch the interviews or documentaries
They've stated time and time again that it was coincidence of the timing of augs/blm
>not wanting a sci-fi cowboy
How isn't possible for one user to be such a faggot.
I learned my lesson with Dragon Age Inquisition. Bioware is long dead, and EA is just raping the corpse.
The writing was garbage compared to dx 1 and 2. While the plot of hr certainly lead to the setting in md they obviously try to capitalise on blm with thier ad campaign.
Because Bioware is still using their animations from Balders Gate
And that's clearly fucking bullshit, as you well know. They caught a firestorm from the SJW gaming press for it (because it "trivialized" BLM somehow), and nobody bought the lame, obviously false excuse that it was a coincidence. BLM has been around since 2013, before Mankind Divided was even announced (before Square Enix trademarked the name even).
Here's Ranger armor in the far future. You can calm your autism down now.
"Black lives matter" (or #BlackLivesMatter) predates the literal formation of the BLM group by years. They just got cold feet when it was associated with a movement nobody at all likes.
because despite that, the games are targeted towards 15 year olds.
games are not really targeted at adults anyway. and when they try to, we get shit like that dragon cancer, which would ultimately just be better off being anything but a game.
>that action figure hair
To this.
Finally, a character that appeals to Sup Forums
>post apocalypse
>find riot gear
>dont use it
are you retarded?
>default face is the only problem of me a
>still wearing his combat armor while lounging in the sun
>I get that you can disagree with those politics, but is that not how creating something works
you become better than who you are trying to disprove by introducing argumentative proof of your dominance over the shitty lower caste
they lack imagination and they arent cucks like the person prior wrote, they are subhuman if anything
trying to prove how good you are by making things worse is hillarious
I miss sheploo
Makes me wonder where all the old devs go.
>people will now pretend Mass Effect 1-3 were good
working for riot games or some shitty mobile app dev company
What the fuck happened to the shading?
I couldn't give less of a shit about Anthony Burch.
Oh wow, they replaced shit with other shit?
>generic space marine look