Whats the point of getting switch at launch?

Who else has decided to skip the switch at launch? There's just too many other games coming out to care about Zelda. Once you finish zelda what are you gonna play then? youll be waiting for 1-2-Switch?Binding of Isaac? A game most people played on other consoles already. At best you'll be waiting a month and a a bit for Mario Kart 8. Until then it will be gathering dust once you wrap up Zelda. So why bother get this thing at launch?

because i want to play zelda and i wasn't retarded enough to buy a wii u

What's the point of getting the PS4 at launch?
Who else has decided to skip the PS4 at launch? There's just too many other games coming out to care about _____. Once you finish your PS3 ports what are you gonna play then? youll be waiting for Bloodborne? FF15? A game most people played on other consoles already. At best you'll be waiting a month and a a bit for The Last Guardian. Until then it will be gathering dust once you wrap up _______. So why bother get this thing at launch?

only underagefags will get the Switch at launch. every sane Nintendo fan already has a Wii U and a PC to play Zelda. Switchfags can go and fuck themselves for supporting such a shitty launch line up

This is a valid reason. I skipped the Wii U also.

Switch at launch is for:

1. Those that want the new Nintendo l
2. Those that own every bidya console
3. Those that want to try true next Gen
4. Those that want to scalp
5. Those that want to brag about having one



By the time I've seen all Zelda has to offer then Mario Odyssey going to be out.

Plus I don't have a Wii U and I'd rather not buy a console that's going to be dead immediately after Zelda launches.

But you're retarded enough to buy a Switch.

Because I'm impatient, have the money and I'm buying it anyway. Plus Zelda.

Zelda botw will be no longer than 20 hours. You're delusional if you think otherwise. It's also on Wii U and CEMU you moron

1. Not going to be stable enough to run it until a while after launch
2. Not every has a computer that can do so

t.Guy with a toaster and only $400 to spare this month

>3. Those that want to try true next Gen

Richfag here. Since I want to play Mario Odyssey when it comes out, I preordered the Switch. Also Zelda of course, so I can play it as well.
>Once you finish Zelda what are you gonna play then?
Rare Replay, FFXV, Horizon, Nier, FFXII Zodiac Age, Yooka Laylee, Mario & Luigi Dream Team, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe of course. What? Do you think we are all so poor that we can only own one device at a time? Of course when one of my gaming devices goes for a period lacking new games, I can just switch to another and play its games while I am waiting.

Still not at 100%. I also don't mind the expense. I love new gadgets. I'll agree the launch lineup is shit though.

I don't have a Wii U nor do I want a dead console, not to mention cemu isn't going to run it stably for a while so fuck off

Not to mention you're retarded if you think any open world game has only 20 hours worth of content

>Whats the point of getting switch at launch?

Not being a fucking pathetic poorfag idiot that shitposts on Chinese puppet conversation boards and actually being able to spend disposable income on what you like.

If you plan on getting a Switch in 2017, there's no reason NOT to get one at launch. It's not like it's going to get a price drop any time soon.


Leave Sup Forums.

>there's no reason NOT to get one at launch
Mayrio is coming out holiday
black friday is holiday
also i'm not buying one until monster hunter comes out on it

Nintendo sells cheap underpowered systems for high price. The PS4 cost less and is far more powerful. Why is it the switch cost more? What's making the price of this system go up so high even though it's so underpowered?

>oh no he applied the argument into a place where it also once worked pls leave before I cry

>Says the person getting upset over someone's opinion

well at launch it will equal what the PS4 has now in games to play

(not trying to make this a Nintendo vs Sony thing btw)

>Why is it the switch cost more? What's making the price of this system go up so high even though it's so underpowered?
tablet hardware costs more and the switch is a literal tablet


It's because it's not power that matters it's games. That's how it's always been.

*Leave, Sup Forums.

Due to me having a decent amount of spare money at the moment that isn't quite enough to gain substantial interest on, I'm just going to pick it up at launch rather than later.
My choices are:
1. Use money now and get to play Zelda version at launch and have some fun hardware to mess around with.
2. Invest the money and gain at best, $5 and pick it up when there are roughly 4 major games I want for it.

do some research yourself you autistic cunt. are you really trusting Sup Forums with information? wew lad

Ps4:Uncharted, Last of us, Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Nioh, Ratchet and Clank, Infamous Second son, Dragon quest builders, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, etc
Switch: Zelda

Fuck off weak consoles are shit even if the games are good

And this ladies and gentlemen is what we call a gimmick. Our system is underpowered but don't worry you can take it outside too. Oh yeah and the price goes up because of this btw.

Assuming I'm a poor fag. fuck you. I'm not throwing down $500 just to play zelda. and then have sit gathering dust while games slowly trickle down the pipeline. I can easily get one on launch I'm just choosing not to.

You're right to a degree. It's the reason I'm starting to hate the 3ds while there are great games on it.

If it was about power Sega would still be making consoles, man

so Bloodborne and a bunch of literal garbage.

How is that any better then the Wii U?

Isn't PS4 also getting Shenmue 3? That's what ultimately made me decided to go with a PS4 over Switch. The Yakuza series and Shenmue.

Whats the point of making these threads 8 times a day like nintendo isnt the most irrelevant company in the history of mankind

If you can actually find 5 games worth playing from this year then by all means buy it.
I really dont care about playing zelda, would rather just wait until it gets more games so i dont just autisticly play zelda for a year.

Like lets not meme ourselves. There are legitimate reasons to not buy it so soon.

Top Kek.

Butthurt Nintoddler has to mention the PS4 when nobody in the thread brought it up.

>Ps4:Movie, Last gen movie, 1 game, actually interested, multi plat, 2 game, Remake, visually stunning but lacked substance, multiplat, remaster, etc
>Switch: Zelda, Bomberman

Total count
2 games each

Why would the PS4's shit launch lineup be a defense for the Switch's shit launch lineup? Ask yourself this question when you are sucking fake cum out of your company-brand dildo tonight.

Line ups nowadays are just lackluster, it's to be expected. Both can be bashed for it, but nowadays since games take so long to make it's hard to have a strong launch.

By my standards 1 good long game makes a good launch but people around here are looking for quantity instead of quality


Ratings for most of those games are fairly high.
As for you, You're just shitposting. All those games are good. I can name more games but I'm too lazy.
Not sure to be honest. You should still get the switch regardless, not at launch of course but later down the line that's what I'm doing. It's just the switch only has 2 games that matter this year. Not enough for a purchase.

you know Zelda is a multiplat too, right? You can't be this ignorant

Yeah but it's only just on another system that no one owns plus it's still exclusive to their brand of consoles, calling it a multiplat or trying to throw it into that category is only a bad try at attempting to devalue it's launch lineup

And this ladies and gentlemen is what we call Stockholm syndrome. What losers, you've poured so much money and identity into your shit box that now you're stuck trying to defend it, and after so many years you can no longer conceive of the sheer freedom that portability brings. You've grown fond of your chains, to the point where you're actually defending the fact that your shitty console can't so much as play tic-tac-toe unless it's plugged into a TV and pic related.

But also if you're a big time Nintendo fan go for it. Don't let me or anyone change your mind. And if you're a big time zelda fan thenyou pretty much have to get it at launch.

Never said they weren't good just that most of them are not only available elsewhere but have been for a while.

If you want me to be totally honest though, I have a ps4 and I'm getting a switch I just think people like you are idiots for trying to compare the pros and cons of the two systems when in reality they both have different games that are exclusive to each and are both worth buying the console to play

t.one of the last people who loves just playing video games

Zelda is a multiplat, nintenyearold

So much this. Why can't we all enjoy games together Sup Forums

But you are retarded enough to buy a console with only 1 game?....

Here is your answer.

So what? How doing what he does create a problem for you? He's a fan of Zelda and wants to play it. What is there not to understand.


Because companies have fanned the flames of console wars so much that they've turned every autist on this board into a marketing machine

Look at all those PS4 sales

>It's on a console that barely anyone bought

That doesn't make it any less multiplat, also the PC can emulate it easily. :^)


How long before Switch emulator, anyone want to take some bets?

Seeing as theres only 1 game I think I can wait 4 years for SwEmu

Won't be out until Summer.

...but yeah, it's part of why I'm getting a Switch too.

>emulating the inferior version on an unstable emulator

Have fun there, tard boy

Also, my point was on how the word "multiplat" was being used to devalue it because it happens to be on another console that they also made, but it also still fits into the category of "exclusive" since it only appears on that brand's console. It would be like saying Persona 5 isn't an exclusive and only a multiplat because it's on both ps3 and ps4

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all lived in harmony....But everything changed when the PC masterace attacked.

if I want power I'll just play the games on my PC

Yeah I canceled my pre-order. A 3 hours battery life when playing a game like Zelda is just disappointing. Plus the game line-up is just abysmal. I'll wait for the inevitable hardware revision.