>sony xperia 2
>dual boot android/sony custom OS
>Nvidia Tegra X2
>8gb ram
>4k oled screen
>can play psp vita games
>can emulate psx psp games
>inproved ps now with 4k support
>can play pokemon go mario run on the android OS
>can emulate nintendo ds,3ds,wii,gamecube .etc
>two models normal and PRO
SONY´s SWITCH killer
I already have a Vita and a Xperia Z3. Also, it is not about the specs but the games.
>can play psp vita games
you mean BOTH of them???
Starting price, 599 US dollars.
It's about the specs if you want to emulate anything from the last 15 years.
Can it play Mobile ops?
Why would I need to emulate when I have the real thing?
doesn't look as comfortable as the switch, also price?
is compatible with ps vita and it can emulate psp, psx games on ps store like the xperia play
so I could buy a switch and a ps4 or buy something that can play phone games and emulated games, or is their exclusives I'm missing?
>4k screen
>8GB ram
That would cost a fortune, also you don't have any idea how emulation works.
A phone would struggle to even emulate the wii.
>Tegra X2
>when the X1 isn't on tablets due to how much it heats up
>even more in a phone
>implying the battery would last more than 2 hours
>implying it wouldn't cost $600
>can emulate 3DS, GameCube
Good luck
The reason Sony failed where Nintendo at least sees moderate excitement and interest is because their products are simply not fun to use. You have to rely on the game being stellar before you can deem their console/handheld/phone worth it.
Nintendo only has Zelda and some vague idea of a new 3D Mario yet they're still garnering hype over their thing.
so are those microswitch buttons?
in the best timeline all buttons for gaming devices are microswitches
>can emulate 3DS, GCN, Wii
This is a new level of stupidity beyond anything I've seen on Sup Forums.
what are microswich buttons
yes, and all portable gaming systems are about 3.2 billion inches thick because they use microswitches
>buying a phone just for gaming
you fucked up user
Yeah this will kill the Switch, like the PSP and Vita did to the DS and 3DS,
>X1 isn't on tablets
the Pixel C came out in 2015 and has a Tegra X1. The Switch also has a X1 (although I guess that hardly counts)
Actually I don't think this is such a poor idea. I find moments every now and then where I could play some, but the touchscreen buttons are disgusting and I won't carry around a separate device that I'm not sure if I'm going to use every day.
>buying a $600 emulation machine
>guys look, I got one game running at 20% speed
I hope you don't think this means you'll be getting 3DS games on your phone any time soon
That's a good joke
these are surface mounted microswitches
they are used on the vita for its main buttons and the xbone for its d-pad
buying 2 phones is out of the question. But even the one phone will have to be used for other things and needs to be on at all times. I dont know how long the battery lasts however. i just looked at the sony store and all of the phones have the shitty touchscreen. Unless you wanna carry a controller i guess.
you act like thats a unfathomable price for a new phone these days
those are fucking contact domes.
>SWITCH killer
Since when Sup Forums became Sony Central?
instead of using shitty rubber membranes that break you can use a sturdy rubber slab between the switch and the button, which allows it to wear better
>implying it'll have as much marketing as the switch after launch
I thought the point with this phone was that you slide it to the side and have analog buttons. It probably won't be an experience comparable to a real handheld, but I need a new phone anyways and I think this looks simple enough not to be branded as a freak.
This is exactly the experience I imagine anytime anybody mentions emulation of recent consoles as a plus on phones.
>there are people in this thread who choose to believe OP
4K is way overkill.
Vita resolution is 960x544. So you'd need 16 Vita resolution screens to fill out a 4k screen.
The vita had a camera
>4k screen
Fuck off you tech illiterates. Thats literally cutting battery life down to 1/4 of what it needs to be. Nothing higher than 1080p on a small screen. 720p is optimal since its max battery life.
i've always been a nintendo fanboy and this seems way more promising than the switch
how expensive will it be?
I agree with you user. But the picture on the OP is not real. All the latest phones dont have that.
>le portable geforce titan with over 9000 hour battery life
tbf the play was actually a great idea if only it used the latest hardware. but then again the price would take the hit.
Battery life 15 minutes.
Average temperature 75c.
Oh, so all three games then
>300 dollars for the fucking Switch? WOWW that's too fucking expensive fucking jews!
>600 dollars for a new sony thing? Come on man, this is nothing new
Is joke
It's fake tho.
Looks uncomfortable as fuck. Also shit battery life
>its ok when nintendo does it
normal model is 1080p an the PRO model is 4K
this is tegra x2, they fix the heat problem and power consumption
it's totally real
sony is going hard on the mobile market
This, you only need to quadruple the resolution at most, save battery life AND scales PS vita games nicely.
yeah but it's also a fucking phone isn't it? you'll literally use it all the fucking time.
I don't use my phone very much. What do you use yours for?
isn't that what a pc literally is? an overpriced emulation machine since it has no games of it's own and has to either beg for ports or steal through emulation? at least a phone has practical everyday use. a pc doesn't.
>b-but Nintendo!
Every time
Not him, but you're using textbook false equivalents. A phone is not a game console.
well it depends on who is phone.
>Pixel C STILL doesn't support HDMI
what went wrong?
This price is strangely sounds too sane. But we are talking about a company which think HD 4K Sounds is worth $2000 though.
oh man I loved getting hand cramps after 5 minutes playing on the original Xperia Play! Sign me up user
that doesn't apply since the topic of the thread is actually sony and nintendo.
Maybe next time you'll get it right nintoddler retard.
How the fuck is a PSPgo gonna kill the Switch?
I mostly play PS4 but whatever makes you feel good
True, you can't kill what's already dead.
it makes me feel good that you have good taste.
i mostly play hp48gx
praise me
>4k oled screen
>on a small screen
4k on a fucking phone screen? Get the fuck outta here with that meme. Nice 1 hour battery life.
Actually that's a great price for what it could potentially be. Talking about this over your cellphone.
>can play psp vita games
PSP games or Vita games? Also, no it fucking doesn't, kill yourself
The Xperia Z5 Premium has a 4k screen.
Came out like a year ago.
So it's basically another Vita? Which I already own, so who gives a fuck?
I don't see this. Xperia 2 is just a regular phone.
nintendo btfo
its also a phone so you dont show your autism
Yep front and back
>since it has no games of it's own
Oh boy here we go
Buying a specific piece of hardware to do stuff that things I already own is pretty autistic in itself.
Wait so is this real or not? I need a new phone
ya don't ever buy a camera or a microphone
nothing will ever be as good as your lumia 635
kill yourself.
Everything in this thread is true.
>4k on phone
enjoy that 30 min battery
Lurking Sup Forums, reading loli doujins on the toilet and getting stale memes from my coworkers through Whatsapp.
Has there been anything marketed as a "killer" that has actual killed its competition?
E3 2017
Might as well keep adding to your delusional pipedream.
>free 4G connectivity without a data plan
>$19.99 price
>literally gives out free handjobs
>has more than 2 games
A PC isn't a fucking console. it can do a million other things than play video games.
i don't think you can edit files, make music. make art, AND jerk off on a piss 4 or a xboner
If I wanted something running at sub 20 fps, I'd get a PS4. Absolutely atrocious.
>4K screen
>8g ram
>4k oled screen
what's the fucking point?
not only would it make no difference whatsoever as the pixel-density would be absurdly high and past the point of "retina display" (I know that's an Apple buzzword, but fuck it there's no other term for a display that matches or surpasses the quality of the human eye in pixels per inch), but it'd also drai the battery like a motherfucker.
snapmap, sound shapes, share button, use your hand
the ps4 can do it all
>snap map
this is joke
>sound shapes
user stop
forgetting the porn
Well it might be retarded, but 8GB of RAM isn't implausible. The Oneplus 3T already has 6
you forgot to add
>proprietary memory cards 8 GB for $79
>3g model supported by America's best LTE network: AT&T