AVGN is now an Anime discussion

AVGN is now an Anime discussion

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wait what the fuck

shit pickuru

Is that his Japanese title?

Japs just love the shit out of James.
This isn't the first time he's been in an anime.

old news

Not the first time. James should go to Japan with Billy aniki.

I remember he was on an anime.

This isn't a real anime you dummies, it was made by a western fan.
That said yeah they do love him in Japan and watch AVGN religiously.

shitto pikkuru

I want an AVGN & Game Center CX crossover.

It says, "You must refrigerate not only dairy products, but also vegetables and fruit."


Childhood is when you idolize AVGN. Adulthood is when you realize Irate Gamer makes more sense.

why do japs love avgn so much exactly?


Childhood is when you idolize AVGN
Adulthood is when you realize the angry video game nerd makes more sense.


AVGN needs to be an anime series.

Makes no sense. AVGN is a character, and Kacho is a real person.

Fuck no.

>avgn is now a discussion
Poor guy transformed into words

>mfw he checked himself into a mental hospital

i want to believe he's actually still out there in the icy wastes of Finland, opening doors and play othello with the ancient gods......

>all this made up bullshit that's supposed to bait people into thinking they shouldn't be enjoying a person of their choice because of memes, the friends they show on camera, their social life, etc
2/10 have a pity spiderman farting elsa (male) in the face

He provides an alternative view to gaming culture in the west since Japanese gaming otaku are radically different from western gaming otaku. Also I'm sure they like the character.

I honestly think it has to do with how much James loves Godzilla

Reminder that he is now an unironical professional ghostbuster.

>had no idea who Irate Gamer is
>look him up
>lame but somewhat amusing NES videos
>suddenly: ghosthunting

Hey guys, can I play?


AVGN was funny when you're 14 years old and find the random slurs funny

It's also sad because he's now almost 40 years old, balding and still does the same shit he did when he was like early 20s


What's your favorite post-movie AVGN episode?
I have to give it to Paperboy.

Atari Sports

Childhood is when you idolize AVGN. Adulthood is when you realize PewDiePie makes more sense.

PewDiePie is doing full nazi salutes and telling his viewers to as the kikes. He has ascended to godhood.

Meanwhile James ROFL is a balding cuck.

They're all shit post movie.


I hate seeing dicks in porn. I hate having male presence in it, even if it's just the camera guy. It turns me off so fucking much. I can't imagine how you can fap to balls and dicks


What anime?

Big Rigs or Seamen hands down.

Also, did anyone else miss the Jason arc in the anime? I don't know if it is needed for the Fred Fuchs arc.

>Childhood is when you idolize nazi salutes

>This is an actual fucking video

Tiger Games.


Yeah he now thinks he's a ghost hunter now.

you seem very insecure, as if occassionally looking at a dick would turn you gay even if it's for a split second

>mfw people still watch james roflmfao

I assume them both being males doesn't help?

O heard Bootsy was revealed to be a pedo

Hey guys come over to my place we'll play some pong. I'll even let you be player 1 for this game.

you seem very bicurious, if you're okay with fapping to the presence of a penis on screen

Yeah dude, I love Asshole Pong

Looking at a dick is something completely different than cumming on a pair of hair balls wiggling in your fucking face

You're supposed to self-insert as the penis in the picture, not fap to it. Do you only fap to yuri or something?

>self insert

There's this monster you've gotta fight OH THERE'S THE MONSTER FIGHT HIM

Imagine the dick in whatever you're fapping to is yours.

how can other ecelebs even compete?

>mental hospital
It wasn't hard to figure out with his passive aggressive nature that there was something up there.

Could aswell lay in my bed and imagine shit, at least I don't need to watch someone else's dick while trying to do some cringe tier role play self inserting bullshit
If you don't watch lesbian or solo, you're a fag

Keep your eceleb threads to

you complained first so shut up bitch

Him and the Nostalgia Critic were in an anime years ago.

At least I'm not a faggot getting off to cocks

Does that mean you don't like Mike's 10 incher?

I'm pretty jealous of Matei's dick. Why does he get to have that

Why would I?

these t b h, if you haven't watched AVGN with niconico comments you're missing the fuck out


His dick is huge

Oh okay.

Liking dicks is gay no matter the size


how do we know this?




I feel the same way about women and their bleeding roast beef

Now that's just plain wrong. Everybody knows the fatter the cock the less gay it is.

that CAN'T be real

They probably think the same think about us and Arino.

it is. its impressive

Oh, It's real, son.

What anime?

so why did avgn stop doing videos? they were actually good, wtf exactly and in details happened?

Any other pics?

His real passion is movies. Also, there are only so many games.

His wife has him on "dad duty" so he doesn't produce much content any more.
Instead James makes Mike do most of the videos to keep the channel alive.

he also stopped doing cinemasacre shit didnt he?

And Motherfucker Mike himself actually confessed his huge donger in one of their YT videos

No. He just uploaded the other day.

In the comments section, I mean



I still feel like he's lying. All we have are a few pictures of his "bulge" and his word. That picture he posted on his twitter could indeed be fake as well as his "confession".

Don't get me wrong, user I want to believe too, but let's be realistic.

Mike has a huge penis for sure. But I'm just as impressed by his game skills. Anyone that can beat Dragons Lair I tip my hat to

I'm inclined to believe that old twitter dick pic. He has the same ruler in other photos

mike's dick is definitely huge idiot

old news

why NC though? he mostly does american crap like don bluth movies japs wouldn't know about.