Hasn't made a single good game since MGS3

>Hasn't made a single good game since MGS3
>People still hyped about Death Stranding

How come?

MGS4 is literally a strong 10 and arguably the best video game of all time though

Peace Walker is literally the best handheld game of all time next to Meteos. Ground Zeroes was good too. Kys.

If it's good I get to play a good game. If it's bad I get to mock it for fun. It's going to be great or magnificently shit.



mostly out of curiosity to see if he can prove he's actually good now he's out from under konami's boot

MGSV is a good game.

This statement is true. Everything about mgs4 is a 15/10


Because your first statement was offensively untrue.

I used to be the biggest MGS fan but now I kind of just see his stuff as pretentious crap from a man who just wants celebrity friends.

I honestly think OP is right and he hasn't written a good story since MGS3. Death Stranding looks like the apex of his cryptic, charmless pretentious shit riding on name alone

I'm hyped because it's not an MGS.


>good game since mgs3
>good game
All of the day bro.

What game that has come out since then would you say is good?

>he fell for the MGS3 is good meme

Don't try to shit on Kojima in Sup Forums, the anti japanese board that sucked his Asian dick over MGSV for 2 months straight.

Actually bringing piece between xbone & PS4 shitters for a solid month.

>implying Sup Forums ever sucked his dick over MGSV after it released
You're obviously living in a different universe to everyone else.

Despite the cut content, MGS V is a solid 8/10 for me.
Kojima is well loved and respected. I enjoyed all his games so far. Even the weaker ones.

The more control he had the worse his games got. Now he's got nobody above him to tell him no, what do you think will happen?


Cuz people like hyping shit.

Also ITT someone post the pic of kojima holding a video card with "activate it" under it plz

Really want him to knock them dead.

Also this.
I have yet to touch a bad kojima game. I don't usually fall for hype. And every other big name has released turds. But kojimbo is yet to fail me.

Kojima has become a mainstream meme. People who haven't played his games see his name and believe he is synonymous with quality. He's a name now, basically.

Good marketing and Brand royalty.

More like the opposit.

Not to mention the fact that his only good games were MGS 2 and 3. Everything else is mediocre at best, especially the lauded MGS 1.


>Sup Forums
uhh, wat? are we talking about Sup Forums on Sup Forums? this place is crawling with pathetic weebs, it's disgusting to be honest with you.

Sonyggers are starved for another good exclusive
We know literally nothing about the game, other than the 2deep4u "trailers"

I agree

Yeah, i too hope others fail in their efforts. Makes me feel less pathetic and useless.


It might be the best video of all time, but you're being too flippant slapping that "game" in there.

MGS4 is amazing don't fall for the cutscene meme, haven't played 5

i liked MGS 4, PW and V

i'm not hyping up DS to be the GOTYAY but i think i'll enjoy it

Mental retardation

>wanted to stop working on MGS since 2
>Only good one afterward is when he took the plot of the first game and tweaked the setting
really invigorates my mental waves

I'm hoping unshackled he can finally ascend into his true form; Japanese David Cage

David Cage wishes gameplay didn't exist though

Kojima might have a history of overusing cutscenes but he's always actually given you a game to play between them, and let's not forget that his last game barely featured any cutscenes at all

MGS2 design doc even specifically stated gameplay is king, everything else, even the overall message of the game, takes a backseat to the gameplay and the message/narrative must feed into the gameplay rather than the other way around.

he lost this with MGS4 but he clearly regained it with MGSV, although i think he missed making those other things feed back into the gameplay

>9 hours of cutscenes
>worst loading times this side of wrath of cortex
Get fucked.

That's because that is all it is.

Kojima has done nothing but denigrate his fans, acting above them, while releasing shitty unfinished games and acting like he was above the only series he happened to get lucky with, ruining it with his shitty ideas when the original premise of a cheesy action movie is so simple it's almost unfuckupable.

I bet if you asked him why his games have been so shit he'd say it was Konamis fault and the fans for wanting Metal Gear just like his fanboys that defend him like a chaste virgin. He will repeat the same mistakes with this game except hopefully this time he will lose everything.

>implying he makes games

Hes like peter molyjew except not white so people are afraid to call him out on his shit and call him a lazy slant eyed hack.

>claims people are afraid to call him a hack
>on a site that endlessly decries him as a hack
nothing is sadder than a would-be revolutionary turning up after the revolution

Only the first 2 chapters have any gameplay and they're worse than anything in the first 3 games

> A site on the internet that is almost universaly vilified for its opinions
> Being the same as the mainstream opinion.

Normies still suck on kojimas chode, And same for todd howard.


Kojima's position now is closest to when he made Snatcher and Policenauts

Snatcher remains fucking GOAT to this very day

4 and V suffer from the same fundamental problem: Kojima is an out of touch hasbeen who is incapable of actually making a good game anymore.

Think about it, most of the work is done at no thanks to Kojima. He has some of the most talented programmers and designers on the planet. They gave him the tools to make the greatest games ever played. The mechanics in MGS4 and V have worlds of potential.

But then instead of gold we were given shit by Reverse King Midas himself who couldn't design a good game anymore if his life depended on it.

>makes overproduced music videos with unnecessary Hollywood celebs
>not a single second of gameplay

>Sup Forums

Updoots to the left

He's in a make or break situation and he knows it. I'm sure he'll start doing the nay saying himself.

But user, MGS 4 is great

I used to have a high regard for the MGS series. I'm having a difficult time immersiving myself into the series post the third installment.

Imo, Kojima has, and had, talented people working for him.

Fuck off, Mike.