Convince me to buy a console Sup Forums

Convince me to buy a console Sup Forums


If you have to, get a PS4 and play Bloodborne, then put it back in the box and never touch it like I did.

Or a Wii U and Expand Dong Tropical Freeze. Then put it back in the box.Like I did the Wii U.

No reason to these days unless you're looking to buy an older one.

Well theres gotta be some reason people buy them, right?

Brand loyalty and/or too fucking stupid to figure out a PC?

Seconding this.

Exclusives that you want to play. In which case nintendo tends to be the better option. If your just going to play games that you can already play on pc stay with pc

their parents get them for birthdays and christmas

My big reason is I like playing some games on a TV. If that's not a big selling point for you, then hold back.

The new switch is portable. It's a big reason I'm getting one. I can't bring my pc everywhere

Does the switch have backwards compatibility? Or are you going to be limited to playing Zelda and Bomberman?

If you want to play bloodborne even slightly, you should get a bloodborne machine because you won't regret it.

Well, they have games. So if you like video games, I guess go buy a console.

I'm getting Zelda and Bomberman at launch. Then a month or two later, I'm getting Fast RMX. Followed by Arms. Then Mario at the end of the year. Wish there were more games but I'll make do with those for now. Ive still got pc games if I get bored

No backwards compatability except for eshop. This is why they are porting so many Wii U games over.

If you already have a PC don't buy an xbone since they share exclusives now
If you're a souls fag buy a ps4 and play Bloodborne and nioh, if not don't fall for people shilling horizon and gravity waifu
If you aren't antisocial but a Wii u and play smash Bros with your friends

There is only 1 console that is worth buying and you could get it for less than $300, don't tell me you couldn't save that money up since 2013

More video game variety
Less indie trash

>Indie trash
You aren't playing the right indie games

>buy a console for 2 games
Not very convincing desu

Fuck you, make your own decisions and learn to live with them.

Well I don't know what other games you're into
If you're a souls fag nioh and BB are worth it
There's also red dead 2 if it doesn't come to PC
Maybe spiderman if you're into capeshit, there's also the last of us 2

My pc is connected to my TV and to a monitor. This meme needs to end

If you like racing games and shooters get a Xbox if you like jrpgs and fighting games get a PS4 if you like platformers and family friendly games get a switch if you like Csgo mobas wrpgs and shit posting get a pc

ps4 has some exclusives that run well at 60 fps, but 3rd partys with 30 frames is disgusting. If you want a console, get them for their exclusives, then play 3rd party games on pc/

the only consoles worth getting is ps4 and 3ds. Maybe a vita

Definitely not Xboner

Give me a good reason as to why I should convince you.

I really wouldn't recommend it. Don't waste money on a gaming rig either. Use it on something more worthwhile, wait until the games you want to play can be emulated on the future's equivalent of a toaster.

PC just doesn't have the games I want to play.

I built one in the early 2000s, used it to play MechWarrior, FFXI and nothing else.

Not knocking it but I could wank off all day about my specs and how a game would run so much better on my PC, but at the end of the day I want to actually play the game, so I'm going to buy whatever box lets me play it.

Nobody gives a fuck about specs unless they're fags but most multiplats are locked to 30fps on consoles
Why would you choose to play at a lower framerate

Ps4 just got Nioh so theres that..

Because most of what I want to play isn't multiplat or it's multiplat between consoles. The only thing I can think of that I'm looking forward to in the near future that's also confirmed on PC still runs at 60 on consoles.


He didn't want to be scared away.


don't you want to play the exclusives user? Also I like buying my indie games on console too.