TFW I have no fucking idea what I'm doing

>TFW I have no fucking idea what I'm doing

New Nioh thread

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When do I get the smug catto with an eyepatch as a guardian

>TFW I have no fucking idea what I'm doing
Why did you not master the Katana arts in this past year in preparation for this day?

Where do I unlock this yoki ?

is it possible to go back and do side missions that you missed? also what is the best katana i should have after beating the edward kelly muneshige?

>Side Mission at the docks where you have to get the guys sword back
>Rated "One Difficulty"

Bullshit, fuck those slimes and Ninja ogre and the bird boss

I'm going to go watch his playthrough up to where I am, to make me feel better about my failures.

What is wrong with you? But honestly I just didn't bother to play the demos, I don't know why.

Anyone else feeling like the variety in sets is pretty shallow? Only found 1 shinobi looking set and 1 samurai looking set. Its all plate bullshit


>Unarmed doesn't have stances
>Sucks if you don't magic it out the ass.
I just want to deliver a kick to an Oni's chest so hard that its head explodes, is that so much to ask?

Team Ninja made Nioh
Team Ninja also makes the Dead or Alive volleyball series, which objectifies women

If you are a man of honor you will not buy this game.

>not refashioning all of your armor into tower of london plate shit so you can curb stomp nips as a proud westerner


wut? Theres like hundreds of sets in the game



I personally don't like wearing heavy armor, but people have been saying heavy armor is really good in this game. Aesthetic wise it looks cool, but you have to pump points into stamina to be able to wear full plate armor.

>Game is suppose to be about samurai/Japan
>Wants to were all European armor and wield a European blade

Defeats the whole purpose of the game


How do you parry? tutorial never explained shit unless it unlocks later in the story

Any tips for that Bat Bitch?
I've only fought her once and I only got a few hits off before;

Write the devs, they were damn receptive to feedback all through the demos.

You can unlock parry skills with your weapon skill points, and each stance has like a different parry attack as well. I know single katana has a parry ability for all three stances.

unlockable skill for each weapon

I have it installed but I'm too nervous to play

DS1 is my favourite game even though I'm not that good anymore, and I've only got to Blood Starved Beast on BB. Probably going to suck at this too

I know you can get some kind of ninjutsu ability that increases resistance to paralysis, not sure if that would help or not.

>That damage

>wanted to try out co-op
>do the matchmaking thing
>counted as me doing my next main mission

fuck this game I didn't want to fucking do that I wanted to do a random mission not progress the fucking story

You can use antiparalytic needles while stunned

>I've only got to Blood Starved Beast on BB
Go finish that first, you can beat it in a day or two it's really short compared to Dark Souls. It's also probably the easiest Souls game outside of it's DLC.

>it's a 20+ bloodstains and everyone died to some generic simple to kill yoki episode


dont beat yourself up user i've havent played souls in a while but im doing okay sure ive died a few times but im doing just fine

It probably automatically crits or something

Dodge towards her when you hear her start the attack. If your not dodging fast enough your weight may be to high.

Anyone have any good pics of the long sword you start out with?
The starting armor would be nice too

You are the only one to blame here. The game gives you plenty of options and you could've chosen an old mission

Where's the unarmed skill tree?

seriously, i love this. I love that we're already at the point that there are other companies making souls-esque games. that game lords of the fallen was kinda crappy but this game taking the souls formula out of medieval europe and putting it in feudal japan makes my dick rock hard

unfortunately lost my ps4 recently but still have high hopes for playing this game when i get the chance

Parry/riposte count as a critical, that's probably a really good weapon or he has crit bonus on something, he's also pretty high level judging by his life and ki.

If you want huge damage numbers like that, get a bow, sneak up behind an enemy and headshot them. It'll do ~2k damage.

>mfw first death went to some literal who random revenant

Oh goddammit. I made it past bat flying lady without any deaths, too. Oh well

It's ninjutsu

Shouldn't have given us European gear then tbqhwy

I know you start out with a Bastard Sword in the prison, not sure what the starting katana is called though.

There isn't one, but there is like one or two skills that affect unarmed damage.

>william sama runs like samurai
>even while in london at the beginning

>tfw you keep getting op drops from low level players

There is a full set of knight armor and weird frilly ye olde english guardsman clothing and a longsword

I wonder if a sci-fi Souls-esque game is possible

Yes, and I intend to use it, that was my point

That's just how much natural honoraburu samurai talent he has.

Where the Archer set. It increases paralysis resistance a ton. She's cake at that point.

I haven't started playing yet

but I want to go full ninja. Is there Ninja gear? Gimme some tips to go full ninja

Ninjutsu, but you can only get so much out of the skill tree. You need special armor that boosts your unarmed damage if you want to play monk.

There's a set piece I found where the 5 piece bonus is 50% increased unarmed damage, it also had 14% unarmed damage bonus on it.

>William is supposedly a pirate
>Knows nothing about martial arts or being a Samurai
>Some how the game says that he has the "innate" ability to learn all of it.
>Essentially learns everything from an old memoir he found
>Became a samurai master through reading a book

That kind of bothered me, but whatever.

just one of those bosses that you can rush. gotta focus on dodging her shit mostly and then when you do get an opening, don't get greedy.

He, it worked for bay's turtles


whats the best animal buddy for Kusoge+Ninjitsu?

Right now I just have the shark thing

>William-sama learns every thing about samurai, ki and guardian spirits from a book.
>He easily beats samurai that have trained their whole lives in the way of the sword with ease.
>He learned it in a fucking book
Anybody else think this is weird?

How much damage should I be doing? I'm like level 14 or 15

someone went for a swim~

Which stats boost unarmed? If you can stack enough % bonus damage then that seems like a cool build.

DSP has only died twice in this

theres this game called "the surge" that seems to be trying to scratch that itch

personally i think it moves a bit slowly and the armor reminds me of the shit from cod advanced warfare or that movie elysium but i wouldn't mind at least giving it a chance

How are you so low? I was 30 by the time I made it to her.

>"This is just like one of my Japanese novels!"

>gee I better be careful there's clearly
Somethkng fuck off strong here

>they all died to bats

The recommended is for the level is 12, I've been trying to keep to it.

iirc STR, but the boost is super weak per point
If only you could LW unarmed.

>In the intro, William swims the Thames in full platemail
>In Japan William drowns in a foot of water

>see revenant spot
>"crushed to death"
>hear the boulder drop behind me

Is it true you can get OP gear from revenants? I only challenge ones that are mostly in purple gear and I always get fucking shit

Yes, beat the first mission and do hanzos training. Use kurisagrama and ninjutsu. There you are now a ninja

>go up to a wall
>it has eyes

>Summon player phantom
>He has endless i frames on low stance swings

Can someone explain this to me?

How does familiarity work?
One of my weapons is at 900/900 and I haven't quite figured out how to make that last bar unlock so I can get it to full, which I assume is a 1000.

Gesture at it

I got a purple axe and accessory in the first area from them, so sure.

Their gear depends on the area, so not really. You won't get anything better from them than you could get off a youkai.

I only found one of them, I wasn't expecting it to attack back.

>The player can't unlock skills until they complete X mission
>Most of those missions involve training under a mentor in the dojo
>Can't even do a proper parry until you do warrior training
>Can only throw kunai one at a time until you do Ninja training.

Your argument is invalid.

You don't unlock bars. They're preset based on rarity. Proficiency usually increases damage.

>Using Axes
>Kill the Onryuki or wahatever
>Kill some bandit leader
>go into some caves
>some faggot cat gives me the ability to speak japanese
>have barely changed gear, found an insane axe at the first bloody sword.
>have a bunch of samurai skill points

What do I even do with these?

Is it normal to be level 40 by the time you beat the 3rd main mission?
I feel like I'm leveling too fast.

Don't get paralyzed
Needles if you do

thanks for the heads up

Why does everybody speak Japanese?

>come across 10 fucking bonefires all clustered together
Oh shit! What monstrosity am I about to face
>they all dodged off a cliff trying to avoid one of those crawling zombies

is it worth it to level a stat to use a given armor type or is it better to just write that armor off as not-usable?

Because they all spoke Japanese.

Learn how to axe harder I guess

>staring at it
>smack it with my sword
>the eyes get angry

So only "legendary" items can have 1000/1000, gotcha.

I was kinda skeptical but I'm having a blast. First parts a breeze after doing it twice before.. How are you guys building? I see the note says certain stats are best for certain weapons but I'm not sure if I should focus on the stat for my main weapon (heart) or not. And of course spirit.

>parry for all three stances
You best not be lying to me.

Is it possible to do a gun build? Are there skills for it?

I mean, they are in Japan.

I'm 15 at Batgirl

I want to impregnate Hotaru

If you plan on using axe through out the game, learn every single skill that involves the top and low stances. Mid stance is by far the worse one so dont bother with it. Also invest in some omnyo shit (just enough to get 6 omnyo points) and get the gaurdian spirit talisman. It'll help with the bosses that are to fast.

Yes, infinite ammo and damage ups and other shit. Have fun

is it worth farming loot in the prologue?

i know you revisit the area again later anyway, can you get the same loot then but with higher levels/rarity?

i'm surprised i haven't seen any revenants in the tower of london

You probably aren't online there. I don't think anyone was

This in the weebtoon or is this a hentai

>Looking forward to Japanese aesthetic everywhere
>Intro level is in LONDON
>3rd level is in a fucking cave

William doesn't speak Japanese. He has a magic cat.