Almost half of Sup Forums is getting a Switch on launch or the first re-stock

Almost half of Sup Forums is getting a Switch on launch or the first re-stock.
What's your excuse for not preordering a Switch?

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Why the fuck would I care what people on Sup Forums do
Why the fuck would I want to play with people on Sup Forums

>28% is half
Fucking hell console players are just the bottom of the fucking barrel.

>45 Votes
>Believing an anonymous poll on 4 chan
>Making a thread to confirm your beliefs

You are funny user

They're sold out.
Getting one around the Holidays would mean more games to play, less ironing out of early issues, and possibly a bundle with a game.

yeah not really feeling the obligation to buy a system just because its new.

Waiting for a Switch Mini/Lite announcement.

waiting for splatoon 2. apparently its not a launch title. oh well, gives me time to save for it and buy other shit.

>can't justify it for 1 game no matter how good

Once I save up more and Splatoon and ARMS drop I'll be grabbing one for sure

Retarded pcuck doesn't understand words, sad!

Buying a console when it's brand new and hasn't built up a strong stable of games is foolish.

I haven't bought a console before major price drops/bundles occur in a long time.

no Metroid

I don't like the system itself, and I'm not interested in any of its games except for the SMT game that may not even be exclusive and wouldn't be worth buying a Switch for even if it were.

>28% is almost half

Can't justify buying a Switch when I already own a WiiU. They would probably have to announce a new Metroid or something before I consider buying a Switch.

>18 votes
>half of Sup Forums
top kekaroony

>What's your excuse for not preordering [x]
I'm not retarded

I hate Neo Nintendo.

I'm not getting one. I'm also not interested in your shitty polls. This is the kind of logic you see in children.

That's not what your image shows

Since OP is retarded, heres the poll

>They're sold out.
All the better for those of us who reserved multiples with the intention of reselling, that's why I'm trying to keep the hype train rolling

Hoping for at least $200 profit per unit

Too fucking expensive where I live, I can literally buy 2 Xbone bundles for the price of a Switch.

>Paying for an underpowered POS that won't get 3rd party support

Nintendo are going to be great but I can always buy the console mid or end of their cycle for much less and the games for dirt money, worked with my Wii U

>that nose

>almost half of Sup Forums
>63 votes

you walnut, Sup Forums doesn't have nearly that many people. the polls were obviously rigged.

>29% is almost half

R u dumb? The switch isn't some must have necessity, it's a consumer good. Its demand curve is fairly elastic so there will be only a small fraction of an already small amount of buyers wanting to get the switch who would purchase a switch from you at 500$. When most people see they sold out of switches, they won't go to scalpers and pay a premium fee when they could just wait for a restock or lose interest entirely. At best you might be able to sell 1 maybe 2 if you live in a densely populated area.

>63 votes
>half of Sup Forums

More like 3/4 of the nintendrone population of Sup Forums is getting one


Posted just in the hopes this thread alone reaches 63 people calling you stupid.

Jew know it

This is why we can't have math threads on Sup Forums.

>Less than a third
>Almost half
Come on, now

There excuse is they are too poor or don't like 1st party nintendo games which means they have questionable taste at best.

Let's just assume for a second that this sample size is sufficient.
Let's also assume that 29% is approximately equal to 50%.
See? The Switch is gonna do fine.

>buying a console on launch

enjoy beta testing for me when i pick it up in 2018 for less than $300 and bundled with game you consumerist cucks.

Not enough games to justify a purchase.

>your whole face, body and life

Congrats on the 50 bucks you have saved

That's literally a free game though, now he gets 2 games and you get none.

>oh wait this is a shill thread