i'm on my first playthrough. i just finished the minotaur boss. when does this game get fun?
I'm on my first playthrough. i just finished the minotaur boss. when does this game get fun?
When you git gud.
I mean that unironically.
This. The game becomes fun once you are only occasionally dying and not dying in every other encounter.
After you kill the Gargoyles, which I think is your next boss. Undead Burg sucks.
You are literally 10 minutes into the game. If you're hating it and frustrated, your options are either quit playing or get good. You can't appreciate the game's atmosphere or level design yet, but if you aren't digging the gameplay then there is no reason to torture yourself to play it. It took me repeated attempts to finally go from start to finish and I don't regret it.
go fight pinwheel
Started recently also. Beat Gaping Dragon, Butterfly, and Capra Demon most recently. Are there areas I'm not supposed to go in for a while? I've been fighting past the crest door in Darkroot Garden and it feels like my damage is shit and everything 2 shots me. Should I just go to Blightown and do the optional stuff later?
Do Blighttown first. You don't need to beat the other boss or the hydra in Darkroot until halfway into the game.
Are you constantly upgrading your weapon?
Go to Blighttown from the Depths for some cool stuff
Okay thank you, I killed the golems and started to approach the hydra and I got clipped by one of the water blasts and it almost killed me. Decided fuck that, I'll come back later.
I've got a +4 longsword which is what I've been using so far, I really like the moveset, it feels versatile. I tried the zweihander and while it makes enemies you already can beat much faster it feels generally clunky.
Also, I got a Balder Side Sword drop early in the game and apparently that's rare. Is it worth using? Is there something comparable to a longsword that will let me focus on less stats? I have very little intention of using magic.
When you turn it off and play Bloodborne instead.
>got gud and finished dark souls
>couldn't be bothered to start all over
fell for the dark souls meme
Balder Side Sword is really good because of it's high dexterity scaling and it\s versatile slash and thrusting moveset
Pick whatever weapon you think feels the most fun or easiest to swing around and just use that. All the weapons end up dealing about the same damage if you upgrade them all the way.
I actually finished Dark Souls for the first time today. I always thought the story was basically nonexistant, but the rekindling ending was laughably anticlimactic. I watched the other ending and read some lore junk about the pygmy, but I still think it's funny how there's almost no storyline for pretty much the entire game, despite what some lorefags will insist is totally obvious and made apparent to the player.
Which lorefag insisted that the story is totally obvious and made apparent to the player?
if a lorefag said that why would they be a lorefag in the first place
You don't get into Dark Souls to have fun. You get into Dark Souls so you can act like le internet hardass.
Just practice saying shit like this
>That boss? Pft, only took me 1 try
>People that say souls games are hard are literal retards. I rimmed those games asses with my tongue and even asked for seconds!
Dark Souls is the game i have the most fun playing, once you get the hand of the game, it's a rollercoaster of joy and happiness, my first playthough of dark souls 1 made me ragequit becouse i got scared of Owsvald of Carim and accidently killed him, sadly i didn't know anywhere else to buy purging stones so i deleted the savegame and made a new character.
You don't sound like you like video games very much.
Literally best 50 hours in gaming this year( except the witcher 3).
First playthrough. What should I invest in? Considering dex so I can see if the Balder Side Sword is worth it. Am I correct to only invest in STR/DEX/END if I don't want to be a spellcaster?
(started as deprived)
pretty much yeah just dont level STR past 27 because when you wield a weapon with 2 hands you can use almost every weapon in the game
I enjoyed everything but blight town. Playing through the game multiple times leads me to dread blight town and the bed of chaos boss for nothing other than being annoying.
>play Dark Souls for the first time
>after much suffering manage to kill the first black knight by going up the ladder and spamming fire bombs
>drop BKS
>get enough stats to hold it
>steamroll the entire game
Fugg :DDD
Since you basically want to be told how to have fun, I'll tell you OP.
Stop using the shield, or at least relying on it as much, learn to actually dodge, if you MUST use a shield learn how to stat well and become a poise boy so you can just tank hits and trade damage like a maniac.
Find a playstyle that you think is fun, use fun weapons not generic shit and just have fun with it, you're past the beginning slog of the game so fun can start being yours with the right build and mind set.
Well I'd put more in VIT but yeah DEX too.
When you come back with better bait.
Not OP, but I played Bloodborne first so dodging was my instinct from the beginning. I had to actually remind myself I had a shield. Capra demon was where I realized it could actually make a lot of things easier.
Yeah I've been shying away from VIT because I feel like in most games upgrading health is a crutch and always lower priority than upgrading damage or utility. I recognize it may make my life considerably easier though.
Get that vit up, son. 12 is real low.
Then start pumping dex if you want to use the sidesword. Evening up your dex and str will also be good for the more balanced longsword so it's not a huge commitment.
Magic weapon is super useful without investing a ton of int, you can leave that where it is until you get great magic weapon about halfway through the game and then get it up to 15
Also you can wear another 1.4 pounds of gear and still fastroll.
It's an okay game. Half-finished and really overrated, but decent.
Incorrect strategy. You should just pump VIT and END, ignore all other stats and get a Lightning weapon, equip the heaviest armor and enjoy never dying again because it'll be really easy
Read the fucking item descriptions you faggot
Well I definitely needed more HP than that, so hats off if you can do without.
So every DaS after maybe the first you play? And also the first if you aren't a idiot?
DaS1 is the only truly good DaS game and im not including BB/DeS as DaS games before you attack me. DaS2 has some amazing ideas but is ultimately flawed as fuck and DaS3 is a sloppy remix of ideas with slapped on Bloodborne pacing.
DaS1 has the best world despite some shitty later levels and best atmosphere as well as its combat feeling like this almost turn based decision rewarder. Its not hard to make good decisions in it but it feels good when you do.
DaS2/3 lack this feeling to me.
I do enjoy games, but rolling around and waiting is tedious.
tfw did not really enjoy any part of DaS except Painted world, DLC and Tomb of Giantd
I played Bloodborne first, and DS1 second, and they're two of my absolute favorite games of all time. I couldn't get into DS2 at all, in fact I don't think I even made it to a boss before just deciding I wasn't having fun, so I agree with you there. But I'm having a total fucking blast with DS3, personally. I am a little disappointed, and expect to continue to be disappointed, with how much they ripped off DS1, but the gameplay and atmosphere and everything are aces.
After the gargoyle fight.
Everyone was yelling at me for using the dragon sword up until blight town. I've switched to the claymore now, it's pretty versatile and you can do sick spins
Isn't blight town entirely skippable with the right setup?
I don't see how DaS3 gameplay is ace in anyway. It feels like it was a cope out to be like BB without any of the polish. Enemies behave like its meant to be at DaS1/2 speeds and there are no additional mechanics to go with the speed.
I like faster games when it feels right more then slower games but DaS3 feels faster just to be more like BB since it came out right after it and lacks the same depth of combat. There are only a handful of good bosses and playing through the game is super boring now.
I'm still early-ish I think (cathedral/catacombs) and my opinion of it still has plenty of evolving to do. I may end up agreeing with you more than I do now.
Yeah, you can skip it with the master key by going through the Valley of Drakes
>Enemies behave like its meant to be at DaS1/2 speeds and there are no additional mechanics to go with the speed.
I'm not sure I entirely understand this standpoint, as common as it may be.
I'm still playing BB, but the enemies are fucking FAST. And by FAST I mean I find it damn near impossible to dodge through a full combo because your character has too many recovery frames to pull it off, so I'm just using the dodge button as a "Get the fuck out the way, now with added i-frames" button and attacking from a safer position while they still flail around like a bad tempered child.
DS3 is still more or less a rhythm game when it comes to dodging. You learn the attack rhythm, dodge through every hit, and punish with your own attack.
I guess enemies have much shorter openings in DS3 than in DS1, but speed wise it's nowhere near as frantic as BB.
What are you waiting for?
My mom to bring my tendies.
beat it for the first time last month and on my third play through in new game +, trying to get all the demon weapons and spells and rings and shit
I really get sucked into this game and have had many all nighters playing until dawn, although I usually have a big playlist of electronic music to pace me out, I even dream about playing dark souls
If you can't enjoy a good adventure game I feel sorry for you, I bet you don't like Zelda either
Cool story:
I have died just about everywhere at least once in all my time playing DaS1.
Everywhere except the elevator in Sen's Fortress.
First time, I accidentally dodged it but...
One of these days, it's gonna get me. :(
i tried to get into das1 like 3 times already but it feels so fucking laggy and slow with 30 fps
tried das3 and im having fun
>30 fps
i honsetly dont know why i never watch the fps counter i dont really care but it just feels laggy like if it wasnt even fix 30
Just beat das3 for the first time. I used sellsword twinblades because i wanted to do a no shield run and i feel like i cheated cause hitting 500 damage a hit with a fast dex weapon trivialized everything
You have DSfix, right?
tried but it was buggy. it either crashed or made the game appear in super small
No, Undead Burg is fine.
Once you start glitching for infinite souls.
Same. I even liked Blighttown and most of Izalith (except all the bosses there).
Yeah that happened to me too. Playing it through again just using my starting weapon this time.
Someone tell me, can you mess up stats in DS ? or can you just grind and fix your shitty decisions ? I'm stuck at the gargoyles, I think I don't have enough VIT.
turn off ingame anti-aliasing, that caused those problems for me
>somebody else who enkoyed Izalith
I loved that place, it felt like a lost Lovecraftian city and the lack of bonfires made it feel insanely threatening. DS3 did have way too many Bonfires for its own good at times.
get one of the katanas or something
get that vit to 30 nigga
You can grind, enemies respawn infinitely in DS1 and DS3; stats have a hard and a soft cap though (I think soft cap for most is 30) so there comes a point where it's not worth it for most players. If your vit is really low than yeah you can definitely grind a bit.
>kill 5 of those fuckers or more first playthru
>no one drops anything useful
turn off AA and put the game in windowed if I remember correct, it's good to google shit my dear friend
much funner to play when you can make mistakes
All the Souls games are only any fun if you actually play through them on your own.
If you just get someone to tell you where the best weapons and shit are and what levels to take then you're not going to be challenged by the game and not get much out of it in the long run.
There aren't any walls in the game that you can't beat just by learning the patterns and playing well, and doing that will be a lot more satisfying for you than just steamrolling all the content because someone told you to go get the black knight halberd or some shit.
Okay, that's actually a good argument, it's hard to be brave when I die in 1 to 2 hits from anything. Fighting Havel was literally just dodging and backstabbing because he would 1-shot me otherwise.
I'm playing Dragon's Dogma, at Bitterblack Isle at lvl 60 and how do I beat the dark bishop with the cursed dragon, my pawns are just running in circles with their thumbs up their asses even though I told my main pawn to be scathing and she's a sorcerer with ridiculously powerful offensive spells. I even took away her support spells so she'd stop enchanting me with fire against fire enemies
These fucking pawns, man
fuck that's wise, I've been replaying the game and been on edge too much
It's great, but you won't necessarily realize this the first time you go through it given how restrictive the game seems at the point.
yeah, i'd rather have vit than have to rely on heavy armor or something
>level 38
How far are you? You better not be OP.
Not OP. I got to the entrance to Blighttown and I just cleared out Darkroot Garden/Basin, killed Butterfly, Hydra and Havel. Those ghost bandits were worse than anything else but gave me a ton of souls. Going to do Blighttown now.
Who is the hardest boss, and why is it Pinwheel?
I still find it funny how they clearly intended you to fight him right after the Butterfly, but no one ever does. On top of that, they figured they'd give you the strongest npc in the game to help you out.
When are you supposed to fight the butterfly?
>I still find it funny how they clearly intended you to fight him right after the Butterfly, but no one ever does.
I did. He's still the easiest boss in the game by far. No matter what, the skeletons leading up to him are way harder.
>tfw demolishing the dancer in less than a minute with dark flame or whatever it's called
You seriously spam that and you've fingered her to death. Like god damn I was exhilarated when I did that the other day.
>always overlevelled in DS1 because there's nothing better to spend souls on
>always relied on a shield because shitter
>start a new character and decide to do none of these things
>beat Capra with a Bandit Knife and no shield straight after Taurus
>beat Sif at SL32 and no shield when I'm usually at least double that
>parrying fucking everything like a champ when I've just never been able to get the hang of it before
I got gud and it feels fucking great.
I hope you're going through the Depths entrance, instead of being some chode who took the key as their first starting item.
Best of luck to you. Just remember, poison is nothing to worry about. Toxic is.
I picked the ring, I'm going in through the Depths. I've been wearing the black leather set for the majority of the game since I can't fast roll with the elite knight, so hopefully that will make it less miserable.
if you don't like it by now
just turn it off
you'll find a couple more sets of light armor while you're in there.
When you find the secret entrance to ash lake in the swamp and descend it, but do it before getting the lordvessel.
Never again.
I hope you can silence things, bud.
What the fuck minotaur boss are you talking about? I played through this game 3 times and nothing resembles a minotaur. Is that dlc or some shit?
>exhilarated over cheesing like a faggot
This is not the game series for you. Stop forcing yourself through it.
Yeah what the other guys are saying, turn off AA in the ingame options, it'll work without issues.
>You don't get into Dark Souls to have fun. You get into Dark Souls so you can act like le internet hardass.
Oh god. How many other games is this true of? I used to wonder about the same for MGS peace walker. After being a long time fan of the series and getting to play the likes of MGS2 and 3 and i could not believe what i was bejng presented with in PW...
But i came to Sup Forums to find anons unironically telling me that this stat management MGS had the "best gameplay hands down" in the entire series. That they had dumped 300+ hours into it alone and wish there was more...
I don't want to be like a lot of Sup Forums
The same happened to me, I had to lose two incomplete playthroughs to finally do my third and properly successful one on DS3, and I've still never gotten past the Duke's Archives on DS1. What the heck is that about?
when should i go to demons ruins
i just beat blight town and went down there, took the clothes, and then discharge discharged at me and there wasnt much i could do so figured id come back later
The game will give you a big clue (a real clue, not a Dark Souls clue) when to go there.
Yeah as says, you'll know when to return. Suggest you leave it be for time being.
I would also suggest you look around in the blighttown area, it's pretty large and you may have missed some things.