did Sup Forums enjoy dying light?
Did Sup Forums enjoy dying light?
I enjoyed everything of it but the story and the last fight was complete garbage
co-op is enjoyable, combat is pretty good, characters and story are pretty boring
I liked just about everything except the main story
I had far more fun just running around opening safehouses and picking up drops
night drops were awesome
>QTE last boss
Game is boring as fuck. All those interesting perks but you actually don't need anything.
other than the final '''''''''''''''''''boss'''''''''''''''''''
it's literally one of the best zombie games i have ever played, and is literally ultra comfy and fun
The game was great in co-op and I sank in 81 hours total into it.
The DLC was a bit of a disappointment, especially the final boss, but overall a very positive experience.
Story and bosses are the least fun experience I ever had playing videogames, it is absolute terrible. but the gameplay is pretty good.
Didn't like the world you're put in. Looks really ugly and boring imo. Running around with a bud is pretty fun tho had a good time
gameplay is very fun
Ryze was a lame fucking villain and the overall plot was pretty lame
Aside from the fact I couldn't use the assault rifle I was specifically saving up for 'oh shit' moments in most 'oh shit moments,' It was alright. Hated how the most of the museum stuff could have been averted if Crane had just shot the bad guy right then and there.
Single player and paying attention to story? 5/10
Co-op and skipping all the cutscenes? 8/10
I still do. The story is still meh, even more so after running through it so many times but RCS as Crane is still great. The parkour, driving and occasional combat is all I really enjoy.
>Great combat once you get the hang of it.
>Responsive parkour mobility
>Pretty good graphics
>Let's you turn off "stylistic" shit like Chromatic Abberation.
>Great PC port
>Fun to fuck around in with coop and vs.
>Custom maps
>Enemies scale, but the scaling isn't absurd.
>Nightmare difficulty is great.
>The Following is amazing and feels like a real expansion, not some shitting 2 hour DLC.
>Shitty cliche story.
>Forgetful characters.
>Shitty boss fights in the main game that consist of you losing all your weapons and the game giving you some shit Machete.
>One of the worst final bosses in recent memory.
Anything that isn't exclusive is shit on Sup Forums, didn't you know?
It was one of the most memorable games of 2015 for me.
i loved it until the expansion's ending
I enjoyed the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the gameplay, some of the NPCs, but man, the story was just too fucking retarded.
Even worse than the main story.
I have no idea how they managed that.
You know those are just shitposters, don't be a retard.
it was pretty good
it's the only game i've seen that has serviceable weapon durability mechanics
It's dead island. Except you know how dead island had this weird appeal that made you play way too long despite it having like zero gameplay and being a piece of boring shit? Imagine if if they had fucking ACE gameplay and totally nailed everything they tried to do except write a story but whatever, it's serviceable and who gives a shit it's a game about dropkicking zombies off buildings
I sunk like 200 hours into dead island and the whole time thought "man I wish there was something good about this game to justify my addiction". And then Dying Light is just dead island with all of the shit I WANTED from it.